Clean Cities News Digest
Bringing you the latest round-up of
clean transportation news and trends.

Wall Street Journal, September 28, 2014 

A University of Delaware pilot project, in conjunction with NRG Energy Inc., uses software to link a minimum of nine electric vehicles together into a virtual power plant on wheels that can both draw energy from the grid and discharge energy when needed. The operation brings in roughly $110 a month per electric vehicle. 

Bloomberg News, September 28, 2014 

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) will gain a "significant" market share in the transport sector by 2035, according to the International Center for Natural Gas Information. Demand from road transport, such as trucks, will lead the expansion, followed by the use of LNG in ships and trains.


Next City, September 26, 2014 

The Peach State has bested Washington and California as the "market share" leader for electric vehicles as of September 2014. And with Atlanta, the country's number one metro market for the Nissan Leaf (beating out even EV-lovin' San Francisco), something's happening, even if no one's entirely figured out what.

Green Car Reports, September 25, 2014 

During National Drive Electric Week, thousands of people came out to learn about and experience the virtues of the electric car. One of the biggest highlights of the week took place in Apple's hometown of Cupertino, California, where organizers broke the previous Guinness World Record for most electric cars in one place by assembling 507 battery-electric vehicles. 

Grist, September 26, 2014 

Put a laser rifle in your gun rack and get ready to roll some sunshine. Nissan built an electric pickup! Engineers at Nissan sawed the back half off a Leaf electric car and bolted the bed from a Frontier pickup in its place to create a one-of-a-kind shop car. 

Biomass Magazine, September 25, 2014 

Manufacturing biofuels from food crop by-products such as straw could be made quicker and cheaper thanks to the work of scientists in the U.K. and France. The discovery could help ease pressure on global food security as biofuels from non-food crops become easier and cheaper to make.

California and Gov. Brown Taking Lead on Electric Vehicles

Bloomberg, September 24, 2014 

California governor Jerry Brown is seeking to lead the global fight against climate change by having 1.5 million electric cars on the state's roads by 2025. New laws will add 15,000 permits for clean-air vehicles to use car-pool lanes and give rebates to low-income residents to buy cleaner automobiles. 

September 30, 2014
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1904 Third Ave, Suite 105
Seattle, WA 98101