Clean Cities News Digest
Bringing you the latest round-up of
clean transportation news and trends.
Puget Sound Business Journal, September 8, 2014
Efforts to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport are paying off: The region's largest airport was the first in North America to win a carbon emissions award.

Vox, September 4, 2014 
In August 2014, the average mileage of all new cars, light trucks, and SUVs sold in the United States was 25.8 miles per gallon. That's fully 5.7 mpg above the level in October 2007. Here are five key reasons why.

Grist, September 4, 2014  

After a flashy five-way race between Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, and Texas, it's official: the most hyped electric battery factory in the history of electric battery factories, will be built in Nevada.  


Hybrid Cars, September 3, 2014 
Nissan's Leaf has again nudged the electric car's all-time best monthly sales, with 3,186 cars sold in August. Sales are up 34.1 percent over the same period in 2013, making it the second month in a row above the 3,000 unit threshold. 

Hydrogen Highway Inches Closer
U-T San Diego, August 29, 2014

California is inching tantalizingly closer to the birth of a new automotive industry based on hydrogen. Fuel cell vehicles - electric cars that run on hydrogen - will be popping up this year and next near new clusters of fueling stations in and around San Francisco, Los Angeles and Orange County.


In CA, Renters Can Now Install Electric-Car Charging Stations
Green Car Reports, August 29, 2014 
For people who don't own a home in which to install a charging station, electric-car ownership can be a problem. California has now made life a little easier for plug-in electric-car drivers who rent apartments, condos, and homes.

DriveGreen Biogas To Waste Management
Fleets & Fuels, August 26, 2014 
Waste Management will receive the equivalent of 25,000 gallons of renewable natural gas via its arrangement with DriveGreen and U.S. Energy Services. "Renewable natural gas is among the cleanest transportation fuels available on the market today," U.S. Energy Services strategic initiative VP Casey Whelan said.

U.S. EPA Sends 2014 Biofuel Targets To White House

Reuters, August 22, 2014 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday sent its final targets for 2014 biofuel use to the White House as the long-delayed rule enters its last round of review before public release.

Climate Solutions, August 11, 2014 

Electric utilities must get into the EV infrastructure game much more aggressively if cities in the region (and country) are to substantially decrease transportation emissions. 

September 9, 2014
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1904 Third Ave, Suite 105
Seattle, WA 98101