May 2013

Greetings! May is such a cool month. Flowers are blooming. Kids are outside playing and having fun. Moms everywhere were remembered with a special deed or prayer. May is National Hamburger Month (Remember to Cook Your Meat) May is National BBQ Month (a Sales Kitchen favorite) May 31 is Memorial Day (BBQ some Burgers!) Another Great Day In America! Thank you to our veterans and active military personnel for the gift of freedom. We are grateful for your sacrifice allowing us to battle with growing our businesses. To our friends, colleagues, competitors and customers, attack the week with determination and discipline, knowing each accomplishment gets you closer to your goals. Attack each day as if it's the last work day before vacation. You will focus on high payoff activities. You will have a great day. Nice. Repeat: Happy Memorial Day! Those neighborhood back yard BBQs with burgers and bacon are a great place to network! (Be sure to check out the below article on why we network.) 'Til next time, set your objectives, hustle and give your professional best. Respectfully, Mike Cooper Head Chef & VP of Sales - Sales Kitchen
Sales Kitchen cooks up fresh selling solutions to Heat Up Your Sales™. Ideal Leads are businesses and leaders desiring new customers and wanting to sell more stuff to current customers. Click here to view our Elevator Speech. Good results begin with attitude. Make a choice to be positive and enthusiastic. |
Why Do We Network?
To meet our next customer. To meet our next boss. To meet our next soul mate. To get a free meal.
Looking around the room at a recent networking event, I realized everybody was selling something. There were no buyers. Seventy five sales reps all dressed up with no one to sell to; but they sold anyway.
I'm a full service financial planner and I can make you money. I'm a full service painter and I can freshen up your home and office. Listen to the painter. He's been in business for 19 years and might know two or three contacts you should meet? And, oh by the way, you might need a painter someday.
Why do we network?
Listen to the person in your face. Think of how you can help them. Invite them to coffee to explore ways to help each other. This just might be the start of a lifelong friendship and a successful business partnership.
We network because it's not who you know, it's who knows you.
They will soon be talking to someone closely resembling your ideal client.
Venues For Effective Networking 
- Coffee Networking
- Chamber of Commerce
- Networking Club
- Trade Shows → →
- Health Club
- Outdoors
- Volunteer
- Pub or Saddle up Saloon
- A Civic Organization
- Park District or Traveling Sports
Click here to read entire article (26 words of 401).
Sales Kitchen provides selling solutions for businesses and individuals to improve results including increased productivity and increased profits.. We support your firm's sales function from goal setting to sales planning to measuring great results to achieving goals.
With our most popular package, you'll get a thorough sales history analysis, two year sales plan, quarterly goals, weekly action steps focusing on high payoff activities and amazing results.
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