Measure Your Results: if you measure it, you can manage it.
Before April 12, schedule a meeting with your team (or with yourself) and answer the following questions. You will put yourself in a position to ensure 2013 is not just a good year, but a great year.
What is your Q1 Actual Revenue?
What is your Q1 Revenue Goal?
What was your 2012 Q1 Actual Revenue?
What % is your actual revenue to goal? Are you on target?
What % is your 2013 Q1 actual revenue to 2012 Q1 actual revenue? Are you growing?
What did we do that did not work? Discontinue those activities.
What did we do that worked? Spend more time on those activities.
What are your top five products or services (your most popular items)?
Are they your most profitable items?
Should you consider discontinuing any items?
Rank your customers. Who are your top 10? How often do you contact them?
How many net new customers did you obtain?
What is your customer retention?
Sales Team
Do you have sales training programs to help your sales team succeed?
What other tools do they need to be more successful?
Your Q2 sales strategy must include growth opportunities:
Do you have a system for identifying qualified leads?
Do your customers know your top five best selling programs? Fix-the-mix.
Do your customers know all your programs? Up-sell.