Seattle Girls' Choir Chorus Lines 

September 2014
In This Issue
Performance Schedule
Parent Potlucks
Do you Have a Camera?
Notes from Jake
Uniform Fittings
Camp News
Board of Directors News
2014-15 Schedule
Our choir's performance schedules are filling fast with a wide variety of shows. Here are some fall highlights for you to mark on your calendar.
  • 12/2 Prime Voci performs at the Seattle Symphony's private luncheon for donors
  • 12/6 Carmina Angelorum: Songs for Treble Voice & Harp (Cantamus & Prime Voci sing)
  • 12/6 Vivissimi performs for the residents at Merrill Gardens
  • 12/6 Allegra will perform, keep your eyes on our concert page to see where, it will be exciting!
  • 12/7 Dolcine will perform for Trinity Lutheran Church as a thank you for them lending us their space for auditions every year
  • 12/13 "A Gift of Song" will include all 5 of our choirs singing their holiday favorites
  • 12/14 Carmina Angelorum: Songs for Treble Voice & Harp (Cantamus & Prime Voci sing)
  • 12/23 Prime Voci performs on the Argosy Christmas Ships
Keep watch at our website's concert page to learn the latest. For those concerts requiring tickets, they will go on sale in November. Bring your friends to enjoy great choral music. We'll see you there!
-Barbara, SGC Concert Manager
Parent Potlucks

Each fall SGC Board members open their homes for choir parents to come together. It's a great opportunity to meet choir conductors, accompanists and SGC staff and to find out how to become involved in the SGC community!

New White Boards
Everyone is excited to have new white boards at the Choir Center. They are ready for musical learning!
DSLR Camera?
Video or Editing Expertise? 

SGC has be capturing footage to put together a few marketing videos over the next several months. Choir parent and SGC Board member, Nathaniel Papadakis coordinated the initial effort at our Spring Concert. If you have video gear you'd be willing to loan us, or if you'd like to assist with shooting video, we'd love to talk to you!

Please email Nathaniel  with resource ideas or skills to share.

Notes from Jake

Summer News
In July Prime Voci took part in the International Choral Kathaumixw, a
festival and competition held in Powell River, British Columbia every two years. We heard some amazing and inspiring choirs from all around the world, particularly from Eastern Europe. The Slovenian and Russian choirs were especially noteworthy. Prime Voci competed in three different categories (Youth Choir, Contemporary Choral Music, and Chamber), and took home a first place trophy for the Chamber competition! All in all, it was a fantastic experience, and certainly something we'll do again in the future!

Welcome Piccolini Families!
 This year marks the start of a brand new choir level, Piccolini ("little little ones"). This unauditioned group of Kindergartners and 1st graders meets on Tuesdays at the same time as Dolcine. We're delighted to have a full class led by Catherine Freeburg and accompanied by Edelmar Obenza. In December they will put on a recital for their parents, and then join the rest of SGC in Town Hall for the Spring concert in June.

Together in Song
On March 15, 2015, Prime Voci and Cantamus will be joining forces with the top two levels of the Northwest Girlchoir to present the first ever collaboration between these two great Seattle institutions. This special concert is not to be missed, so watch out for more details!

Allegra to Sing Bernstein's Mass
Also in March, Allegra will be singing in Seattle First Baptist's presentation of selections from Leonard Bernstein's Mass, a monumental work for adult and children's choirs, orchestra, and rock band! This performance will be part of Seattle First Baptist's continuing Concerts for Social Justice series.

-Jacob Winkler, SGC Artistic Director
Uniform Fittings! 

Over the next few months every SGC chorister will be fitted for her uniform. The Prime Voci young laides have two gowns to be fitted. That means over 170 hems will be hand sewn in place! Thanks to the Moms, Dads, Grandparents and volunteers who help make our girls ready for the stage!


Camp News !

As you can see in the photo at the top of this newsletter, it was all about Hakuna Matata when the Seattle Girls Choir descended upon Camp Casey in August!  The girls worked hard during the day and played joyfully at night.  Yet another SGC Camp is in the history books, complete with Captain Hooks, Maleficents, and every kind of Princess you can imagine!  There were even Seven very funny Dwarves!   And you can believe us when we say; you haven't lived until you've watched Beauty and the Beast with 71 girls!  We hope your Allegra, Cantamus and Prime Voci choristers are looking forward to NEXT SUMMER! 


2015 Choir Camp is scheduled for early August and we will be returning to Ft. Flagler.


-- Deedee Gunning, Cantamus Mom & Camp Coordinator

SGC Board of Directors Corner
With three new members, Paula Bariquit (Prime Voci mom), Deedee Gunning (Cantamus mom) and Bruce Megard (Allegra dad), the SGC Board of Directors is off to a busy start this season as well! Earlier this month the board spent a Saturday taking a fresh look at some BOD best practices and fundamentals to get refocused for the new season. In addition, they defined committees that they will be forming in order to meet core goals of the organization.Please watch for news about how you can participate in getting these committees up and engaged within our choir community!


One of the committees is actively working on setting up fall Parent Potlucks for each of the choir levels.  So please watch your email for specific invitations.  These are an excellent way to meet faculty and get to know the other parents in your daughter's choir level.


On October 12th the board will be conducting their Annual Meeting as per our bylaws.


A big **thank you** to the commitment of the BOD to the health and growth of the choir.

Follow Us on Facebook

Have you taken time to view the SGC Facebook page lately? Cantamus parent volunteer and Marketing Committee member, Laura McMahon has spiced up our page with interesting tidbits about SGC and singing in general. Thanks Laura!


Join the fun by tagging Seattle Girls' Choir on your own Facebook page when you post photos of your daughters singing.


Remember to Like our Facebook page.

Allegra, Cantamus, & Prime Voci sang with piano phenom, Ethan Bortnick and his guest "Glee" star Damian McGinty at Seattle's Neptune Theatre!  (June 26, 2014)  for KBTC Public Television
SGC Alumnae News
Facebook Group & SGC Website Page

Are you a graduate of Seattle Girls' Choir? 

Did you know SGC Alumnae have a Facebook Group?

Did you know the SGC website has an Alumnae page?

Find out what your former Choir Sisters are up to these days !

Want to get involved? Email us and we'll get you started!