Thank you for your interest in Morris County! -- Freeholder Director Kathy DeFillippo

Morris County Gets $1.4 Million in State "Clean Communities Program'' Grants -- All 39 Towns Share in the Funding  
Program goal is to cleanup litter to help beautify New Jersey's communities and roadsides. 
"Click It or Ticket''Seat Belt Enforcement and Education Campaign Starts Monday in Morris County -- Including County Parks

Back seat passengers should buckle up.
Morris Freeholders to Meet in Pequannock on Wednesday, May 25, at Town Hall

Residents encouraged to raise issues, ask questions at 7 p.m. meeting.

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month in Morris County -- Residents Urged to be Supportive of Persons Dealing with Mental Illness 

Fight the stigma of mental illness. 

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Morris County Prosecutor's Office in Midst of Re-Accreditation Process -- Seeking Three-Year Renewal 

Public can call Monday morning - 973-285-6272 - or submit written comments about Prosecutor's operation.

Dover Student Wins Annual CCM "Peace Prize'' for Video on Impacts of 9/11 Attacks

Mirella Quintana promotes peace and understanding.

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Morris Prosecutor Holds Second Clergy Outreach Session -- This Time Focused on Domestic Violence

Urges clergy to be on "front line'' in this battle.

Spring-Summer Exhibit Opens Friday at Morris County's Atrium Gallery -- Features 200 works by 85 Artists
Public invited for Friday 6:30 p.m. opening.

Jamie Oliver's "Food Revolution Day'' THIS Saturday, May 21, at Fosterfield Living Historical Farm in Morris Twp.

Note:Jamie Olive will NOT be at this event. But his positive influence on eating habits will be in full view
Animal Experience
Morris Park Commission: 
Don Quixote
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