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Morris County, NJMay 2, 2014

Hello, and welcome to the latest edition of "Morris County Connections," our e-newsletter that delivers news about your county government straight to your "inbox."


If you have any comments about this feature or any county government issue, please e-mail them to public information officer Joe Garifo.


Thomas J. Mastrangelo
Freeholder Director

Morris Conducts Successful Hurricane Preparedness Exercise

The day-long exercise involved preparing and responding to a fictitious category 4 hurricane.  read more   


Zufall Health, Morris Launch Affordable Dental Program for Veterans

The program targets veterans who are not eligible for service-related dental benefits.  read more

Morris Pothole Repair Campaign Gets Boost

Three new Hot Boxes have arrived and immediately been put to use.  read more
Morris Looking for Poll Workers for 2014 Elections
Poll workers needed for June primary and November general elections.  read more 
In This Issue
Hurricane Exercise
Dental Program for Veterans
Hot Boxes are Here
Poll Workers Needed
Press Releases


Freeholders Adopt Budget with Zero Percent Tax Increase