For Immediate Release
Elizabeth Murphy
Communications Manager
League of American Bicyclists

Innovators Use Bicycling to Build Better Businesses

Fortune 100 companies, including Target Corp., and tech leaders are setting an example across the country

Washington, D.C. - April 22, 2014 -- Top business innovators, ranging from retail to tech, have invested in bicycling as a way to boost morale, increase energy efficiency and encourage healthy living -- and they're reaping the benefits of being a Bicycle Friendly Business.


Today, the League of American Bicyclists announced 80 new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Businesses (BFB) in 29 states and Washington, D.C. These new awardees join a trendsetting group of almost 700 local businesses, government agencies and Fortune 500 companies in 46 states and D.C. that are transforming the American workplace.


Click here for the full list of BFB awardees. 


 "Visionary business leaders are recognizing the real-time and long term impact that a culture of bicycling can create," said Andy Clarke, President of the League of American Bicyclists. "We applaud this new round of businesses for investing in a more sustainable future for the country and a healthier future for their employees."


Bicycle Friendly Businesses encourage a more bicycle-friendly atmosphere for employees and customers alike. BFBs attract and retain energized, alert and productive employees, while decreasing healthcare costs.


This round, Target Corp. became the first Fortune 100 company to receive the Platinum-level award. The 375,000-employee company, with 10,000 workers at its Minneapolis, Minn., headquarters, has invested an impressive amount into becoming bike friendly. Target has developed incentives to ride through its ZAP program, offers free Nice Ride bikeshare memberships, is home to top-notch bike facilities, offers free onsite bike repairs, monthly safe riding and maintenance classes, employs a full-time bicycle coordinator, and more!


"The health and well-being of our team members is a top priority for Target, and we're committed to offering the tools and resources they need to reach their well-being goals," said David Marquis, senior director, Corporate Real Estate, Target. "Target is proud to be a Bicycle Friendly Business, providing bike facilities and commuting incentives that empower our team members to choose active and sustainable practices."


Leading the charge among tech companies is Facebook, which moved up this round by receiving a Platinum-level award, only one of about a dozen businesses to hold that designation.


"We're very excited and honored to be awarded Platinum by the League of American Bicyclists," said Jessica Herrera, Facebook's Transportation Program Manager. "Our bike program exemplifies our ongoing commitment to providing sustainable transportation alternatives to our employees. Bikes are an integral part of our culture - so much so, our campus resembles Amsterdam with bikes throughout!"


She continued: "Our full-service Transit & Bike Hub provides same-day bike repairs, safe cycling and bike maintenance classes, guided commute rides and bike events. We have a large fleet of campus bikes, intern and loaner bikes, as well as bikes for fitness and recreational rides. And to help make cycling accessible for everyone, we're working with our local communities to improve the bike infrastructure. Helping more people choose to ride a bike is an important part of our transportation mission. We thank the League for this recognition and hope that it helps more businesses and communities develop strong bike programs." 


Also working to transform its large campus, 3M set a goal of becoming a Bicycle Friendly Business  after its strong showing in the 2013 National Bike Challenge. The company, with 10,000 employees working at its St. Paul, Minn., headquarters, received the Bronze-level award today.


"As a 3M employee and an avid cyclist,  I am proud that 3M has been recognized by the League as a Bicycle Friendly Business," said Peter Grasse 3M Laboratory Manager, Recruiting and Leadership Development. "This recognition builds on the momentum we have achieved engaging employees in sustainable actions at work and at home."  


LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network, promotes the fun of bicycling by hosting guided theme rides (i.e. Gobble Wobble around Thanksgiving, Winter Wonderland in January) for employees, who have free access to a corporate bike fleet of about 200. The company is planning to replace and enlarge the bike fleet, which employees can use between campuses in Sunnyvale and Mountain View, Calif., later this year.


"We are honored to be named a Gold-level Bicycle Friendly Business," said Michael Alba, LinkedIn's Global Transportation Program Manager. "We know there are many benefits to bicycling for our LinkedIn employees and for the communities we are a part of. By strongly encouraging and supporting the use of bicycles for commuting, we are making a positive impact on the environment and the health and wellbeing of LinkedIn employees." 


Groupon, based in Chicago, Ill., prides itself on encouraging riders to commute to work on bike year-round. 


"At Groupon, we're proud of our active cycling community and work to support this alternative method of transportation among our employees," said Jason Child, chief financial officer and executive sponsor of Groupon's Green Committee. "Groupon has always been among the top participants in Chicago's Bike Commuter Challenge, but Groupon cyclists are a dedicated group all year round. We're honored to be recognized as a Bronze-Level Bicycle Friendly Business and hope to continue to grow our Groupon biking community." 


To apply or learn more about the free BFB program, visit the League online at




About the Bicycle Friendly America Program: The Bicycle Friendly America program provides incentives, hands-on assistance and award recognition for communities, universities and businesses that actively support bicycling, and ranks states annually based on their level of bike-friendliness. These programs are generously supported by Trek Bicycle. Learn more.   


About the League: The League of American Bicyclists is leading the movement to create a Bicycle Friendly America for everyone. As leaders, our commitment is to listen and learn, define standards and share best practices to engage diverse communities and build a powerful, unified voice for change. For more information or to support the League, visit

New Spring 2014 Awardees:

Target Corp.
Bicycle Indiana, Inc.
City of Santa Monica
Gator Cycle
Hopworks Urban Brewery
LinkedIn Corp.
Sacramento Area Bicycle 
Wheat Ridge Cyclery
Areal Restaurant
Borealis Bikes
Continental Ski and Bike
Crossroads School for Arts 
     and Sciences
Damon Farber Associates
Delaware Department of 
Duluth Area Family YMCA
Health District of 
     Northern Larimer 
Catalyst Communication
Lexmark International, 
OTB at North Park 
Pennsylvania Department of 
     Environmental Protection
Red Hat
Red Hen Baking Co.
REI Greenville
River Trail Cycles
Scott's Bicycle Centre
Spokes Etc. Bicycles
Twin Ports Cyclery
West Central Initiative

ACT, Inc.
Allegheny County Medical 
     Examiner's Office 
Arkansas Foundation for 
     Medical Care
Barr Engineering Co.
Carson City Health and 
     Human Services
City of Boise
City of Richmond
Dow AgroSciences
Duluth Coffee Company
evolve environment::      
FHWA - Western Federal 
     Lands Highway Division
Fox Music House
Golden Triangle Bike Rental
Huntington Beach Chamber 
     of Commerce
Infirmary Health
Inman Insurance LLC
IU Ball Memorial Hospital
Little Falls Convention and       Visitors Bureau
Madison Metropolitan 
     Sewerage District
Mutual of Omaha Insurance 
Oakland Planning and    
     Development Corporation
Pennsylvania Brewing Co.
Rockford Construction
Ski Hut East
Ski Hut West
SMC Corp. of America
Lancaster Chamber of 
     Commerce & Industry
Thrivent Financial for  
Weber Advertising & 