SPCC 2016 Technical Program Announced
SPCC Technical Program Posted 

The SPCC technical committee is finalizing the details for the technical program, but the preliminary program is posted. The final program will be posted March 1.
For questions about the technical program, email Joel Barnett.
SPCC 2016 Registration is Now Open

Registration for SPCC 2016 is open. Register before March 25 and save $100.
Register Now! 

Make Your Hotel Reservation 

Conference Details
Location: Biltmore Hotel in San Jose
Dates: Tuesday and Wednesday, April 19th and 20th, 2016
Website: SPCC2016.com 

SPCC 2016 Needs Your Support!

We look forward to continuing to advance surface preparation and cleaning technologies around the world. Become a sponsor to help support this vital conference.

To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, visit the SPCC website or call Mark Thirsk at 617-273-8831.
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