March 2014
The Electronic Materials Report  
CMP Abrasives Now Available, Econometric Forecast
CMP Specialty Abrasives NOW AVAILABLE
As the industry changes, the introduction of Novel transistor structures such as FinFETs are are enabling many new CMP process steps with unique slurry requirements for selectivities, purity levels and defectivity. Traditional CMP steps such as copper and barrier are also changing, in materials planararized as well as process requirements.

These new requirements, along with the trend towards lower abrasives content and emphasis on the chemo component of CMP instead of mechanical aspects, are reshaping the abrasives industry. This new report allows companies to understand the impact of the change and plan for it.

CMP Specialty Abrasives analyzes emerging CMP processes and materials with emphasis on the trends for abrasives. Additionally, we forecast abrasive demand using the Linx Materials Models, assess key suppliers, and detail potential business opportunities.


The third edition of CMP Specialty Abrasives, 2014 has identified and focused on growth drivers for CMP abrasives and forecast consumables demand to 2018, as shown below:

Growth Drivers for CMP Abrasives Market  


After several years of relatively little growth on a dollar basis, the CMP slurry and pad market is expected to resume growing. Growth will be driven by favorable economic conditions conducive to strong MSI growth in 2014 and 2015, in addition to the positive impact of new CMP applications in both planar and multi-gate structures. Developing applications include:  

  • Poly CMP
  • ILD 0
  • Gate Open CMP
  • Metal Gate CMP
  • Self aligned contacts
  • W Plug M0
  • Ge and III-V CMP
  • Novel MG CMP
  • W Plug M0
  • Novel contact CMP

For more information about CMP Specialty Abrasives, call Mike Corbett at 973-698-2331 or email us to learn more.

1Q 2014 Econometric Semiconductor Forecast NOW AVAILABLE
Linx Econometric Forecast Begins 2nd Year

The first quarterly econometric forecast of 2014 predicts global real GDP to increase 3% in 2014, boosting silicon demand, according to the latest Econometric Semiconductor Forecast

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The Q1 2014 Econometric Semiconductor Forecast indicates the long adjustment to the financial crisis is nearly over. Economic policies have stabilized in the US, Europe and Japan, reducing uncertainty and increasing semiconductor demand, accelerating semiconductor area of silicon processed (million square inches, or MSI) year-over-year growth through 2014.  


As The Economic Semiconductor Forecast enters its second year, its proving to be extremely accurate, with an average error of 1.9% for forecasts one quarter out. The ESF was released in January 2013, and the following table shows the percent error between the model and the cumulative MSI over the quarterly horizons now available:



Cumulative Error on all LEVELS

1 Quarter Ahead

2 Quarters Ahead

3 Quarters Ahead

4 Quarters Ahead

5 Quarters Ahead

Average % Error






For more information or to subscribe to the Econometric Semiconductor Forecast, call Mike Corbett at 973-698-2331 or email him.
Upcoming Linx Reports

Strategic Cost Model update - Linx is working with IC Knowledge to update our Strategic Cost Model - Materials Edition. Based on the ITRS, the Strategic Cost Model projects costs, equipment and materials requirements for various device categories. The model details wafer costs, equipment set details and key consumables for a selected type of fab with a specific wafer start capacity in a given region for the next 15 years. The latest revision will include complete models and process flows for all Intel, Samsung, TSMC and Global Foundries fabs.   


Emerging Applications in CMP: TSV and Thinning - TSV offers the potential to reduce device footprint and increase functionality. In Emerging Applications in CMP: TSV and Thinning, we present the key drivers for TSV and survey the different approaches to the technology. The relevant CMP consumables and major market participants, as well as potential business opportunities are described.
Strategic Forecast of the Semiconductor Industry - This report is a strategic review of what the next fifteen years holds for the Semiconductor industry.
  • Market forecast - How changes in the electronics market are driving changes in the semiconductor market.
  • Technology changes - Continued scaling is driving the need for new logic transistors and memory types. The success of different technologies is also affected by market forces. What will these technology changes be?
  • Equipment - The impact of market and technology changes on the equipment market. 
  • Materials - The impact of market and technology changes on the materials market.
  • Cost and Economics - How will market and technology changes affect the cost structure of semiconductor materials and products?
  • Advanced Cleaning & Surface Preparation: Technologies and Markets - The 5th edition of this essential report on cleaning and surface prep is almost complete. Learn more about Advanced Cleaning and Surface Prep
For more information about the above reports, call Mike Corbett at 973-698-2331 or email us.
Mike Corbett & Mark Thirsk
Linx Consulting
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