New sWIFT Masthead Dec2012

New Members

Christine Gardiner
Liana Humphrey
Leigh Ann Myers
Evan Stratton  
 Member Referrals

Carol Bowen
Debra Foster
Barbara Pooley

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2016-2017 WIF Leadership Slate Announced
By Carolyn Meade

The Board of Directors recently approved the Nominating Committee's recommendations for those women who will lead WIF for the 2016-2017 year.  We will ask members to vote to approve this slate during the Annual Meeting on May 11.  We are particularly excited to confirm Anne Essaye as the 2016-2017 Board Chair, to announce Deborah Majewski as our Incoming Chair and to welcome Mattye Silverman to the Chairmanship of the Board of Advisors.

To see the full list of dynamic and talented women whom we propose to step into leadership roles, please click here.  In addition to the slate for the Board of Directors, you will see the nominations for several additional Incoming Committee Chair roles, our Nominating Committee and our Board of Advisors.  If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me directly at or 704-331-3586.
How WIF's Nominating Process Works
By Carolyn Meade

Women's Impact Fund is pleased to present this year's slate for the leadership of the organization in 2016-2017. We are excited about the future under this strong team.  We also recognize that you, as Members, might wonder just how this list is generated each year.

How does a WIF member become a nominee for a leadership position? 
Each January, WIF sends a survey to all members in which they can nominate themselves or other women within the organization for any one of the 20-25 positions on the Board.  Don't be shy! While the process is competitive, we may not know you are interested and willing to step up if you do not tell us.

We also interview the existing Chairs of each Committee, asking them to identify women who have been active within their committees and who have the skill sets to lead this or another committee.  We ask them to tell us about members who are "rising stars" - women whom we should watch for possible future leadership...READ MORE
Wells Fargo Sponsors Annual Meeting
By Candice Langston

For the fourth year in a row, Wells Fargo will be the Presenting Sponsor for our Annual Meeting, taking place this year on May 11th at Foundation For The  Carolinas. We thought we would share more Wells Fargojpegabout Wells Fargo's investment in the Women's Impact Fund and why the association between Wells Fargo and WIF helps both organizations serve our community.

Wells Fargo
's Foundation makes investments of over $10 million annually in the Greater Charlotte 16-county region. These investments help to fund programs in several focus areas that align with the grant-making efforts of the Women's Impact Fund, including transitional and affordable housing, neighborhood revitalization, education transformation, environmental sustainability and arts education and accessibility.

We are incredibly grateful for the continued support of Wells Fargo for our Annual Meeting," said Mary Gallivan, WIF Board Chair...READ MORE

Thanks: Lise Hain, chair-elect of Charlotte Ballet, just completed an important job: chairing the search committee for the next artistic director of the ballet. Hope Muir was recently named to replace Jean-Pierre Bonnefoux in 2017. Lise also serves on the board of Freedom School Partners.

WIF members, we want to hear from you!  This new feature - WIF Member News - depends totally on you!  Please send us news of a new job, new volunteer leadership role, a new addition to your family, a big move or anything else you'd like to share with your family of WIF friends.  Email:
In-Home Socials:
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

New Member Onboarding Event

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Fran's Filling Station
2410 Park Road
Charlotte, NC 28203
Registration Information

Annual Meeting 
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Foundation For The Carolinas
220 North Tryon
Charlotte, NC 28203
Wine & hors d'oeuvres will be served
Special thanks to our sponsor Wells Fargo

For more information on all upcoming WIF events,
click HERE