New sWIFT Masthead Dec2012

New Members
Leslie Alston
Beth Bowen
Kristina Burke
Heather Cabe
Hillary Crittendon
Kristin Foster
Lindsay Gildea
Mary Herron
Melissa Hovey
Emily Oliver
Gretchen Reynolds
Taryn Sims-Kempson
Neely Verano
Sarah Weishaar
Janine Woods
Member Referral
Addison Ayer
Mary Lou Babb
Paula Broadwell
Madelyn Caple
Nancy Downing
Christy Durbin
Barbara Holt
Amy Jacobs
Susan Jamison
Amy Lovett
Mary Margaret Porter
Mary Sherrill Ware
Liz Winer

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Please take a moment to like the Women's Impact Fund page on Facebook. Invite your friends to "Like" it, too!

If you are on LinkedIn,
please ask to join the

Women's Impact Fund Group
by clicking on the "Join Group" button.   

On December 1, 2015, nonprofit organizations in Charlotte will celebrate the fourth annual Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday was started in 2012 by New York City's 92nd Street Y to officially kick-off the charitable season, when many people make their end-of-year and holiday gifts. It is a day for giving to the community through donations of time, talent, and money, "fueled by the power of social media and collaboration."

For the second year in a row, SHARECharlotte (founded by WIF member Kelly Brooks) is hosting #GivingTuesdayCLT." More than 100 area nonprofit organizations will participate. A matching gift fund of $50,000 has been provided by Knight Foundation, the Reemprise Fund, Foundation For The Carolinas, Bank of America and Google Fiber.

Last year, #GivingTuesdayCLT raised more $377,000, and more than 9,000 volunteer hours were pledged. The 64 participating nonprofits reported 450 new gifts were made.

This year's goal is $2 million to be raised between November 10 and December 1.

To make a gift to participating organizations, visit or donate directly to the organization. You can also send needed goods directly to nonprofits through SHARECharlotte on that website as well.

As a proud supporter of nonprofit organizations in Charlotte, the Women's Impact Fund has lent its name to the list of participating organizations. We hope that our members will be inspired to give back-again!-to the community on Giving Tuesday. Your gift will go even farther if you talk about #GivingTuesdayCLT on social media. Tag #WIF and #GivingTuesdayCLT in your posts, share your pictures, and remember to post about YOUR favorite nonprofit organizations on Giving Tuesday, Dec. 1.
Getting to know Jill Dinwiddie
by Jennie Buckner
When asked to describe herself, Jill Dinwiddie thinks for just a few seconds before she replies: "I am a passionate, dedicated, feminist leader."

An energetic 74 years young, Jill has led a life of leadership in many arenas, from higher education, to government, business, and the nonprofit world. She has served on 14 local boards in various cities; 4 state and 3 multi-state boards; and two national ones. Jill currently is chair of Planned Parenthood, South Atlantic (a four-state affiliate) and on the board of the Women's Impact Fund and the Jamie Kimble Foundation for Courage, which provides education and awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault. She received the Order of the Long Leaf Pine in 1983 from Gov. James Hunt and the Community Hero award from the Charlotte Bobcats in 2012.

Q. Tell us about your experience in WIF. Has it changed you in any way?
A. It's given me a humbling look at many remarkable organizations and people working to improve the quality of life in our community. I've also met some great younger women through WIF, women I probably wouldn't otherwise have known, so WIF has broadened my horizons.

WIF Member News
Ann Allen and son Charlie
A new addition: Ann Allen and husband Peter are delighted to announce that their son, Charlie, arrived on September 21, 2015.
A big move: Susan Patterson plans to retire at the end of the year as Program Director with the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
WIF members, we want to hear from you!  This new feature - WIF Member News - depends totally on you!  Please send us news of a new job, new volunteer leadership role, a new addition to your family, a big move or anything else you'd like to share with your family of WIF friends.  Email:
Remember to complete the Elon Survey!

This week you should have received a member survey as part of a special project we are doing with students from Elon University.  Thanks to all who have responded.  If you haven't yet, here's a friendly reminder with hopes you will take a moment to share your thoughts.

The survey takes only 3-4 minutes to complete.  All responses are completely anonymous.  The more feedback we get, the better positioned the students will be to make thoughtful and informed recommendations.  So please take a moment to click on this link and
complete the survey.  We value your input and we look forward to reporting back with some great results from this partnership.

Please complete the survey no later than this Friday, November 13.  Thank you for your time and we appreciate your willingness to participate and share your thoughts and insights with us.
In-Home Socials
South Park: November 11, 2015

New Member Onboarding
November 18, 2015

Member Monday
Dean & DeLuca (South Park)
December 7, 2015

For more information on upcoming WIF events,
click HERE