New sWIFT Masthead Dec2012

New Members
Janet Preyer Nelson
Member Referral
Marcie Shealy

Special thanks to all our WIF shoppers at the recent Eileen Fisher event!

More than $3,000 was raised for WIF in the special fundraising partnership on September 26th. On that day, Eileen Fisher designated a percentage of all South Park store sales and a portion of online sales during their Fall Celebration Sale to Women's Impact Fund!


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We Did. We Were. We Led!

Whether you planned, volunteered, attended or just heard about the 2015 National Leadership Forum on the Women's Collective Giving Grantmakers Network (WCGN), please stop now and smile. Your Women's Impact Fund hosted a great conference, and we all should be proud of the impressive showing of the conference theme: Doing. Being. Leading.

Dianne Bailey & Sonja Nichols
A quick shout-out to co-chairs, Dianne Bailey and Sonja Nichols.
  You could feel their warmth, energy and leadership throughout the event.

Another round of thanks to the Charlotte Conference committee: Natalie Allen, Judy Allison, Mary Lou Babb, Robin Branstrom, Paula Broadwell, Madelyn Caple, Jill Dinwiddie, Lynne Fairbanks, Toni Freeman, Pearlynn Houck, Mary Gallivan, Leigh Goodwyn, Pam Johnson, Jessica Klasinski, Amy Lovett, Carolyn Meade, Sarah Shifflet, Logan Stewart, Claire Tate, Mary Sherrill Ware, Carla Willis and Jennifer Winstel.

They were joined in planning by the WCGN Board, nine leaders from across the country. Merrill Lynch (Bank of America) and Grant Thornton served as conference sponsors. 130 members of Women's Impact Fund attended, including 80 who volunteered as greeters or speakers, who coordinated press and photography or who served in other capacities. The bright scarves of conference volunteers were everywhere in evidence.

READ MORE (including a comprehensive list of media coverage) 
What WCGN Attendees Had to Say
Angie Brewer
"Our challenges are not unique. Our opportunities are not unique. There is a great network here where we can discover and learn from one another and grow together."
~ Angie Brewer, NC Community Foundation (oversees/works with 9 women's collective giving circles in NC)

"Oh my, leadership - it's all about leadership and inspiring women to do what they do best naturally." ~ Laura Midgley, Washington Women's Foundation in Seattle  

Sharhea Wade
"I love basketball but didn't know Stephen Curry was from Charlotte." (following Pam Johnson's presentation on all things Southern) ~ Sharhea Wade, The Philanthropy Connection, Boston, MA

"Well, that Charlotte hospitality is genuine - and effective.  It elevated all of us so we can go home and carry it back to wherever we go next." ~ Laura Midgley,Washington Women's Foundation in Seattle  
"I can't say it surprised me because I came in with a certain expectation. I knew that it would be an excellent conference. Every one of the sessions I attended was valuable because it added to the work we are doing. Some of it was  a confirmation to say that yes, you're doing the right thing. And then some of them were hmmm, I hadn't thought about that, and I think that's what the conference should be about. Some light bulbs ought to be going off because ... we always have more work to do."
~ Gwendolyn Wesley,
President, Spirit of St. Louis' Women's Fund

"Our group already got together last night and started to share how we could use some of the things we've learned here when we get back home. We are in our 10th year, but we have struggled to try to get to a next level in terms of interesting our members and the ability to give away  more grants. Coming here has helped us gather some ideas and challenge some of those objections and see if we can push the envelope when we get home." ~ Karen Hollis, Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis

What was the best part of the conference for you?
"The best part for me has been connecting with existing Women's Impact Fund members, having that time to get to know them on a deeper level and build relationships with women that I hadn't had a chance to meet yet but by serving together and planning and working together we really had an awesome opportunity to connect." ~ Mary Sherrill Ware, conference volunteer coordinator

To view more pictures from the 2015 WCGN National Leadership Forum, 
by Kim Cobb

Kelly Katterhagen, a member of WIF's Board of Directors, is an accomplished investment banker, wife and mother of three sons. She is the founder of BlackArch Partners and was previously president of IOA Corp. and a director at Bowles Hollowell. After graduating magna cum laude from Colgate with a degree in economics, she went on to earn her MBA at Harvard.  She has volunteered her time and expertise with many non-profit organizations in Charlotte, including Charlotte Repertory Theater, Discovery Place and Charlotte Latin School.

Given the long list of professional accomplishments, it's hard to believe she's always hewed to her top priorities of family, health and exercise.  However, unlike others, Kelly doesn't view stepping off the corporate fast-track as a necessary compromise.  Rather, she credits those very choices as the catalyst for a far more interesting and engaging career.  It is this optimistic outlook on all aspects of life that makes her an invaluable asset to WIF.

October 28, 2015
Member Recruitment Event
"Wine Tasting with the Wine Goddess"
Wine Expert Leslie Franklin
LaCa Gallery
6:00-8:00 pm


Other WIF Happenings:

In-Home Socials
Myers Park: November, 4 2015
South Park: November 11, 2015

New Member Onboarding
November 18, 2015

For more information on upcoming WIF events,
click HERE