Del Mar Community Connections
Del Mar Community Connections is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation  providing resources to age in place....because there's no place like home.
December 2013
Holiday Tea
 Wednesday, December 4
2 to 4 PM
St Peter's Parish Hall
334 14th Street

Piano Music by Lori Ritman
Delicate nibbles and aromatic tea
Barbershop Quartet
Holiday Singing & a visit from Santa!

~ Wear your favorite holiday sweater
~ Please bring a new unwrapped toy or non-perishable food items for Holiday Baskets 2013.
~ If you wish to participate in the cookie exchange, please bring
2 dozen of your favorite cookies to share.
Guest Bartender Night  
 Wednesday, December 11
5 to 8 PM
Sbicca Bistro, 215 15th St.
Calling all dog lovers!
Please join DMCC as we celebrate the holiday season!  Appetizers, raffle prizes and fun!  We will be collecting dog items (leashes, collars, bedding, old toys in good shape) for the dogs at Rancho Coastal Humane Society.  Order the DMCC drink special!
TLC-Too Luncheons  
TLC-Too luncheons enable our older, less active residents to enjoy a nice meal among the fellowship of others.  Our DMCC van provides door-to-door rides for those who need it.  Meals are prepared by local restaurants.  1st and 3rd Tuesdays each month.  Reservations required:  858-792-7565.

Dec 3
:  DM Pizza / Mexico:  Weddings & Whales with Jenelle
Dec 17Smashburger / Dogs & Diving with Carole Lindsey
In This Issue
Out & About
Monday Activities
Tuesday Activities
TLC-Too Lunches
Thursday Activities
Meet Felise Levine
Wednesday Activities
Friday Activities

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Quick Links
Activity Locations 
City Hall Annex - 235 11th St.
- Del Mar Community Building, 225 9th St.
- Del Mar TV Studio, 240 10th St.
Community Center - 1658 Coast Blvd.

St. Peter's
Church - 334 14th St.
Out & About
on the Van  

Encinitas Shopping Trip:  Monday, December 9
9 am - 2 pm
Visit shops like Target, Pier 1, Walmart, Home Depot, Stater Bros, just to name a few.  

Shopping Trip to UTC

Thursday, November 19  

9:30 am - 2 pm

Hit the holiday sales & shop til you drop! Enjoy a bite to eat with the other shoppers before heading home.  We'll carry your packages, too! 


Call 858-792-7565 to reserve your seat.  

Monday Activities
Computer Tutoring for Seniors 
9 - 11:30 am
F.ree! Whether you are new to computing or just want to brush up on your skills, please drop by! Taught by Lucy Zizka. Bring your ipads and iphones as both Mac & PC help are available. DMCB, 225 9th St.

Tai Chi by the Sea - Level 1
9:15-10:15 am
Sessions held at DM Powerhouse. Register by phone: 760-753-7073 or online at Fee.

Tai Chi by the Sea - Level 2
10:30- 11:30 am
Sessions held at DM Powerhouse. Register by phone: 760-753-7073 or online at Fee.
Tuesday Activities
Brain Fitness
T/W/Th - 8:30, 10 and 11:30 am 
40-hour program designed to improve memory, hearing and vision. Funded in part by County Supervisor Pam Slater-Price and The Del Mar Foundation. DMCB Computer Lab, 225 9th St.

Brain HQ
T/W/Th - 8:30, 10 and 11:30 am 
40-hour program designed to improve memory, hearing and vision. DMCB Computer Lab, 225 9th St.

Active Older Adult Fitness
T/Th 9 - 10 am
Sessions held at DM Powerhouse. Register by phone: 760-753-7073 or online at Fee.

Low Impact Chair Fitness
T/Th 10 - 11 am
Sessions held at DM Powerhouse. Register by phone: 760-753-7073 or online at Fee.

Senior Health Forum
10 am - Noon - 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 
Join Dr. Kalina for his popular interactive discussions designed to empower participants to experience a higher level of health and well-being. New topics each week. Forum begins with optional 30 minutes of Qi Gong exercise outside the DM Community Building, 225 9th St., followed by 15 minutes of meditation and then topic discussion.
TLC-Too Luncheons 
12 - 1:30 pm - 1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Geared for our older, less active residents to enjoy a nice meal among the fellowship of others. Reservations required: 858-792-7565 or
Thursday Activities
Active Older Adult Fitness
See Tuesday for description.
Low Impact Chair Fitness See Tuesday for description. 

DMCC Travel Club - December 12
10 - 11:30 am - 2nd Thursday each Month 
Join others who want to travel, have traveled, love hearing about adventures, and would like to network with others with similar interests. Led by Arlene Lighthall.  Del Mar Community Building, 225 9th St.  
Knit & Stitch - Dec 5 & 19
3 - 4:30 pm- 1st & 3rd Thursday each month
Meet, mingle and trade yarns with local knitters! DMCB, 225 9th St.

Senior Legal Services - December 19  
8:30 - 11:30 am - 3rd Thursday each month
For seniors 60 and older in the 92014 zip code area.  Attorney provides advanced healthcare directive, power of attorney, wills, referrals and more.  Please call ElderLaw for an appointment & to confirm date: 858-565-1392 x 208.  Appointments held in the DMCB, 225 9th St.

Singing Together
3 - 4:30 pm - Thursday, December 19
Get those holiday voices in tune! Newcomers always welcome! Song sheets and piano accompaniment provided. Chisari residence; 1010 Crest Rd.

Book Babes Book Club
2 - 2 pm - No December Mtg
Last Thursday of each month.  Show your love of reading through discussion with friends & neighbors.  Facilitated by Joanne Sharp & Candace Sage.  January Book:  The Lost Weekend by Charles Jackson.  DMCB, 225 9th St.
  yellow house
Volunteer Spotlight 

 Meet Felise Levine 


Even though Felise moved to Del Mar in 2005 when she married long time resident John Goodkind, in many ways, she still feels like a newcomer.

Although she's lived in Southern California since 1975, she still feels that New York, her hometown, is in her cellular structure but she's always glad to get back home to hear the ocean and smell the eucalyptus whenever she returns from the east.


Professionally she works in private practice as a Clinical Psychologist and volunteer teaches for the San Diego Psychoanalytic Institute. Volunteering has always been an important part of her life as she believes that giving back to a community is probably one of the most meaningful things a person can do.   Her favorite part of volunteering in general, is people - the people served and the people who become friends.


When she first came to San Diego, she volunteered for the local Chapter of the American Diabetes Association and as a psychologist and as someone who has long term Type I diabetes, she led their support group for several years.   She then became involved with the San Diego Psychological Association (SDPA) serving first as a member of the Professional Ethics and Standards Committee, and then on the Board as a Member-at-Large, Gala Chair, President-Elect and then 2012 President and Chair of the Board.   In anticipation of winding up her work for SDPA, she wanted to become active in a charity in Del Mar. Her friend (and DMCC Board member), Beth Levine was the person responsible for welcoming her to DMCC. Beth talked so positively about the mission of DMCC and the grass roots evolution of the charity, that she knew she wanted to get involved and she's glad she did!


Felise has served as a DMCC Gala committee member for the past 3 years and this chair she co-chaired the event with Board member, Pat Jacoby. Although it was a huge amount of work, to collaborate with the amazing committee of volunteers, to see everyone having a good time and to know they successfully raised money for DMCC has been very satisfying. She especially enjoys fundraising and sharing the mission of DMCC to inspire others to support us.


When she's not working or volunteering, she works with John on home improvements, gardening, playing with their dogs, traveling to Maine and retreating to her pottery shed where she gets to focus on creating stuff from mud! It's a good life enhanced by the pleasure of volunteering for DMCC. Not bad!


How lucky our community is to have Felise's involvement - thank you!

Wednesday Activities
Grocery Shuttle Shopping
9 am - 1 pm
DMCC shuttle provides pick up at the homes of City of DM residents and takes them  to Trader Joe's, Ralphs & Sprouts in Encinitas.  We assist riders shopping, loading and unloading their purchases.  Suggested donation:  $5.  Call DMCC 24 hours in advance to arrange pickup; rider registration required.  Dates changed due to the holidays:
Monday, December 23 & 30.

Bridge DMCC Bridge Players
10 am - 1 pm
No partner necessary; play rubber bridge on a drop-in basis.  Light lunch served. $2 suggested donation.  More players needed!  Call DMCC office for more information.

Mah Jongg Games
10 am - 1 pm
No partner necessary; experience required.  Upstairs in the Powerhouse Community Center.  We're always looking for new players!  For more information, call Jacquie Schmall (858) 568-3373.
Friday Activities
Silver Age Yoga for Seniors
10 - 11 am
With chairs or on the floor.  Chairs provided; bring your own yoga mat for floor work.  Instructor trained and certified by Silver Age Yoga.  At St. Peter's Parish Hall, 334 14th St.  Funded in part by the Del Mar Foundation and participant donations.
Del Mar Day with Dave Roberts
Friday, December 20 - 3 to 5 pm
Supervisor Roberts hosts Del Mar office hours on the third Friday of the month.  Call 619-531-5533 to schedule a meeting. DMCB, 225 9th St.