Del Mar Community Connections

September 2013
Join Us on Saturday, October 19th!
Del Mar Powerhouse
6 to 10 PM
Live & Silent Auctions, DJ & Dancing
Catering by Pacifica Del Mar
Individual Tickets:  $125
To purchase tickets, visit our website:

                     "Creating Keepsakes"

Thursday, September 19, 2013

1:30 - 2:30pm   @ Del Mar Library

1309 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, CA 92014


We all can think of a time that makes us recall a special someone in our lives... We invite you to attend a workshop to learn practical and meaningful ways to create keepsakes, to share across generations no matter your age! Samples and ideas for memory making and "simple legacy gifts" will be shared.

Presented by: The Elizabeth Hospice

Jennifer Marsh, LMFT, MS

Community Education and Outreach Coordinator

Michael O. Jenkins, MAOM, BCC

Community Marketing Specialist

Maintaining Memory and Balance with Dr. Mark Kalina
Friday, September 27th
Del Mar Library
1309 Camino Del Mar
Here's your chance to ask our favorite doctor everything you always wanted to know about maintaining your memory and balance. Space is limited, please click here to reserve your spot or call 858-792-7565.
Monday Activities

Computer Tutoring for Seniors
9 - 11:30 am
F.ree!  Whether you are new to computing or just want to brush up on your skills, please drop by! Taught by Lucy Zizka. Bring your ipads and iphones as both Mac & PC help are available. Del Mar Community Building, 225 9th St.
T'ai Chi by the Sea~ Level 1
9:15-10:15 am
Sessions held at DM Powerhouse. Register by phone:  760-753-7073 or online at Fee.
T'ai Chi by the Sea~ Level 2 
10:30- 11:30 am
Sessions held at DM Powerhouse. Register by phone:  760-753-7073 or online at Fee.
Tuesday Activities


Active Older Adult Fitness
8 - 9 am or 9 - 10 am 

Sessions held at DM Powerhouse. Register by phone:  760-753-7073 or online at  Fee.


Low Impact Chair Fitness
10 - 11 am
Sessions held at DM Powerhouse.  Register by phone: 760-753-7073 or online at 

Senior Health Forum
10 am - Noon - 2nd & 4th Tues. 
Join Dr. Kalina for his popular interactive discussions designed to empower participants to experience a higher level of health and well-being. New topics each week.  Forum begins with optional 30 minutes of Qi Gong exercise outside the DM Community Building, 225 9th St., followed by 15 minutes of meditation and then topic discussion. 
In This Issue
Ask the Doc Talk
Monday Activities
Tuesday Activities
Become a Ride Buddy!
Out & About
Wednesday Activities
Thursday Activities
Friday Activities
The Lunch Club
Meet Joanne Sharp
TLC-Too Lunches
Join Our Mailing List!
Like us on Facebook
Quick Links
Activity Locations

City Hall Annex - 235 11th St.
DMCB - Del Mar Community Building, 225 9th St.
DMTV - Del Mar TV Studio, 240 10th St.
Powerhouse Community Center - 1658 Coast Blvd.
St. Peter's Church - 334 14th St.
DMCC will be closed on Mon, Sept 2 to observe 
Labor Day.
DMCC needs additional volunteer drivers!
Our "Ride Buddies" drivers provide a valuable service for our community. 
Click here to apply.
Out & About on the Van
858-792-7565 to reserve your seat.
Shopping Trip to Encinitas
Monday, Sept. 16th
9:30 am - 2 pm
Visit shops like Target, Pier 1, Walmart, Home Depot, Stater Bros, just to name a few.  

Van Trip to the Home & Garden Show

Friday, Sept. 13th


Del Mar Fairgrounds

Senior tickets are $1!
Come learn how to make the most of your living environment! Please call 858-792-7565 to reserve your seat.


Shopping Trip to the Carlsbad Forum

Monday, September 30th


Visit shops like Sur Le Table, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Anthropologie, and Z Gallerie. 

 Mark Your Calendar!
DMCC Annual Flu Shot Clinic
Wednesday, October 2nd 9am- 1pm
at the City Hall Annex
235 11th St.
Come and socialize with friends and neighbors you might not have seen since last year with juice and a morning sweet!  
No charge to Medicare Part A & B participants;  
All others:   
Flu:  $30
Pneumonia:   $75

 Remember to bring your Medicare Cards!
No reservations needed!  
Wednesday Activities

Grocery Shuttle Shopping
9 am - 1 pm
DMCC shuttle provides pick up at the homes of City of DM residents and takes them alternately to Trader Joe's, Ralphs & Sprouts in Encinitas.  We assist riders shopping, loading and unloading their purchases.  Suggested donation:  $5.  Call DMCC 24 hours in advance to arrange pickup; rider registration required.

Bridge DMCC Bridge Players
10 am - 1 pm
F.ree! No partner necessary; play rubber bridge on a drop-in basis.  Light lunch served.  More players needed!  Call DMCC office for more information.

Mah Jongg Games
10 am - 1 pm
F.ree! No partner necessary; experience required.  Upstairs in the Powerhouse Community Center.  We're always looking for new players!  For more information, call Jacquie Schmall (858) 568-3373.

Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance
3 - 5 pm - Sept 25 (4th Weds of the month) An opportunity to come together with peers, friends and family to learn more about coping with this very common illness.  DMCB conference room, 225 9th St.
Thursday Activities

Active Older Adult Fitness
8 - 9 am or 9 - 10 am
See Tuesday for description.


Low Impact Chair Fitness
10 - 11 am
See Tuesday for description. 

DMCC Travel Club - September 12th
10 - 11:30 am - 2nd Thursday each Month 
Join others who want to travel, have traveled, love hearing about adventures, and would like to network with others with similar interests. Led by Arlene Lighthall.  Del Mar Community Building, 225 9th St.  
Knit & Stitch- September 5 & 19
3 - 4:30 pm- 1st & 3rd Thursday each month
Meet, mingle and trade yarns with local knitters! DMCB, 225 9th St.

Senior Legal Services - September 19th
8:30 - 11:30 am - 3rd Thursday each month
F.ree! For seniors 60 and older in the 92014 zip code area.  Attorney provides advanced healthcare directive, power of attorney, wills, referrals and more.  Please call ElderLaw for an appointment & to confirm date: 858-565-1392 x 208.  Appointments held in the DMCB, 225 9th St.

Book Babes Book Club 
2 - 3 pm - September 26th
Last Thursday of each month. 
Show your love of reading through discussion with friends and neighbors.  Facilitated by Joanne Sharp and Candace Sage. DMCB, 225 9th St.  Sept. Book:  Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver
Singing Together
3:30-5 pm- Thursday, September 5th
Warm up those vocals chords as our fall session begins again! Newcomers always welcome! Song sheets and piano accompaniment provided. Chisari residence; 1010 Crest Rd.
Friday Activities
 Silver Age Yoga for Seniors
10 - 11 am
With chairs or on the floor.  Chairs provided; bring your own yoga mat for floor work.  Instructor trained and certified by Silver Age Yoga.  At St. Peter's Parish Hall, 334 14th St.  Funded in part by the Del Mar Foundation and participant donations.

Del Mar Day with Supervisor Roberts
Friday, September 20th - 3 to 5 pm
Supervisor Roberts is hosting Del Mar office hours from 3 to 5 p.m. on the third Friday of the month. Call 619- 531-5533 to schedule. 
Del Mar Community Bldg., 225 9th St. 
Brain Fitness Starts in September!
Think faster.  Focus better.  Remember more.
Beginning Brain Fitness Orientation is
2 pm, Wed, Sept. 4th
Del Mar TV Studio
240 10th St.
Brain HQ Orientation is 
1 pm, Mon, Sept. 9th
Del Mar Community Building
225 9th St.
Registration required, please click here.
Brain Fitness is offered in part by grants from The Del Mar Foundation and former County Supervisor Pam Slater-Price.  
Sbicca Patrons The Lunch Club
Monday, Sept 9th
11:30 to 1pm
1555 Camino del Mar
Come mix and mingle with friends and neighbors monthly at The Lunch Club, where we visit different Del Mar restaurants each month.  $10 includes meal, beverage, tax and tip. Reservations and pre-payment required.  858-792-7565, To pay online, click the PayPal button: 
Click Here to Pay
Volunteer Spotlight 

 Meet Joanne Sharp


Joanne Sharp is a native Southern California artist and designer with a B.A. in Art from UCLA. Joanne and her husband Dennis moved from Long Beach to Del Mar in 1976 after building their home here, which they designed for the needs of Dennis, a wheelchair user. As a team, they worked for a more accessible community by volunteering with many city, county and state agencies concerned with providing accessible services and programs to seniors and persons with disabilities, including the removal of architectural barriers. This interest tallied perfectly with Nancy Weare's ideas, and Joanne became a Founding Board Member of DMCC.


While on the Board, Joanne designed DMCC's first logo, most of its print media, including many invitations for the annual fundraiser, DMCC's first web site, and "Recipes and Recollections," the DMCC cookbook. She also pushed for the purchase of the wheelchair-accessible bus. Currently she co-hosts the DMCC book club, "Book Babes."
Joanne says,"I have met so many wonderful people through DMCC. It has been an enriching experience for me and my family." She also notes that it is very rewarding to work in a small community where one's efforts can have an immediate effect.

She is a long time member of the Del Mar Garden Club, serving as Treasurer for several years, a former Vice President of the local Artist's Equity Association, and a former volunteer with Friends of the Powerhouse. As an artist, she has worked in several media and was a member of the San Diego Art Institute for many years. Joanne also enjoys writing memoir and poetry and her participation in the Community Chorus at Villa Musica Community Music Center.


Thank you for so generously sharing your knowledge and talents with DMCC, Joanne! 

1st & 3rd Tuesdays
 Noon - 1:30 pm
 September 3rd - Cafe Secret

Nostalgic & Humorous Tales of a Sophisticated Immigrant by Dr. Wadia

September 17 - Smashburger

Trekking through Nepal with Carol Kerrige

      TLC-Too luncheons enable older home-bound adults to enjoy a nice meal while socializing with others. The DMCC van provides door-to-door rides for participants who need it. DMCC partners with local restaurants to provide nutritious meals for the program.  Reservations required: 858-792-7565 or
Romeo Lunch Club
Tues, Sept. 24th
Sbicca Bistro
215 15th St.
Meet with friends and neighbors while enjoying a breathtaking view of the ocean. Reservations & pre-payment required.  Call 858-792-7565 or click on the PayPal icon to pay and register ($10 includes tax and tip).Click Here to Pay