Del Mar Community Connections

April 2013

In This Issue
Monday Activities
Tuesday Activities
Meet Richard Halsey
Thursday Activities
Out & About on the Van
TLC-Too Lunch Launch
Wednesday Activities
Friday Activities
DMCC's Pot of Gold
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Quick Links
Activity Locations
City Hall Annex - 235 11th St.
DMCB - Del Mar Community Building, 225 9th St.
DMTV - Del Mar TV Studio, 240 10th St.
Powerhouse Community Center - 1658 Coast Blvd.
St. Peter's Church - 334 14th St..
Monday Activities

Complimentary Computer Tutoring for Seniors
9 - 11:30 am
Whether you are new to computing or just want to brush up on your skills, please drop by! Taught by Lucy Zizka. Bring your ipads and iphones as both Mac & PC help are available. 
Del Mar Community Building, 225 9th St.

Tai Chi By the Sea Easy
9:30 - 10:30 am
Sessions held at DM Powerhouse.  Register by phone: 760-753-7073 or online at  Fee.
Tuesday Activities

Active Older Adult Fitness
T/Th - 8 - 9 am or 9 - 10 am
Sessions held at DM Powerhouse.  Register by phone: 760-753-7073 or online at .  Fee.

Medicare Counseling Clinic
9 - 12 noon - 1st & 3rd Tues.
Personal appointments with a HICAP* counselor to discuss Medicare, Long Term Care or Supplemental Insurance, Medi-Gap and prescription drug programs.  Appointments are scheduled by HICAP and held in the DMCB.  Call 800-434-0222 to schedule an appointment.  *Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program

Senior Health Forum
9:30 - 11:30 am - 2nd & 4th Tues. 
Join Dr. Kalina for his popular interactive discussions designed to empower participants to experience a higher level of health and well-being. New topics each week.  Forum begins with optional 30 minutes of Qi Gong exercise outside the DM Community Building, 225 9th St., followed by 15 minutes of meditation and then topic discussion. 
April 9:   What are you most proud of that you have accomplished in your life?
April 26:  Who had the greatest influence on you in your life?

Low Impact Chair Fitness
T/Th - 10 - 11 am
Sessions held at DM Powerhouse.  Register by phone: 760-753-7073 or online at  Fee.

Brain Fitness
T/W/Th - 10 and 11:30
40-hour program designed to improve memory, hearing and vision.  Current session runs until May 30.   Funded in part by County Supervisor Pam Slater-Price and The Del Mar Foundation.  DMCB Computer Lab, 225 9th St.  Call to be placed on waitlist:  858-792-7565. 

Brain HQ
T/W/Th - 10 and 11:30
40-hour program designed to improve memory, hearing and vision.  Current session runs until May 30.  DMCB Computer Lab, 225 9th St. Call to be placed on waitlist:  858-792-7565.

Meet Our New ROMEO 

Host Richard Halsey!


Richard moved to California from his homeland of London, England, 20 years ago.

He has set-up a variety of businesses over the years, from real estate and construction, to a children's clothing wholesalers.

He now manages vacation rentals in North County, as well as running a home-based business manufacturing and selling Now Clocks - an online venture with the intention of helping people appreciate the present moment.


Richard's interests include philosophical and spiritual discussions.


Richard heard about Del Mar Community Connections when he and Jenelle Zingg attended an event together and Richard learned about the opportunity to host our Men's ROMEO lunch group. He is looking forward to sharing stories and meeting all the guys in the group!

Thursday Activities

Active Older Adult Fitness 
T/Th - 8 am - 9 am or 9 am -  10 am 
See Tuesday description for details.
Grocery Shuttle Shopping 
9 am - 1 pm 
DMCC shuttle provides pick at the homes of City of DM residents and takes them  to Vons in Solana Beach & Ralphs in DM Highlands.  We assist riders shopping, loading and unloading their purchases.  Suggested donation:  $5.  Call DMCC 24 hours in advance to arrange pickup; rider registration required.

Low Impact Chair Fitness 
T/Th - 10 am - 11 am 
See Tuesday description for details.

DMCC Travel Club - April 11th
10-11:30 am - 2nd Thursday each Month 
Join others who want to travel, have traveled, love hearing about adventures, and would like to network with others with similar interests. Led by Arlene Lighthall.  Del Mar Community Building, 225 9th St.

Brain Fitness and Brain HQ 
T/W/Th - 10 and 11:30 
See Tuesday description for details. 

Knit & Stitch - April 4th, & 18th
3 to 4:30 pm - 1st & 3rd Thursday each month
Meet, mingle and trade yarns with local knitters!  Host Regina Horner will keep you in stitches!  DMCB, 225 9th St.

Senior Legal Services - April 18th
8:30 - 11:30 am - 3rd Thursday each month 
F.ree! For seniors 60 and older in the 92014 zip code area.  Attorney provides advanced healthcare directive, power of attorney, wills, referrals and more.  Please call ElderLaw for an appointment & to confirm date: 858-565-1392 x 208.  Appointments held in the DMCB, 225 9th St.

Life Story:  Poetry & Memoir 
9 - 11:30 am 
Explore that magical landscape between narrative & poetry in the writing of memoir.   Register by phone: 760-753-7073 or online at  Fee. St. Peter's Church, 334 14th Street. 
Singing Together
3 - 4:30 pm - Thurs, April 18th
Celebrate Spring with song! Newcomers always welcome! Song sheets and piano accompaniment provided. Chisari residence; 1010 Crest Rd. 
Book Babes Book Club 
2 - 3 pm - April 25th  
Last Thursday of each month    
Show your love of reading through discussion with friends and neighbors.  Facilitated by Joanne Sharp and Candace Sage. DM Community Building, 225 9th St. 
Save the Date!
Feng Shui Your Home & Garden
Tues, May 21 - 10 - noon
Join us to learn from interna-tional Feng Shui consultant Kathryn Holt how to Feng Shui our homes and gardens for optimumliving.  For almost two decades, Kathryn has blended her knowledge of interior design with Feng Shui, sustainable design, color therapy, and energy work.  City Hall Annex, 235 11th St.
Out & About on the Van

Shopping Trip to Encinitas/Carlsbad
Monday, April 29th
9:30 am - 1 pm
Visit shops like Target, Home Depot, Stater Brothers, and The Forum in Carlsbad.  858-792-7565 to reserve your seat.

DMCC Van to the Opera

April 2 - Murder in the Cathedral 

April 23 - Aida

The van will leave the Del Mar Community Building parking lot at 4 pm and drop riders at the Westgate Hotel to dine before the show, with time left to attend the pre-show lecture.

After the show, our van will pick everyone up at the passenger pull-in area on 3rd Street near the Civic Theatre at about 10:15 (the show is 3 hours & 4 mins).  We are asking for a donation of $10 for the round-trip.
If you have tickets to this show and would like to join us on the van, please email or call 858-792-7565. 
Our New TLC-Too Luncheon Program Launch!
Tuesday, April 16th 

Del Mar Community Building

11:30 am - 1 pm

Our goal with the new TLC- Too luncheon is to enable home-bound older adults to venture out, interact with others, and enjoy a nice meal. The DMCC van will provide door-to-door transportation for this program to participants needing a ride.  The new program will take place at the Del Mar Community Building and will begin on April 16th.

 DMCC hopes to partner with local restaurants to provide meals for the TLC-Too participants at the Community Building.

Reservations Required:  858-792-7565 or    

Wednesday Activities

Grocery Shuttle Shopping
9 am - 1 pm
DMCC shuttle provides pick at the homes of City of DM residents and takes them alternately to Sprouts in Solana Beach or Trader Joe's in Encinitas.  We assist riders shopping, loading and unloading their purchases.  Suggested donation:  $5.  Call DMCC 24 hours in advance to arrange pickup; rider registration required.

10 am - 1 pm
F.ree! No partner necessary; play rubber bridge on a drop-in basis.  Light lunch served.  More players needed!  Call DMCC office for more information.

Mah Jongg Games
10 am - 1 pm
F.ree! No partner necessary; experience required.  Upstairs in the Powerhouse Community Center.  We're always looking for new players!  For more information, call Jacquie Schmall (858) 568-3373.

Brain Fitness and Brain HQ
T/W/Th - 10 and 11:30
See Tuesday description for details.

Bipolar & Depression Alliance Group
Weds, April 24th
3-5 pm
DMCC is offering a place for people dealing with depression to come together with peers who can understand their illness at a monthly Bipolar and Depression Alliance Group.  The group will be led by a certified Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance facilitator and will meet on the fourth Wednesday each month, from 3 to 5 pm, beginning April 24, in the DMCB Conference room, 225 9th St.
ROMEO Lunch Club

Tues, April 26
Sbicca Bistro
215 15th St.
Mix & mingle with friends and neighbors while enjoying a breathtaking view of the ocean. Reservations & pre-payment required.  Call 858-792-7565 to reserve your seat or click on the PayPal icon to pay and register online.
$10 includes tax & tip

Click Here to Pay
Friday Activities
Silver Age Yoga for Seniors
10 - 11 am
With chairs or on the floor.  Chairs provided; bring your own yoga mat for floor work.  Instructor trained and certified by Silver Age Yoga.  At St. Peter's Parish Hall, 334 14th St.  Funded in part by the Del Mar Foundation and participant donations.

Del Mar Day with Supervisor Roberts
3rd Friday of the Month -3-5 pm
Here's your chance to meet with Supervisor Roberts or one of his aides about issues that are important to you. Call (619) 531-5533 to schedule time with him at the Del Mar Community Bldg., 225 9th St. 
DMCC Finds Pot of Gold in March!
Nancy Weare & Beth Levine accept a check from a representative of the Our Aging Society Program of the San Diego Foundation funded by Del Mar Healthcare
March was a very prosperous one for DMCC! First, DMCC was awarded a $15,000 grant from the Our Aging Society program of the San Diego Foundation, funded by Del Mar Healthcare. The grant funds a one-year pilot "TLC-Too" lunch program focusing on more homebound residents who could benefit from a nutritious meal and fellowship.
Peter Douglass, President of Turnkey Operations, presents a check to DMCC Board member Karolen Linderman 

If that wasn't exciting enough, Peter Douglass from Turnkey Operations stopped by the office to drop off a check for $2500.  Turnkey Operations will be hosting a 10 mile run through Del Mar, Solana Beach and Encinitas on February 16, 2014. Twenty bands will play along the route.  Turnkey Operations donates a portion of their proceeds to local non-profits.  Visit for more details. Thanks to Assistant City Manager Mark Delin and Don Mosier for recommending DMCC to Peter.