November 11 is Remembrance Day and at the eleventh hour, we are asked to take two minutes  of silence, to remember the fallen and to honour those who serve.

The Chamber will be closed on Remembrance Day so staff can honour the service of our Canadian Armed Forces, past and present.

Lest we forget.   
We woke up this morning to the news that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. Without a doubt - Trump has pulled off the biggest upset in U.S. history.

At the moment, markets and the world are now stunned. 
The signs are all there for extreme short-term volatility, some say similar to Brexit. Many of Trump's key economic policies suggest an America that will no longer be open for business - at least not to the same extent. 
That doesn't bode well for Canada, given the US is our biggest trading partner, with more than US$670 billion in goods and services flowing across the border last year.

In a statement, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
said that his government looks forward to working with the US on issues such as trade, investment, and international peace and security.

"It's at moments like this that the US can feel like a very foreign country to Canadians," said Chamber CEO Catherine Holt. "Our job is to continue to be a calm, rational presence in a world that could be quite volatile over the coming months."  
Chamber News
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Chamber Events
Business Leaders Luncheons
Prodigy Group Mingles
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Darlene Hollstein

General Manager of The Bay Centre - 20 Vic Management Inc.

What is the best perk of your job?
Working in a shopping centre! Need I say more? What's your favourite Chamber event? The Business Awards as it highlights and rewards so many dynamic businesses and owners we have in the region and it is a great networking event. Business lunch or after work drinks? Anyone that knows me, knows I prefer to work out at lunch. I always have time for a quick cocktail after work though. If you had a superpower what would it be? Not needing to sleep.

More about Darlene - and additional Member Snapshots - can be found inside the November Business Matters.  

The Bay Centre - 20 Vic Management Inc.: member since 1990

New! Non-Profit/Association of the Year
Do you know a Non-Profit/Association that:
  • provides outstanding contributions to the community;
  • demonstrates how their service provides benefits to others and how they differentiate themselves; and,
  • can show quantitative and qualitative results.
If you do, nominate them to be the 2017 Non-Profit/Association of the Year!

Find out more about UVic and Camosun's Co-operative Education Programs.
Local Employers Desperate for Workers 
Greater Victoria has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Canada; it was less than 5% in Oct. Competition - locally to globally - to snap up employees is stiff. 

"Employers need to be able to access and retain workers they need for the workforce of today and tomorrow," said Chamber CEO Catherine Holt. "With Greater Victoria's booming economy, we are seeing increased pressure on and demand for key occupations such as cooks and construction workers."

"Economic immigration is key when it comes to growth and innovation," said BC Chamber CEO Val Litwin in this Vancouver Sun piece. "We would certainly welcome higher quotas under this
particular immigration stream and would caution government that not addressing this could erode our ability to compete and create sustained prosperity". 
Extra Auction Tickets on Sale
By popular demand, we've managed to squeeze in a few more seats so you can attend this year's auction, Nov 25. Please email or call 250-383-7191 to secure your seat. 

See you there and happy bidding!

$5.2 million for Trades Training at Camosun
The province has announced their funding of $5.2 million this year for trades training programs at Camosun College. This investment, through the Industry Training Authority (ITA), will fund 2,047 seats in various trades programs including: electrical, carpentry, professional cook training, welding, automotive technology, sheet metal, plumbing and more.

"This funding allows Camosun to deliver more than 20 different trades foundation and apprenticeship programs each year to more than 2,000 students, making Camosun one of the leading providers of trades training in our province," said Eric Sehn, Camosun's dean of trades and technology. "Our students learn how to become practical problem solvers and gain the latest technical skills needed for the trades of today - helping them build a sustainable future for themselves and our community."

Camosun College: member since 2016

Costly Regulations Adds to Housing Costs
There needs to be sufficient access to affordable housing - both rental and ownership - for Greater Victoria employers to be able to attract and retain workers. 
"Our high housing costs are due to a lack of housing supply which is linked to layering of regulations at all government levels - municipal, provincial and federal," said Victoria Residential Builders Association (VRBA) Executive Director Casey Edge in VRBA's Oct 11 presentation to the provincial finance committee. "Building codes, land-use restrictions, permit fees and processes, and tighter lending rules all contribute to limited supply and higher prices."
The VRBA asks for a reduction of layered taxes like the the Property Transfer Tax, fair and competitive development cost charges and amenity changes, efficient and affordable development application processes, and for communities to be more open to increased density. 

The Chamber has consistently advocated for local, regional, provincial and federal governments to invest in methods to reduce private market housing prices as well as stimulate housing and rental inventories.

VRBA: member since 1989
UVic Ranked a Top Comprehensive Canadian University
The University of Victoria came third in the Comprehensive category in
Maclean's Magazine annual rankings of universities across Canada.

Universities in the Comprehensive category conduct a significant amount of research and offer a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. 

Congrats UVic! 

UVic: member since 1976

Welcome to Our Newest Members! 

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