Dia News
March  2014

New York City

Artists on Artists
Iman Issa on Donald Judd
Monday, March 3, 2014
6:30 pm
Readings in Contemporary Poetry
Lewis Warsh and John Coletti
Monday, March 10, 2014
6:30 pm

Artists on Artists
Ian Wallace on Blinky Palermo
Monday, March 24, 2014
6:30 pm
Readings in Contemporary Poetry
Bruce Andrews and
Nada Gordon
Monday, March 31, 2014
6:30 pm


March Hours
11 am-4 pm
Gallery Talk
Eve Meltzer on
Fred Sandback
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Free with museum admission
No reservations required

Ian Wilson
The Pure Awareness of the
March 15, 2014
12 pm
Reservations required
Imi Knoebel
24 Colors - for Blinky
Closes Monday, March 24, 2014

Long-Term Installation
Andy Warhol, Shadows
Closes Monday, March 31, 2014

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Dia:Beacon, Riggio Galleries

3 Beekman Street 

Beacon New York 12508

845 440 0100


535 West 22nd Street 5th Floor 

New York City 10011

212 989 5566


Friday-Monday 11 am-4 pm

$12 general; $10 seniors; $8 students

Free for Dia members and children under 12


Images (in order of appearance): Donald Judd, Untitled, 1976. Dia Art Foundation; Gift of The Brown Foundation. Installation view, Dia:Beacon, Beacon, New York. � Judd Foundation. Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY. Photo: Bill Jacobson. Lewis Warsh portrait by Marie Warsh. Blinky Palermo, installation view, Dia:Beacon, Beacon, New York. � 2014 Blinky Palermo/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn. Photo: Bill Jacobson. Exterior view of Dia:Beacon, Beacon, New York. Photo � Richard Barnes. Fred Sandback, Untitled (from Ten Vertical Constructions), 1976. Dia Art Foundation. Installation view, Dia:Beacon, Beacon, New York. � 2014 Fred Sandback Archive. Photo: Nic Tenwiggenhorn. Imi Knoebel, 24 Colors-for Blinky (1977). Dia Art Foundation; Restored with support from Gucci. Installation view, Dia:Beacon, Beacon, New York. Photo: Bill Jacobson. Andy Warhol, Shadows, 1978-79. Dia Art Foundation. Installation view, Dia:Beacon, Beacon, New York. � 2014 Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. Photo: Bill Jacobson.

Currently open for public programs
and special projects  

The New York Earth Room

141 Wooster Street

New York City

The Broken Kilometer

393 West Broadway

New York City


Hours: Wednesday-Sunday, 12 pm-6 pm

Free admission