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This Week
@FUMC Allen
April 5 2015









This Week

Sun Apr 5/2015-Sat Apr 11/2015


Easter Sunday Apr 5 

First United Methodist Church of Allen and Creekwood Church join together to host a COMMUNITY SUNRISE SERVICE on Easter Sunday at Bethany Lakes Park at the corner of Allen Heights and Bethany Road. Rev. David Lessner, senior pastor at Creekwood, brings the Word and the Daybreak Band brings the music. Join us for a glorious morning of worship, communion, and celebration.

If rain, we'll meet in Fellowship Hall at FUMC Allen. Please watch our website, Facebook page, or Twitter crawl for any announcements.

Join us helping us celebrate Christ's resurrection during EASTER WORSHIP at 8:15am, 9:30am, and 11:00am. Children are invited to the RISE UP! CHILDREN'S EASTER EXPERIENCE 9:30AM and 11:00AM starting in the Upper Room Chapel and ending in Grace Land. Nursery available for children age 4 and younger. Sunday School classes will not meet. 

Easter Monday Mon Apr 6

Mon Apr 6 & Thu Apr 9

Children's Creative Playday Preschool hosts its annual OPEN HOUSE & ART SHOW these two evenings at 6:30pm. Contact Maureen Bowman.


Tue Apr 7

DARING Youth Choir presents GODSPELL on April 7 at 6:00pm at Presbyterian Village North in Dallas. Contact Rev. Rusty King


Thu Apr 9

The March LEGAL AID CLINIC served 31 client families with the help of 11 attorneys and 24 paralegals and volunteers. In 2015, we have provided help to 82 families. The April clinic opens at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.

comes to FUMC Allen July 16-18. Auditions are April 9, 6:30pm-9:00pm, with many roles available for all ages. Contact Rev. Rusty King to schedule your audition time.  


  Registration is now open for UPWARD SOCCER CAMPS. Camp dates are June 15-19, and June 22-26. Registration closes on June 4.


UPWARD BASKETBALL CAMPS are enrolling now.

Camp dates are July 6-10 and July 13-17.

Registration closes on June 26. 


For details, visit our web page.



Tuesday, April 21



Alzheimer's Disease, one of the causes of dementia, is an emotional journey. It is difficult to fully comprehend the challenges that your loved one battles every day. Discover the realities of living with dementia, as you experience the struggle of performing everyday tasks as a person living with memory loss. The Virtual Dementia TourŪ will change the way you see things!


CareGivers United hosts the VIRTUAL DEMENTIA TOUR for

family, professional caregivers, or anyone who works with older adults. Each tour is 30 minutes long. To schedule your visit, contact Bev Allen.

Next Week & Beyond

Sun Apr 12/2015-Sun May 31/2015


Sun Apr 12

YOUTH SUNDAY is April 12 when students will lead in all aspects of worship at the 8:15am, 9:30am and 11:00am services. That evening, COLLIDE Youth Fellowship meets offsite from 5:30pm-6:30pm at Jumpstreet, 2031 W. McDermott Dr, Allen, TX 75013. Contact
 Eric Pugh.


THE WAY will not meet on Easter Sunday, but on April 12, this teaching service begins a new six-week series, Your Church, My Church...Our Church, based on the book of Galatians. Join us at 11:00am in Fellowship Hall. Contact Rev. Brian McPherson.


The Cindy Robinson READING GROUP meets at 2:00pm on April 12 in the parlor to discuss The Aviator's Wife by Melanie Benjamin. 


Mon Apr 13

FUMC offers SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES for full-time college students and graduating high school seniors. Scholarship applications and recommendation forms (for current college students only) are now available online at scholarships. Applications and recommendation forms are due April 13. Contact Brock Fairchild


Fri Apr 17

The CONNECTIONS BAND performs at 7:00pm on April 17 at St. Andrew's UMC. Contact Rev. Rusty King or Rev. Brian McPherson.


Fri Apr 17-Sun Apr 19

Collin County Adventure Camp has graciously allowed us to move GREAT ADVENTURE WEEKEND to this new date. Everyone who has already registered will remain registered, unless you notify Youth Ministry that you can no longer attend. Registration ONLINE NOW!


ON DECK RETREAT for our sixth graders is this weekend. Contact Susan Hale.

Sat Apr 11 & Sat Apr 18 

Parents of Graduating Senior: SCRAPBOOK WORKDAYS have been scheduled at 10:00am in Y34 to help you finalize your pages for the Class of 2015 senior scrapbook. Each senior is allowed to submit two 8 1/2" x 11" one-sided pages for the book. We need parents to work on specific group pages, such as Playday, mission trips, choir tours, confirmation, GAW,  UPWARD, Bridgeport, and Mardi Gras Madness, in addition to each senior's individual pages. The cost of the final book will be based on the size of the final book and number of books printed. For information, contact Eric Pugh.


Sat Apr 11

APT G: A PLACE TO GO for special needs youth meets on the second Saturday evenings for the month of April and May! We are always in need of more youth and adult volunteers to help with this awesome ministry. Contact Rev. Maxie Moore if you can help us April 11 from 6:30pm-9:30pm. A light meal will be provided.


Wed Apr 15

GPS: GROW, PRAY, SERVE is our four-week class for members and guests who want to identify mission and ministry opportunities at FUMC Allen. Classes begin today at 6:30pm. Child care provided. Contact Susan Hale


Sun Apr 19

The DEBORAH CIRCLE meets at 12:15pm in the parlor for their spring service project to spruce up the church kitchens. Ladies are asked to donate new dish towels, dish clothes, and oven mitts. Contact circle leader Burna Faye Kennedy , 972.423.7765.


Sun Apr 26

Learn more about the beliefs and ministries of the United Methodist Church at our METHODISM/MEMBERSHIP CLASS, April 26, 9:30am, in the chapel. Contact Rev. Maxie Moore for more information.

Join us for COVENANT LIVING, an eight-week study beginning today from 4:00pm-5:15pm. The study requires about 15 minutes of daily reading. Book is $20. To enroll, contact Rev. Maxie Moore before April 20.

Sat May 2

Register online for the RACE TO CHANGE THE WORLD 5K and 1K Fun Run at Bob Woodruff Park in Plano. Contact Greg Schell.


Sun, May 24

Join us at the Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium for a FREE FAMILY NIGHT from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Contact Susan Hale.


Sun May 31

Celebrate with our GRADUATING SENIORS on May 31. Brunch for our graduates and their families at 10:00am in the gym followed by worship at 11:00am in the sanctuary. Contact Eric Pugh



May 15-17


Project leaders needed!

 To volunteer, email Jim GermanMike Lanford, or Ted Bernhard.

Volunteer registration for individual projects begins Saturday, April 25, at



July 7-16

House of Hope, Honduras


Tom Brian is organizing an international mission trip to the House of Hope in Honduras July 7-July 16, 2015.  The estimated cost is $1,350-$1,400. 

Youth ages 14 and up are encouraged to consider this mission opportunity. 

Registration deadline with initial $500 deposit is May 1, 2015.

Contact Tom Brian at 972.965.6534 for more information.   


August 3-7, 2015



Mark your calendars for Camp Kilimanjaro VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, August 3-7, 9:00am-12:30pm, for ages 4 years through grade 6.


Contact Mary Freeman.


In This Issue

This Sunday's Sermons 

Easter Sunday
April 5, 2015

The End is not THE END
Mark 16: 1-8

Rev. Todd Harris, preaching

8:15am 9:30am 11:00am

nullOn Sunday, April 12, The Way" begins a new six-week series: "Your Church, My Church.... Our Church" based on themes found in the Book of Galatians.


The Way will not meet on Easter Sunday, April 5, but we'd love to see you on Sunday, April 12, at 11:00am in Fellowship Hall.



Words from The Word

Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!"

So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus' head. The cloth was still lying in its place, separate from the linen. Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed. (They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.)

John 20:1-9  



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Welcome to Our Church Family  


Join us as we welcome Joetta and Jon McKeefer who joined the church on Palm Sunday. 



A Look Ahead


May 10  Mothers Day
May 15-17 CTW Weekend
May 15 Connections Band Concert
May 17 CTW Worship

Jun 9 Bridgeport Youth SEEK Camp
Jun 11 Junior High Youth Mission Trip
Jun 15 Youth Choir Tour
Jul 7 Bridgeport Children's Camp
Jul 7-16 Send Hope Mission Trip

Jul 19 Senior High Mission Trip 

Sep 20 Membership Class 

Sep 27  Gospel Concert

Oct 4 Blessing of the Animals

Oct 25 New Member Luncheon



At FUMC Allen, we track the hours our members impact the community as they volunteer for various service organizations. The year-to-date total for 2015 is 1,924 hours.


Help us grow this number by reporting your service hours on the registration form found in each Sunday's bulletin or email your hours to Elizabeth Fairchild.


Keep up the great work. 


The deadline for the Apr 19 Sunday worship bulletin is 5:00pm,
Friday, April 10. 
Email items to
Click HERE to read the Mar 29 worship bulletin.
Click HERE to read the Mar 22 worship bulletin.
Click HERE to read the Mar 15 worship bulletin.
Click HERE to read the Mar 8 worship bulletin.
Click HERE to read the Mar 1 worship bulletin.