The Nataraj decorated by our students for the July havan
Volume 8.0
August --  2015
From the Cushion 


Swamiji Retreat Talk
Swami Chetanananda
This month the theme is Commitment. The video is from our July retreat where Swamiji speaks to this topic.    

"You can't want it one day and 
not want it the next and ever 
get anywhere."    -Rudi

For more videos, please visit Swamiji's Video Blog page.  

Practice & Inspiration
Sadhvi Parananda


An early alchemist of the Jin dynasty (about 400 AD) asked the question 


"Can you be an endorsement for your own life?"


Good question I say.  Can you?  If not, why are you living that life?  If someone came to you for advice couldyou say "Be like me?"  Here's the thing:  if you can't endorse the life you are living there must be something that you know isn't right.  Because, living a spiritual life means that you live your life with joy and love and exhilaration.   Read More  

All dates subject to change

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Enlighten Up! 
Needed Social Media Symbol

We are raising money to upgrade our video production equipment

The Clay & Grit of Mother Earth
Yoga for Mental & Physical Health 
In the Late Summer 
It has been said we are asked, by our media-oriented culture, to assimilate more ideas in one reading of a newspaper than a person in the Middle Ages needed to absorb and make sense of in a lifetime.   [read more]

How Ritual Builds Commitment

 When the idea of doing rituals and pujas was first introduced into our practice, I didn't much like it.  I thought, if everything important is happening on the inside, what is the point of messing around with flowers, little plates of food, etc.? But Swamiji spoke eloquently... 
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Our Committed Volunteers
Rudra Press, TMC's publishing house that also encompasses the TMC store, is a completely volunteer effort. This month we'd like to thank the many committed volunteers who have helped Rudra Press in the last year, and let you know about the array of skills they selflessly share.  [read more]
