Information and News of Importance
Shared with You Monthly from the Eastern District, LCMS

January 2015


From the President's Desk


The Christmas season has come and gone and we now are in the season of Epiphany, 2015. But before we lunge ahead into this new year, do you remember the words of the angel "to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord"  (Luke 2:11)? Those words were to the shepherds and are to all of humble heart today. They are about the Savior whose birth is "for you", with emphasis on "you". 


I stress this for the simple reason that Christmas slogans often do not capture the content of this grace-filled birth.  Yes, slogans. One such slogan that has grown very popular over the past few decades is "Jesus is the reason for the season."  That one, I think, was a stroke against December's overindulgence and commercialism which avoid the humble and holy birth presented in a simple cradle.  As it states, Christmas is about Jesus. Jesus is God's gift. And as the angel pointed out, Jesus is God's gift to us. So, the way I see it, however good the slogan works against avarice and greed, it comes up short because it doesn't announce the angel's word: this gift is for you.


Then there was another slogan I came across the week following Christmas. It was flashing over one of those digital church signs. "YOU are NOT the focus of worship" it said. That made me think and what I concluded is if it's true, then it's saying "this church is for God only and not for you".  Never mind people. Never mind that the Spirit in worship brings repentance and forgiveness to life, and encouragement in faith, and hope to fill our days. Never mind that in worship God comes to us with His gifts and fills our heart-baskets to overflowing in order to share with a world that is running on empty.


You see, in my mind, worship is a two-way street. It is not about God only. In worship we revere and praise God and in worship God blesses us with His grace. But saying "YOU are NOT the focus of worship" makes it just a one-way street. 


No, it has to go both ways.  This child born in Bethlehem is God's gift to YOU said the angel.  Jesus, the Messiah, came to earth for all sinners.  He was a blessing like no other given to us, thank the Lord.  In time, this Holy Child would be publicly identified by the Father as "my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased."  And what a blessing He would be to those who hear His voice revealing the Father's face to all.  "Yes, this child is about us" the Father said at His Son's birth. He is life. He enriches life. He gives us the abundant life. "Jesus is the reason for the season" and so are we. In God's grace "we are the reason for the season" in fact, for all seasons. What an amazing gift this child is to us, just as the angel declared.


A blessed 2015 to you all.


Pastor Chris Wicher


Rev. Dr. Chris Wicher, President

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Eastern District 


New Administrative Assistant
My name is Ruth Marzano.  I am replacing Diana Zubrzycki who recently retired. I have been married for 22 years to Tom who is a Biomedical Engineer at a medical device company. I am the mother of two. Katie is 18 and Stephen is 17. We live in Clarence, NY and attend Holy Cross Lutheran Church.  I grew up in Erie, PA. I met my husband after graduating from college and moved to his native NJ where we lived for 12 years before relocating to Salisbury, MD. After 2 � years, God moved us to Clarence, where we have lived for the past 8 years.  I have served my LCMS churches in various capacities such as Sunday School teacher, Sunday School Superintendent, VBS Director, Council Secretary, Board of Education Chairperson and Congregational Life Chairperson.  I am looking forward to my new career in the Eastern District office.            
Call Updates

Calls Received 

Rev. Christopher Brynestad (St. Paul's, Decatur, AL) to St. John, North Tonawanda, NY.


Calls Accepted

Rev. Ben Bahr (SonRise Lutheran Church, Pottersville, NY) to Grace, Niagara Falls, NY.


Calls Declined

Rev. Mark Hricko (Saint Andrew, Silver Springs, MD) to Faith, Penfield. NY


Please pray for ...
+ For the family of Rev. Dr. Ronald F. Fink who was called to his       heavenly home on December 27, 2014.

+ Paul Gerlach

+ Pastor David Young

+ Jim Brese (Emeritus, Eastern District Staff)

+ Pastor Bruce and Brenda Donley (St. Michael, Akron, NY)  


God's blessings to St. Matthew,  North Tonawanda on celebrating its 125th anniversary as a congregation. 
DCE Interns

Concordia University Nebraska has a large number of DCE interns (19) ready to intern this summer.  Concordia is looking for congregations to partner with to train up these eager interns and also staff ministry leadership roles.


If your congregation might be interested in partnering in such a ministry,  please contact Tim Rippstein (402.643.7425 or ) at the DCE Program at Concordia University in Seward, NE. The deadline for applying for a DCE intern is Feb. 1st. This intern will begin the 12-month internship this summer.


National Lutheran Schools Week Jan. 25-Jan. 31st

"Standing in Christ, Serving Others"


National Lutheran Schools Week provides our network of nearly 2,300 LCMS preschools, elementary schools and high schools with the public opportunity to proclaim and celebrate God's work among us in Lutheran schools. We thank God for the opportunity to provide excellent academic preparation for the children we serve. We are most grateful for the opportunity to share Jesus' amazing love with children and their families. National Lutheran Schools Week gives us an opportunity to proclaim these great blessings within the communities we serve. Our schools are amazing incubators for faithful witness of God's love for us through Christ by teachers and students alike.


Eastern District Congregational Events 

Make sure to look at the Eastern District website for upcoming events.  


The list of all congregational activities and events that have been submitted for publication in the Eastern District e-Communicator can now be found in one easy to access central location. These events can also be found "24/7" on the Eastern District website. 


For all current lists of congregational activities and events CLICK HERE 


Celebrating our People
A complete list of ordained workers celebrating a birthday or anniversary during the month of January can be found here.
In addition, we would like to recognize our Commissioned Workers.  If you would like to be included in our list of birthdays, please send that information to the District Office at
Publishing Information
Submissions for the Eastern District weekly "e-Communicator" and the monthly "e-News" are welcome. If you would like to share a congregational event via the weekly "e-Communicator" or monthly "e-News", please submit a brief description of the event, in print ready form at least one week prior to the event, to Ruth Marzano at
Due to space limitations, submitted pieces will be published for a limited time period. The editor reserves the right to edit for length and clarity. 

In This Issue
Breaking New Ground

President Wicher's Vision of "Breaking New Ground for the Mission of Jesus Christ" has three priorities:  


Foster healthy leaders; Promote Kingdom growth; and Deepen discipleship. 



Devotional Calendar
We pray this week for:
Nazareth Church
Philadelphia, PA
 Pastor Arthur Boone
 St. Luke Church 
Croydon, PA
 Pastor Jim Eckert 

St. Mark's Church
Ridley Park, PA
Pastor Thomas Engler

St. Philip's Church
Philadelphia, PA
Pastor Howard Alexander

Pioneer Camp & Retreat Center, Angola, NY
Alex Knowles, Director;
Staff & Campers

Campus Ministries
Buffalo, Rochester
Pittsburgh and Philadelphia

Christ Church
Bethlehem, PA
 Pastor Ron Smith

Upcoming Events
Event Title
5111 Main Street
Williamsville, New York 14221
Upcoming District Events


Jan. 27-28, 2015
VP/CV Conference, Canandaigua, NY
Jan. 31 Conv. Planning Comm. Mtg., St. Luke, Cheektowaga
Feb. 6-7 Eastern District BoD, Faith, Penfield, NY
Apr. 18 Retirement Seminar, Pioneer
March 13-14 Presidents' Conference
May 1-2 Eastern District BoD, Pittsburgh, PA
Jun. 19-20 Eastern District Convention, Daemen College, Amherst, NY
(TBD) Orientations, CV/VP, BoD
Sept. 28-30 Eastern District Pastor Conference
Sept. 30-Oct. 2 Eastern District Educator Conference
Sept. 29-Oct. 2 LCMS Presidential Visit
Oct. 2-3 Eastern District BoD, Pioneer
July 9-14 2016 LCMS Convention, Milwaukee, WI
President Wicher's Vision for the Eastern District:

"Healthy leaders vigorously equipping God's people to promote Kingdom growth"

Contact Information
       Rev. Dr. Chris Wicher, President                   Robert Foerster, Asst to the President            

5111 Main Street, Williamsville, New York  14221