Information and News of Importance
Shared with You Monthly from the Eastern District, LCMS
October 2013

In addition to October being "Pastors Appreciation Month", The Festival of the Reformation falls on the 31st. This is a uniquely Lutheran day even though other Christians might make mention of the same on their calendars. You know the story about Martin Luther posting the 95 theses on the Wittenberg Church doors and how that began the Reformation movement in the western church. Luther re-emphasized the church's core Biblical teaching, we are justified by God's grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and this is a gift given freely.


Reformation isn't about looking back in time only. We don't want to get stuck in our past because God has made us to be His people for the now. Reformation is the ongoing movement within the church universal calling brothers and sisters in Christ and all the world by the Gospel to the truth of God's mercy in Jesus. And the world still needs to hear and follow this message with lives that are set free by the truth of God's Word. It may surprise you, but there are those in the world who still teach another way. Several weeks ago I read an article in the "Wall Street Journal" called "Ghost Money." It was about a centuries-old ritual in China in which money is burned to make the afterlife better for loved ones who have died. The money is called "ghost money". It's not real money. It's a currency that is printed and purchased and then burnt to help the dead, or so they believe. How different is the Christian Gospel! "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him will not perish but have eternal life." May that Gospel spread all through the world!


So this Reformation month, take some time and refresh yourself with the story of the Lutheran Reformation. Read a book, watch a DVD, attend a lecture on the Reformation. But above all be a Reformation Christian whose life is saturated with the central Christian truth, knowing and living by that simple principle that God's love is for everyone in Christ. 


Pastor Chris Wicher



Rev. Dr. Chris Wicher, President

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Eastern District   



Eastern District LWML is looking for grant applications for the upcoming convention this June in Buffalo. If your congregation has a ministry or a new ministry start that requires funds, try applying to the EDLWML. Contact your congregation's LWML Society or Zone officers for further information.


Pastor recruitment representatives from Concordia Seminary St. Louis will be in the Eastern District at the following places:

Tuesday, October 29th

Trinity Lutheran Church

140 Swansea Drive

Syracuse, NY 13206

315-437-8203 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.


Hope Lutheran Church

1301 Vintage Lane

Rochester, NY 14626

585-723-4673 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


Wednesday, October 30th

Trinity Lutheran Church

14 E 38th Street

Erie, PA 16504

814-456-1703 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.


Wednesday, October 30th

Zion Lutheran Church

3197 Washington Pike

Bridgeville, PA 15017

412-221-4776 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.


Thursday, October 31st

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

851 N. Science Park Road

State College, PA 16803

814-234-8177 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

2121 Roosevelt Avenue

York, PA 17408

717-764-4746 3:30 - 6:00 p.m.


Congratulations to the following congregations who are celebrating their anniversaries:

Zion, Accident MD, on their 150th anniversary, and

Zion, Lawrenceville (Pittsburgh) Pa, on their 145th anniversary



Call Updates

Calls Received


Pastor Tom Gundermann of Faith, Penfield, NY to Concordia University, St. Paul as University Chaplain.


Calls Accepted 


Pastor David Duke to Concordia Lutheran Church, Newfane, NY.


Pastor Travis Grubbs as Pastor of newly formed dual parish, Immanuel, Gowanda, NY and Trinity, Silver Creek, NY.


Donna Einspahr (Trinity Lutheran, Gardenville, NV) to Christ Lutheran School, Forest Hills, PA.


Dr. Phil Frusti of Valparaiso, Indiana to Principal of St. John Lutheran School, North Tonawanda, NY. 



Please pray for ...

Rev. Chuck Whited (First Trinity, Tonawanda, NY) and family, at the passing of Chuck's father.  


Karen Foote (St. John, N. Tonawanda, NY) recovering from surgery.


Kathy Figini (First Trinity, Tonawanda, NY) for healing. 


Paul Gerlach (Principal, Emeritus) St. Paul, N. Tonawanda, NY for health concerns.



 New Worker Orientation

Mark Your Calendars! The Eastern District New Worker Orientation is scheduled to be held in Buffalo, NY on November 4 and 5, 2013.  Information will soon be mailed to all new workers and their congregational presidents about this important event.  Information can also be found on the Eastern District website - click here.


Right of Retirement 

We celebrate many milestones in the church - we celebrate baptisms, confirmation, marriages and even the passage into life eternal.  But  has your congregation ever thought of celebrating the milestone of retirement?  The summer issue of "Engaging the Aging" suggests that congregations honor this life passage within the context of a worship experience that includes a Rite of Retirement


 Lutherans in Medical Missions

On Saturday, November 23, 2013 from 2-4 pm, Rev. Tim & Rita Nickel, former missionaries in Kyrgyzstan and Turkey, and previously serving at Hamlin, NY, will travel from Florida to give a presentation at St Mark's Lutheran Church, 1135 Oliver St. in N. Tonawanda, NY 14120.


Rita Nickel (RN) is now the Synod's Director for Lutherans In Medical Missions and has marvelous stories to share about what God is doing thru that ministry!   She and we want to say "thank you" to all of the people & churches of the Eastern District who helped with the "Kyrgyzstan Ambulance and Medical Mission Fund" back in 1991-99... AND give an update on what God continues to do there.


Don't miss it! Phone 716-693-3715 by Nov 20th to tell us how many are coming.             


A"A Very Special Tribute"


A recent email, entitled, "A Very Special Tribute"  ( piqued my curiosity.  A "tribute" to what or whom?  So I opened and read the email blast.  It was a tribute to a spouse, specifically, a pastor's spouse.  How many of us could write that same tribute, using different words?  The answer?  Each and every one of us who serve the church, male or female, commissioned or ordained. 

The next question, however, is a little more difficult, "How many of us actually "write" that tribute - in whatever form would be most relevant for our spouse?  My sainted wife Judy used to rankle whenever someone (note:  not me) introduced her as "Bob's wife."  She wasn't irked at being identified as my spouse (that is another story all together) but at not being recognized as a professional in ministry, a partner in a ministry team.

All married church workers are dependent on such partners.  Sometimes, however, we take that partnership for granted.  Sometimes we cherish that partnership but never express our thankfulness to that partner for his or her support and encouragement.   I encourage you to start this new program year with these words gleaned from the article, "It's impossible to express how sincerely I thank God for ________ and how deeply indebted I am to this very special person."  By all means, express those thanks to God, but be sure to share those words and everything attached to those words with your spouse and all within earshot! 

Introducing the Young Investors (Y.I.) Club


As a Christian parent, you know it's important to teach your child to give thanks for God's many blessings and use those blessings wisely to serve Him. Learning to understand the value of sharing, saving and spending money is a good place to start.


Lutheran Church Extension Fund's Young Investors (Y.I.) Club helps toddlers to teens learn how to manage their blessings and help others learn about Jesus. These special investments empower ministry!


With an investment of just $25 in a Y.I. StewardAccount®, the child becomes a Y.I. Club member with special activities to keep them engaged and learning. The three different levels of Y.I. Club grow with the child, from age-appropriate activities and Bible readings to investment incentives for good grades and community service, to college scholarships for high school seniors (starting with the Class of 2015).


A Y.I. StewardAccount offers great features, including:

  • A premium interest rate (September's rate is 3.50% on balances up to $1,000).
  • Easy access to funds if you need them.
  • Debit card availability for your young investor at age 16.

Visit or call 800-843-5233, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (CT) to find out more.          



To Your Health

The SilverSneakers® Fitness Program is an innovative health, exercise and wellness program helping older adults live healthy, active lifestyles. SilverSneakers is a benefit offered to members of many Medicare plans across the U.S. If you are part of a Medicare health plan or if you are a group retiree you may already have the  benefit.


To find out if your health plan or Medicare Supplement carrier offers SilverSneakers or find a participating health plan in your state click here.

(Thank you Rev. David Young for this great piece of information!) 

 From The Business Office



Please watch your mail for the 2014 renewal forms for your congregations 2014 Lutheran Witness Subscription Renewals. The cost for each subscription will be $10.75. Your church secretary will be receiving the packet for renewals by the end of September. We are asking that you return your renewals with one check made payable to the Eastern District with Lutheran Witness on the memo line by November 1, 2013.                       

 Operation Christmas Child

Now is the time to begin planning whether the children of your school, Sunday school or congregation will be involved in Operation Christmas Child.  Thanks to simple shoebox gifts from Christians around the world, Samaritans purse has reached over 100 million children in the Name of Jesus Christ.  Millions more are waiting.  For information on Operation Christmas Child, click here.

 With The Lord Begin Thy Task

President Wicher has written a series of devotions to be used at the beginning of church meetings this year.  A devotion has been written for each month, September - July, and are available on the District web site,, under "What's New".  Copies will also be sent to everyone on our email list. 


Celebrating our People
A complete list of ordained workers celebrating a birthday or anniversary during the month of October can be found here.
In addition, we would like to recognize our Commissioned Workers.  If you would like to be included in our list of birthdays, please send that information to the District Office at
Publishing Information
Submissions for the Eastern District weekly "e-Communicator" and the monthly "e-News" are welcome. If you would like to share a congregational event via the weekly "e-Communicator" or monthly "e-News", please submit a brief description of the event, in print ready form at least one week prior to the event, to Diana Zubrzycki at
Due to space limitations, submitted pieces will be published for a limited time period. The editor reserves the right to edit for length and clarity. 
In This Issue
Breaking New Ground

President Wicher's Vision of "Breaking New Ground for the Mission of Jesus Christ" has three priorities:  


Foster healthy leaders; Promote Kingdom growth; and Deepen discipleship. 



Devotional Calendar
We pray this week for:
St. John Church & Preschool
Pittsburgh, PA
Vac. Pastor Patrick Runk
St. John Church & Preschool
Munson/Morrisdale, PA
Pastor James Kusko
St. Luke Church & School
Cabot, PA
Pastor Barry Keurulainen
Pastor Matthew Barry
St. Paul Church & Preschool
New Kensington, PA
Vac. Pastor Roger Nuerge
Your Congregation and
Your Pastor
District President
Pastor Chris Wicher and 
Eastern District Staff
Concordia Lutheran Ministries
Chaplains: Jack Hartman, Paul Rist, Roger Nuerge, Patrick Runk
Quick Links
Upcoming Eastern District Events


Oct. 4-5             BoD St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ellicottville, NY

Oct. 24-26         Lutheran Education Association Convocation (LEA), Milwaukee, WI

Oct. 25              Pioneer Wine & Beer Tasting, Pearl Street Grill & Brewery, Buffalo, NY

Nov. 4-5            New Worker Orientation


President Wicher's Vision for the Eastern District:

"Healthy leaders vigorously equipping God's people to promote Kingdom growth"

Contact Information
       Rev. Dr. Chris Wicher, President                   Robert Foerster, Asst to the President            

5111 Main Street, Williamsville, New York  14221