In This Issue
Information For
Kathleen Baldwin
Ann Cagney-Heen
Jeremy Cook
Jeff Duimstra
Lauren Hennessey
Bill Larson
Mark Lawrence
Mary Nolan
Scott Pinson
Dave Rozakis
Greg Spinali
Becky Swanson
Bob Wheeler

October 2015
The Autumn Academic Quarter is upon us. My article this month is a tickler for you to connect to important information to help you and your department/school.

Heads Up lets you know about construction on campus. Get notifications about detours or other impacts to your daily commute, or to help you plan for a special event.   Construction information is organized by campus location, using the four quarters. Visit the website to subscribe to weekly updates.

Sustainability Website
celebrates Stanford Green but also give tips and information you can use. There is dashboard information for utilities for over 60 academic buildings, and ways that you can save energy and water on campus.

EH&S has been working to gather information about known or presumed asbestos-containing materials in Stanford buildings. Building reports have been added to the FIMS page on the LBRE Maps and Records site. While it is still important to do a formal check in/test with EH&S before any wall is cut or tile removed, this is a great resource.

And don't forget-
Reunion Weekend is October 23 - 25
Campus Clean Up runs from October 13 - November 12  
Kathleen Baldwin (KB)

The End of an Era - Demolition of the Cardinal CoGen Plant  

  Cardinal Green Building Webinar

  Sustainability Tip

Turn off your computer, monitor, and printer at night and on weekends! If everyone on campus did this, the university would save the same amount of electricity as taking 48 homes off the grid for one year.
  KZSU, 90.1


  Is That a Bird's Nest?


  Zone Management Summer Projects

  GROUNDED: Plant of the Month  

  Security Tip


Stanford University
Lands, Building & Real Estate| Zone Management | | Bonair Siding