Summer blew right by us! Classes are in session and we anticipate fall weather, a winning Stanford football season and one of the Big 5 Events, Reunion Weekend. Stanford alumni will descend upon campus starting Thursday, October 17th with programs ending the 20th. Even though the returning alum lived here for at least four years, they might need a hand with directions since the campus has changed so much over the years. Homecoming Game against UCLA on October 19th will be sure to draw a loud, Cardinal crowd - the game is sold out! Classes with formal events include the Class of '53, '58, '63, '68, '73, '78, '83, '88, '93, '98, 2003 and 2008. The Development web site for Reunion Weekend is
Another sign that fall is here is the Academic Campus Clean-Up. As storage closets get full, Building Managers organize their department to rid them of items no longer used. This successful event is sponsored by Buildings & Grounds Maintenance (BGM), Property Management, and Peninsula Sanitary Service (PSSI) and is in its 20th year! We are evaluating a shorter time format for fall and will repeat the Clean-Up in early spring. The twice a year Clean Up seems to be easier for you than only one longer one in the fall. This year's Campus Clean-Up will run from October 15th to November 7th. See details and a map at
Kathleen Baldwin (KB)