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Commencement Info
Next Training:
9/17/13 9:30 AM, 340 BONAIR SIDING  CONF. RM H,D&L


Kathleen Balwin

Marc Epstein

Gerry Hamilton

George Sandoval

Bob Wheeler

Raveena Ulrich


June 2013
It is always inspiring to see the graduating class head to the field, after getting to know them for four years.  BGM scrambles to make the campus look beautiful and  welcoming for the Class of 2013's family and friends.  I take my hat off to Event Services. Wow, the logistics are unbelievable, but they, along with the Grad Crew of students, have every detail down.  Grounds works hard to give that extra effort for all of the 92 IDA sites and pathways on campus.  The Department of Project Management stops many construction projects to limit noise and dust for the four days.  Many of you are involved with Commencement, but many at Stanford work at various tasks that are not as focused on the academic calendar.  Whatever your job, take a moment and look out at your surroundings.  If you see an area that was overlooked (doubt it, but it does happen), please call your Zone Team over the next few days so we can attend to it.  During commencement, remember if you see a safety or cleanliness issue that needs immediate attention, call Dispatch, 723-2281 to report it.



For more Commencement details, go to commencement.stanford.edu


Thank you to all who make the Farm such a special place.


Kathleen Baldwin (KB)




Cantor Arts Center - Main Lobby
 The Symphonic Body: Stanford  
symphonic body
Michael Burdzinski, Julie Day, Mary Nolan, Jose  Perez, Rebecca Swanson and retired Grounds Manager Herb  Fong,  took part in this performance at the Bing Concert Hall on Wednesday, May 29, 2013.     
 SESI:  Sweet Hall     
sweet hall 
Stanford Energy Systems Innovations (SESI) project has many pieces working towards energy saving. 
Energy Management is a high priority on campus.  Learn how FEM/EMCS make it happen behind the scenes.
 Historical Knoll Building
It has been described by Stanford students as everything from a Spanish mansion to a Gothic fortress and even a haunted castle, but these misconceptions strike far from the truth.
 Bee Hive Rescue

BGM rescues a bee hive from a precarious spot on the Knoll.
Land, Buildings & Real Estate | zones_announcements@lists.stanford.edu | http://bgm.stanford.edu/
 Bonair Siding
Stanford, CA 94035

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