Almost Commencement! June is fast approaching. . . Now that From the Ground Up is distributed via an electronic format, we plan to issue the newsletter more frequently. Please let us know of any interesting topics happening in your building, department, or school. We are always looking for stories from our Building Manager community. Feedback is welcome. Contact the newsletter staff at The "staff" consists of two; Raveena Ulrich and me. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ADDRESS ONLY GOES TO THE NEWSLETTER STAFF, NOT THE BUILDING MANAGER E-MAIL LIST. The next Building Manager training "Driving the BGM Web Site," is May 14. Zones will send notices out to Building Managers regarding future training. You are welcome to attend or send a colleague. For the BGM Web class, we limited the number of attendees so that each can use a laptop to navigate the page. There are still a few spaces left. Contact if you would like to attend. As always, the Building Manager training presentations are on the BGM web site, listed under Announcements. If you are unable to attend, you can still get the information. Thanks for taking the time to review our newsletter, hope you enjoy the copy. Kathleen Baldwin (KB) Editor |
Clock Bell Tower Mechanism |