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Post Election 2015: Special News Digest Edition

For this week we continue our light version of the News Digest focused on the Federal Election 2015. We will go back to our classic format next week.

English articles

What changes will the liberal government will do to the Anti-terrorism Legislation?

Proposed legislation to add new measures and repeal some existing parts of the law, now known as the Anti-terrorism Act of 2015, or C-51, is already being drafted and is to be tabled early in the new parliamentary session. Consultations with the public and various experts are planned before the replacement legislation is put to a final House vote. Read more...

Mounties received warning before last's year shooting

Mounties received at least three warnings of potential terrorist attacks on uniformed officers before last year's shootings on Parliament Hill, yet the RCMP wound down extra patrols around the parliamentary precinct just days before the tragedy, newly disclosed documents show.
The RCMP unit that patrols Parliament Hill, which shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, 32, successfully stormed, was understaffed by at least 29 positions at the time of the attack. Read more...

It is secret but they won't tell you why it is secret

Thousands of pages of correspondence and briefing notes on the federal government's anti-terror Bill C-51 are so secret the government won't disclose its reasons for censoring them.
In April, Global News requested documents from Public Safety Canada relating to the constitutionality of Bill C-51, passed earlier this year. Read more...

In a blistering and partisan public statement, Chief Commissioner Marie-Claude Landry congratulated Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau and the new members of Parliament, then ripped into the outgoing government.
"I call on our newly elected Parliament to begin repairing the erosion of human rights in Canada, and to move swiftly to repeal legislation and reverse policies that promote discrimination and prejudice," Landry said. "No one should live in fear because of who they are or because they have a belief that is not shared by the majority. Read more...

Legislative Agenda for the New Liberal Government?


Surveillance in the UK 

MPs are to hold an emergency debate on the Wilson doctrine, amid fears the convention designed to prevent politicians' communications being spied upon is "dead".
The Investigatory Powers Tribunal has ruled the convention has no legal basis.
Shadow Commons leader Chris Bryant led a successful application in the Commons for an emergency debate in response to Wednesday's judgment. Read more...

Data Retention Law passed by the German Parliament

The German Bundestag (parliament) has passed a controversial law requiring telecoms and Internet companies to store customers' metadata and to make it available to law enforcement agencies investigating "severe crimes." Specifically, "phone providers will now have to retain phone numbers, the date and time of phone calls and text messages, and, in the case of mobile phones, location (approximated through the identification of cell phone towers)." In addition, "Internet providers are required to save the IP addresses of users as well as the date and time of connections made," a post on the Lawfare blog explains. Read more...

How far can entrapment go?

The RCMP brought in a new lead investigator in the 11th hour of an undercover terrorism operation because they knew he was a "closer" who could wrap up the elaborate plan, a senior Mountie has confirmed in B.C. Supreme Court. Read more...

Articles en fran�ais

Cette semaine nous continuons avec une revue d'actualit� 
all�g�e, sp�ciale �lection. Nous reviendrons � notre format habituel la semaine prochaine.

La GRC avait �t� pr�venue de la menace

Un an apr�s l'attentat qui a co�t� la vie au soldat Nathan Cirillo devant le parlement � Ottawa, des documents obtenus par la CBC r�v�lent que la Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC) avait �t� pr�venue � trois reprises d'une potentielle attaque terroriste dans les jours pr�c�dant le drame. Les autorit�s ne sont cependant pas � bl�mer, jugent des experts qui rappellent � quel point il est difficile de contrer une menace provenant d'individus isol�s. Lire plus...

Monia Mazigh
National Coordinator
Anne Dagenais Guertin
Communications and Research Coordinator