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Revue de l'actualit� - News Digest 
6 ao�t 2015 - August 6th, 2015
L�gislation antiterroriste
Anti-terror legislation

B�atrice Vaugrante: Le Canada, �l�ve z�l� de la n�gation des droits 

Le Devoir 31/07/2015 - 
Bon nombre de d�mocraties occidentales ont choisi de mettre en place des lois et des pratiques cens�es assurer la s�curit� de leurs citoyens au d�triment r�el de la protection de leurs droits. Lois antiterroristes octroyant des pouvoirs larges aux services de renseignement, offrant peu de recours pour les personnes concern�es par des d�tentions arbitraires ou des interdictions de prendre l'avion (no-fly list), permettant des programmes de surveillance de masse, le partage d'informations obtenues parfois sous la torture, limitant la libert� d'expression en criminalisant l'apologie du terrorisme, elle-m�me d�finie en termes vagues, et tout cela, sans aucun m�canisme de contr�le ni de reddition de comptes. Bon nombre de d�mocraties occidentales ont choisi de fermer leurs fronti�res aux migrants et r�fugi�s, les laissant m�me mourir en mer. Bon nombre de d�mocraties occidentales ont d�cid� de limiter la fondamentale libert� d'expression en octroyant des pouvoirs militaires � leur police, des pouvoirs discr�tionnaires sur qui peut ou non manifester, qui doit �tre ou non arr�t�. Sur ces trois exemples, le Canada est un �l�ve z�l�, il suit la tendance, voire parade en t�te.
Election could shine spotlight on digital issues: Geist

The Toronto Star
31/07/2015 - Bill C-51, the controversial anti-terrorism bill, emerged as one of the biggest political issues of the year, with thousands of Canadians protesting against legislation they viewed as excessively restrictive of their privacy and civil rights. The bill passed in June, but not before all three major parties adopted distinct positions. The Conservatives unsurprisingly supported their plan with few amendments, the NDP offered the strongest opposition, and the Liberals voted for the bill but promised changes if elected.
Those positions open the door to a robust debate on what comes next. The Liberals have committed to repealing elements of Bill C-51, but leaving some of it untouched. What would an NDP government do? With a Conservative-backed Senate committee recently proposing additional reforms, do the Conservatives view Bill C-51 as the end or the beginning of legal changes to combat terrorism? On top of Bill C-51 and its aftermath, the Edward Snowden surveillance revelations still loom large. The government has largely avoided discussing Canada's role in global Internet surveillance activities even as other countries have eliminated some programs and beefed up oversight in response to public concern. A clear position from each party on Canadian network surveillance activities is long overdue.

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Mass surveillance
Surveillance globale 

When Canada learned it had spies

Motherboard 05/08/2015 - In 1972, a senior analyst at the National Security Agency (NSA) reached out to the editors of the radical left-wing magazine Ramparts and volunteered to give a wide-ranging interview under the pseudonym of Winslow Peck.  In that interview, Peck spoke widely about the NSA's activities around the world, and made two references to Canada-specifically, a major Canadian agency called the CBNRC. According to him, this rather opaque acronym represented the Canadian equivalent to America's NSA, and the UK's shadowy GCHQ. There was just one problem: the Canadian public had never heard of anything called the CBNRC. Peck and the rest of the global security establishment knew that this Canadian agency, known today as the Communications Security Establishment (CSE), had been engaged in comprehensive eavesdropping and code breaking initiatives ever since the end of the Second World War. The Canadian government had secretly collected the country's post-war signals intelligence talent at the National Research Council (NRC) in 1946, establishing the intentionally vague-sounding Communications Branch: the CBNRC. [...] Every successive federal government vehemently denied that Canada engaged in any international espionage, while the CBNRC secretly helped to fight and even escalate the Cold War. Peck's interview in Ramparts provided one of the first concrete pieces of evidence pointing to this fact. It practically begged for further investigation-though that investigation wouldn't begin in earnest until the following year, with an enterprising young Englishman named William Macadam.

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GCHQ and me: My life unmasking British eavesdroppers

After 27 years, reporter who exposed ECHELON finds vindication in Snowden archive

NSA tries to blame privacy advocates for keeping Americans' telephone records

NSA's EPIC fail: Spy agency pays lawyers that sue it

China's cyberspying is 'on a scale no one imagined' - if you pretend NSA doesn't exist
Vie priv�e 

EXCLUSIVE: Edward Snowden explains why Apple should continue to fight the government on encryption

The Intercept 31/07/2015 - As the Obama administration campaign to stop the commercialization of strong encryption heats up, National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden is firing back on behalf of the companies like Apple and Google that are finding themselves under attack. "Technologists and companies working to protect ordinary citizens should be applauded, not sued or prosecuted," Snowden wrote in an email through his lawyer. Snowden was asked by The Intercept to respond to the contentious suggestion - made Thursday on a blog that frequently promotes the interests of the national security establishment - that companies like Apple and Google might in certain cases be found legally liable for providing material aid to a terrorist organization because they provide encryption services to their users. In his email, Snowden explained how law enforcement officials who are demanding that U.S. companies build some sort of window into unbreakable end-to-end encryption - he calls that an "insecurity mandate" - haven't thought things through. "The central problem with insecurity mandates has never been addressed by its proponents: if one government can demand access to private communications, all governments can," Snowden wrote.

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US - CISA bill won't protect you from hackers

US - Tech groups try to kill terrorist reporting mandate in spy bill

US - New effort to rebut torture report undermined as former official admits the obvious

The Intercept 05/08/2015 - Former top CIA officials planning a major public-relations campaign to rebut the Senate torture report's damning revelations have found themselves undermined by one of their own.

Eight former top officials wrangled by Bill Harlow - the former CIA flak who brought us the CIASavedLives.com website after the Senate report was issued last December - are publishing a book in the coming weeks entitled "Rebuttal: The CIA Responds  to the Senate Intelligence Committee's Study of Its Detention and Interrogation Program." Meanwhile, however, Alvin Bernard "Buzzy" Krongard, who was the CIA's executive director from 2001 to 2004 - the number-three position at the agency - was asked on a BBC news program if he thought waterboarding and putting a detainee in painful stress positions amounted to torture. "Well, let's put it this way, it is meant to make him as uncomfortable as possible," he said. "So I assume for, without getting into semantics, that's torture. I'm comfortable with saying that." He added: "We were told by legal authorities that we could torture people." 

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Physicians for Human Rights urges ban on psychologists' participation in interrogations

Following damning report, American Psychological Association may prohibit interrogation involvement

Video shows Moammar Gaddafi's son Saadi being beaten by Libyan prison guards
Autres nouvelles - More news
Anti-terror legislation
L�gislation anti-terrorisme  
Criminalisation et surveillance de la dissidence
Criminalization and surveillance of dissent 
D�mocratie et libert�s civiles
Democracy and civil liberties
Freedom of expression
Libert� d'expression
"Guerre au terrorisme"
"War on terror"
Migration and refugee rights
Immigration et droits des r�fugi�.es 
Militarization of the police
Militarisation de la police 
Press freedom
Libert� de la presse
Vie priv�e
Reflections on terrorism
R�flexions sur le terrorisme

Reflections on the war on terror
R�flexions sur la guerre au terrorisme

State terrorism
Terrorisme d'�tat


Terrorism cases
Proc�s pour terrorisme

Join the great Canadian petition drive to kill Bill C-51 and win prizes! 

OpenMedia - If we want to get Bill C-51 repealed, we need to add as many voices as we can so our message can be heard far and wide. So to provide a little extra incentive to help us reach 300,000 signatures, we've put together some pretty great prizes for those who help us reach the most people.
Join the Great Canadian Petition Drive to Kill C-51 now with the chance to win an awesome pro-privacy prize pack! Are you ready to beat Margaret Atwood?


Send Canada's Privacy Plan to the party leaders  

OpenMedia - Send the Crowdsourced Action Plan to the party leaders. The government has just rammed its anti-privacy Bill C-51 through the Senate.
Now we need to tell Party Leaders to #KillC51 and implement this positive alternative. Click below, read the plan and enter your information. They will use it to email the Privacy Plan to party leaders.


P�tition: Le Canada doit respecter sa promesse d'accueillir 10 000 r�fugi�.es Syrien.nes  

Amnistie internationale - Je vous appelle � : 1. Respecter la promesse d'accueillir 10 000 r�fugi�s syriens sur trois ans. 2. Donner la priorit� aux r�fugi�s les plus vuln�rables, conform�ment � la politique du HCR, comprenant les enfants non accompagn�s, les femmes et les jeunes filles expos�es � des risques, les personnes ayant surv�cu � des actes de torture, les personnes de la communaut� LGBTI, ainsi que celles ayant de graves besoins m�dicaux. 3. Allouer suffisamment de ressources administratives pour que toutes les demandes soient trait�es rapidement et �quitablement.


Petition: Call a Coroner's Inquest in to Abdi's death 

End Immigration Detention Network - Abdi had been in immigration prison without charges, trial or date of release for three years at the time of his death in a maximum security prison in Lindsay, Ontario. Days after his death, 88 immigration detainees imprisoned at the same prison, the Central East Correction Centre, defied sanctions to issue a joint petition calling for an inquiry into their friend's death. We at the End Immigration Detention Network have just been able to access to this petition. It reads:
* Coroner's inquest must happen and made public.
* Thorough inquest, must include talking to detainees.
* Implementation (of recommendations) from the inquest must be made immediately.
* The parties responsible must be made accountable.


Sign the Declaration of the Voices-Voix Coalition 

Voices-Voix Coalition - United, we call upon the Government of Canada to: 1. Respect the right to freedom of opinion and expression; 2. Act in accordance with Canada's democratic traditions and values; 3. Be transparent.

Both individuals and organizations can endorse the declaration.

Signez la p�tition pour lib�rer le blogueur saoudien Raif Badawi  

Amnistie internationale - Raif Badawi, prisonnier d'opinion en Arabie saoudite, risque la mort pour avoir offert un d�bat sur la libert� religieuse.
Exigeons des autorit�s saoudiennes que les coups de fouet cessent imm�diatement, que Raif soit lib�r� sans condition, et qu'il soit r�uni avec sa famille r�fugi�e au Canada.
Exigeons de cet �tat qu'il respecte ses obligations en mati�re de droits humains et qu'il abolisse la flagellation.

English petition

UAE: Free Canadian citizen Salim Alaradi! 

Free Salim Alaradi Campaign - We urge the United Arab Emirates to stop the torture and unconditionally and immediately release Canadian citizen Salim Alaradi, who has been detained for over 285 days without charge.

Please sign the petition and share widely!

Arar +10   

Watch the Arar +10: National Security and Human Rights, 10 years later conference

Retrospective of the Past Decade
Opening remarks: Retrospective of the Past Decade
Panel 1: The People and Lives Behind the Issues
Panel 1: The People and Lives Behind the Issues
Panel 2: Perspectives from the Media
Panel 2: Perspectives from the Media
Keynote Panel: Judicial Reflections on National Security and Human Rights
Keynote Panel: Judicial Reflections on National Security and Human Rights
Panel 3: Lawyering for Human Rights in a National Security Context
Panel 3: Lawyering for Human Rights in a National Security Context
Panel 4: A View from Community Level
Panel 4: A View from Community Level
Panel 5: Oversight and Review
Panel 5: Oversight and Review
Closing Remarks
Closing Remarks

Les opinions exprim�es ne refl�tent pas n�cessairement les positions de la CSILC - The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the positions of ICLMG

What is the News Digest? Qu'est-ce que la Revue de l'actualit�?

The News Digest is ICLMG's weekly publication of news articles, events, calls to action and much more regarding national security, anti-terrorism, and civil liberties. The ICLMG is a national coalition of thirty-eight Canadian civil society organizations that was established in the aftermath of the September, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States.
La revue de l'actualit� est notre publication hebdomadaire de nouvelles, d'�v�nements, d'appels � l'action, et beaucoup plus, entourant la s�curit� nationale, la lutte au terrorisme, et les libert�s civiles. La CSILC est une coalition nationale de 38 organisations de la soci�t� civile canadienne qui a �t� cr��e suite aux attentats terroristes de septembre 2001 aux �tats-Unis.