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Issue: #9
September 2013    

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Quick Links
Upcoming Events
September 27
NO SCHOOL - Teacher Inservice

October 2-4
6th Grade Science Camp

October 7-8
Spiritual Life Retreat
7th-8th Grade

October 16
PSAT Test (8:00 am-12:00 pm)
10th-11th Grade

October 17-18
Parent/Teacher Conference Days

October 19

October 22
Write Away Day
7th-12th Grade

October 24
Secondary Picture Day
7th-12th Grade

October 25
Grandparent's Day
Noon Dismissal
If you want your
Grandparent to get
a card from SCCS,
drop their address off
at the school office.

October 25
Fall Fling (Evening Event)
9th-12th Grade

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 SCCS Store

SCCS Athletics


This year SCCS Administration and Faculty will be recognizing students each month who possess the character principles found in
Matthew 5:1-12.

Poor in Spirit
(one who shows full
dependence on God)


(one who displays a
brokenness over sin)


(one who shows a preference and concern for others)



Hunger for righteousness
(one who displays genuine concern for spiritual matters)


Welcome New SCCS Faculty Members
By Mr. Wilson

The evidence of God's faithfulness is clear as we look to launch another year of teaching minds - training hearts for God! We have
the special privilege of adding seven new faculty members this
New Teachers
Back Row: David Caldwell, Trisanna Grisanti,
Alisha Preheim, Jamie Love and Joshua Cho.

Front Row: Natalie Smith and Nicky Wagner.
year. Some are new to SCCS; others are familiar faces taking on a new assignment according to their gifts and calling. As you get to know each of them this year we trust you will see why God has added them to our family and how we will be blessed by their ministry to our students. Please give a warm SCCS welcome, or congratulations, to our newest teachers as we continue "...standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel" (Phil. 1:27b, NASB).
Click here to read more.

Common Core Standards
By Mr. Huckabone   

Welcome to a new school year at SCCS. We are so glad to have such a wonderful community of families joining us on this mission of teaching minds and training hearts for God.  We are well on our way through the first quarter and it has been a joy to have many great conversations with families about the importance of instructing our children in a Christian World View that helps them apply Biblical precepts to every area of their life.

One of the most common questions I have had this year is how will SCCS be affected by the new Common Core Standards.  There is often both interest and concern behind those questions.  The state of California along with every other state have always had standards that direct what instruction will take place within the classroom.  For the most part these standards are purely academic proficiencies but by the nature of mankind there are also aspects of cultural agenda that are weaved into the expectations as well. Click here to read more. 
SCCS Varsity Football Team More than the Scoreboard
By Mr. Bob Dickson

Gauging the 2013 version of the SCCS varsity football team became a little more complicated on Sept. 13, when the Cardinals broke out of an early-season funk footballto beat Frederick Douglass Academy, 28-14 on the Lions' home field. The win was a welcome turn of events in light of the Cardinals' first two games -home losses to Chadwick (26-14 on Aug. 31) and Windward (22-6 on Sept. 6).  

Against Chadwick and Windward, the Cardinals (1-2) were victimized by turnovers on offense while the team surrendered a handful of big plays on defense. As a result the team found itself on the short end of lopsided scores that didn't reflect the team's ability or potential. Click here to read more.
Sixth Grade Students Journey to Ironwood Christian Camp
By Mrs. Lynn Kistler

On October 2, SCCS 6th graders, along with their teachers and several parent Science Campchaperones, will journey to Ironwood Christian Camp, where they will spend three days learning a variety of science-based skills with an emphasis on the wonder and amazement of God's creation.  Students will learn how to identify constellations, how to ride and care for horses, how to operate a canoe, how to shoot a bow and arrow, and how to survive in the desert.  They will also have the opportunity to hear nightly messages from Mr. Huckabone, this year's featured speaker. Click here to read more.
SCCS Student Talent Show and Fundraiser, "In the Spotlight"

SCCS is excited to promote its fall student talent show and fundraiser, "In the Spotlight" to be held In the Spotlight LogoSaturday, November 2nd from 6:30 to 9:30 pm at SCCS. In addition to the showcase, SCCS will host an online, live and silent auction to benefit PTF, Athletics, Drama, and elementary and secondary Choir.

The Auction Committee is locating items to be auctioned off, and we need your help! In order to run a successful auction, we need a lot of valuable items to include. Here's how you can help.
  • Do you have any items or services that you can donate to the auction? Examples of these types of items include, but are not limited to, sports tickets from season ticket holders or rental time at a second home or timeshare.
  • Are you or a family member part of a company that produces goods or services? We could use your help, too. Let us know what you would like to donate by filling out the form attached to this email.
Click here to read more. 
Meet Mr. Patrick Levis - SCCS Chapel Worship and Band Leader

Patrick Meet Patrick Levis! Levis is the new Chapel Worship and Band Leader at SCCS.


Levis has a heart for communicating the Gospel to both believers and unbelievers with the platform of music.


"I love hearing the elementary age kids, especially the younger ones, singing at the top of their lungs," said Levis. "When they hit those choruses, they just let loose; totally uninhibited singing. I love it!"


Over the last 20 years, Levis has been involved in music in a variety of ways.

"I started singing professionally at 13-years-old when I was cast in the Broadway musical "big," said Levis. "I've been writing songs for about ten years and most recently released a brand new worship album called "Extravagant God" available at" Click here to read more.