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Barbara DeSantis



So, what is NGSS?  Is it Nearby Galaxies Supernova System?  Northrop Grumman Ship Systems? Or maybe Now Go Sell Something? The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) were a major topic at the recent NSTA national conference. I couldn't even squeeze myself in the large conference room where these new standards were being discussed.  The crowd was over flowing to the hallway. And every NSTA publication recently has touched on NGSS.

If it seems as if NGSS has been around for a while-they have.  The first part of this dual process, A Framework for K-12 Science Education was released last July.  You can download the free PDF file here: 

Framework for K-12 Science Education  


 This product is the precursor to NGSS.  While the first published draft of the standards is expected shortly (and a second public comment session with follow later this year), the final standards will be published by early 2013.


Why the need for a national framework?  A recent national survey indicated Americans felt science education in all schools should be strengthened.  This is probably not a surprise to the education community. Have you seen students pass a test based on facts yet they are unable to apply the same concept later in the year? How often are we able to really "do" science with our students?  I have seen 8th graders relearn material that I thought I taught in 5th grade.

The goal of the framework and the accompanying NGSS is to produce high school graduates with scientific literacy.  They will be able to understand, discuss, and apply scientific principals to today's problems.


But all we have now is a final framework.  While the framework and the standards will not be identical products, an understanding of the framework will help you see the direction of the NGSS and answer questions from parents and other public stakeholders as they emerge.


The Framework has three major dimensions: Practices, Cross Cutting Concepts, and Core ideas. Let's start with the Practices. Below are short descriptions of the 8 areas:

  1.  Asking questions
  2.  Developing and using models
  3.  Planning and carrying out investigations
  4. Analyzing and interpreting data
  5. Using  mathematical computations
  6. Construction explanations
  7. Engaging in argument from evidence
  8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information 


The second dimension is Cross Cutting Concepts.  As the title suggests, these 7 areas relate to many areas of science.  They include:

  1. Patterns
  2. Cause and effect
  3. Scale, proportion, and quantity
  4. Systems and systems models
  5. Energy and matter
  6. Structure and function
  7. Stability and change

These are broad areas which probably appear several times both in a yearly curriculum as well over a multiyear education.  They are the tools we use to connect learning and concepts

The last dimension is Core Ideas.  Here is where I felt most at home and closest to the standards I know today. Here there are only 4 key area

  1. Physical Science
  2. Life Science
  3. Earth and Space Science
  4. Engineering and technology

Each section contains a breakdown of key areas.

So while we are waiting for the NGSS, you can take the time to review the framework.  New Jersey has committed to these standards (for state specific information, please click here 


Next Generation Science Standards


NJSTA is now is the planning stages for the rollout and implementation of NGSS. How can we best support you?  Please share your concerns and suggestions to me.  You can click on the link below to send me an email and share your ideas.

 Talk to Barbara

In This Issue
2012 Maitland Simmons Institute
Super Science Saturday
USA Science and Engineering Festival
Spirit of the Jerseys State History Fair
National Congress on Science Education
New Benefit of NJSTA Membership
Get Certified to Bring the Moon Rocks to Your School!
Project WET
Field Station: Dinosaurs
Lesson Share - Basic Meat Tray Flyers
NSTA STEM Forum in Atlantic City
Merck State Science Day
AAPT Summer Meeting in Philly
About Us
Help us help you!
Membership Expiration Date for :
Our membership year is January 1st to December 31st and if your expiration year is 2011 or earlier your membership has expired and you may renew now by using the link provided:

Membership Renewal Link

The NJSTA mission is to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. Members' benefits include newsletters, a network of educators with common interests, and opportunities to meet throughout the year.  We hope you will
renew now to maintain your membership in our community!

Calender of Events

Like us on Facebook

Everything that comes to us is posted immediately on our page!





May 2

NJSTA Spring Meeting Phillips Lighting Company North American Headquarters

May 9

NJSTA/NSTA Learning Center Webinar

May 9

Barnegat Bay Beach clean up 

May 11

Lunar Rock Training - Bring the Moon to your classroom!

May 12

History Fair Washington Crossing

May 17-19

NSTA STEM Expo and Forum Atlantic City

May 31

Deadline for submitting STEMIE Award application

June 1-3

NAGT - Eastern Section Annual Conference at Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory - Palisades, NY 

July 9-13

Maitland Simmons STEM Institute

October 9-10

New Jersey Science Convention


 Maitland P. Simmons Summer Institute 

How does Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) 

Education fit in your Middle School science curriculum? NJSTA's Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award Committee, in partnership with the Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education (CIESE) at Stevens Institute of Technology, and with support from PSEG, announces its 2012 Summer Institute.

Sustainable Energy:
Exploring Wind & Solar Power Systems
This five day institute for 24 middle school teachers will blend middle school science concepts for renewable energy with hands-on engineering designed to raise awareness of the challenge of using sustainable energy resources to meet world demand. Each teacher will receive approximately  $750.00 worth of materials suitable for teacher demonstrations and student use.
New Jersey Science Teachers Association's (NJSTA) eighth annual Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award Summer Institute is scheduled for July 9-13, 2012 on the campus of The College of NJ. Teachers of all middle school sciences are encouraged to apply. The NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for Science are the foundation for Institute activities, and the program will follow current state guidelines for the introduction and use of technology in the science classroom.

Click the link below for more information about this exciting opportunity
or email  Nancy Evans Bennett at the link below

Super Science Saturday 
At Trenton State Museum
Thanks to NJSTA members Deborah  Orzechowski, Angela Best, Linda Smith,
Nancy Evans Bennett, Jim Messersmith, Gerald Telemosse and Jessie Blair who spent their Saturday doing science with children and their parents....   
This is what NJSTA is all about!
USA Science and Engineering Festival A Huge Success             Over 25,000 people converged on the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington DC on Saturday, April 27th to be inspired. Our own Linda Smith represented New Jersey where she helped run a booth that had children and their parents making straw kazoos, butterfly patterns, circle fliers, balancing cheese balls in the air and flying toilet paper across the convention center. Check out some of the excitement in the pictures :
Washington 4                Washington 1 
 Development Opportunit
 for History/Science and 
Social Studies Teachers
New Jersey history and social studies teachers can learn by doing and earn 3
professional development hours by participating in the Spirit of the Jerseys State History Fair in Titusville on Saturday, May 12th from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.  The event is open to everyone and is a wonderful opportunity for teachers to come and learn along with their family and friends. 
Activities include military encampments and displays on the Revolutionary, Civil, WWI and WWII time periods; period music and crafts; living history demonstrations; historic character portrayals; and exhibits by historical societies and museums. New Jersey State Historic Sites, most of which offer free school tours and programs, will be available with information.
The fair provides a unique opportunity for teachers to meet numerous experts in 
fields related to the history of New Jersey, receive information on historic sites and organizations, and interact with living history demonstrators and reenactors who will be interpreting milestone events and historic figures from the State's past.
Professional development documentation certificates must be obtained at the Division of Parks & Forestry exhibit booth during the fair. It is the responsibility of districts, schools or individuals to determine the suitability of this program with the district or school's Professional Development Plan.
The fair will be held rain or shine. Admission is FREE. 
Parking is $5 per
For more information click on the link below:
National Congress on Science Education (NCSE) Meeting

The National Congress on Science Education (NCSE) is comprised of one voting delegate from each NSTA-recognized chapter and associated group. This assembly meets annually to discuss pertinent issues affecting science education and to learn and network with peers. Workshops on organization and leadership development are also offered.
Below are the details for this summer's meeting:.

2012 National Congress on Science Education
July 11-14, 2012
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Meeting & Housing Location
Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town
Albuquerque, New Mexico
800 Rio Grande Blvd. NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104
            505-843-6300       phone 
            1-866-505-7829       toll free

Hotel Albuquerque is offering a special discount of $109 per night for NCSE attendees. Reservations must be made by June 18, 2012 to receive this special rate. Reference the "2012 Summer Congress Meeting" when making your reservation.

Registration Information/Declaring a Delegate and Alternate
Registration for the meeting is now available. The process is completely online (printed forms will not be accepted). Click on the link below to register:

 Everyone planning to attend the meeting will need to register - attendees, delegates and alternates. 

Declaring delegates/alternates: Chapter and Associated Groups can identify one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate to represent their organization at the NCSE meeting. Delegates and alternates must be declared during the registration process. The deadline to declare a delegate and an alternate is June 10th. Individuals will still be able to register as a general attendee after June 10th.
New Benefit of Membership for NJSTA Members     

In an effort to serve our membership more effectively, New Jersey Science Teachers, through a collaboration with National Science Teachers is offering all its members free membership in the NSTA Learning Community.  This resource will allow you to access Over 3,000 resources free.  This is just a short list of what NJSTA members will be able to access:

�� Science Objects

�� Web Seminars (live, archives, and podcasts)

�� Journal articles (over 1,100)

�� e-Book chapters (over 200)

�� Symposia archives

�� External resources (NASA)

�� All PD tools

�� All public collections

�� All public community forums Over 3,000 resources


In addition, we have created a community forum specifically for New Jersey Teachers to discuss concerns in our classrooms.  Teachers can login any time to chat with people around our state.


Imagine your principal insists you teach the Earth, Sun, Moon relationship and the phases of the moon to your second graders.  In your NJSTA community, you can post on the Earth Space Science Community board and ask if someone might have a great lesson for phases of the moon.  Or you could look at the Earth Sun and Moon, Motion of the moon Science Object.  Science Objects are two hour on-line interactive inquiry-based content modules that help teachers better understand the science they need to teach.  Better yet you might look at a SciPack.  SciPacks are self-directed online learning experiences for teachers to enhance their understanding of a particular scientific concept.


There are also lesson plans and assessments for nearly any concept you need to teach.  The content is sorted by concept and grade level from Preschool to beyond High School. 

NJSTA members also now have their own personal space to keep all of the resources they find in the learning center.  You can also share these resources with your colleagues. 

To get you started NJSTA and NSTA are presenting a FREE webinar on this new resource on May 9th.  From 4:30 to 6:30.  You can join us from the comfort of your computer and access the information any time you like. 


Join us on the 9th!  Get to know other science teachers around the state, make new friends!  We hope to "see" you on the 9th!

 Click on the link below to register


New Jersey Astronomy Center
Bringing Lunar Rock Samples to your Classroom 
Designed for Teachers Grades 3-12 
Friday, May 11, 2012 
Become Lunar Rocks Certified! Learn how to borrow and integrate real NASA Lunar Rock and Meteorite samples into classroom lessons! Did you know that NASA allows teachers to borrow actual Lunar Rock Samples that were collected during the Apollo missions? After teachers attend this certification workshop, they will be able to bring the excitement of real lunar samples into their classroom. In addition to receiving Lunar Rock Certification training, teachers who attend will experience a variety of key activities that they can use in their classroom to support learning about the moon, it's features, formation, and geology. Following the training, teachers will be eligible for free loans of Lunar Rock samples from NASA, and free loans of supplemental resources from NJACE. 
During the workshop, teachers will experience a variety of inquiry-based activities that can be used in conjunction with the NASA Lunar and Meteorite samples. Part of the workshop is devoted to the certification process, and the remaining time will be used 
to explore these supporting activities. 
Teachers will receive 3.25 PDU hours in addition to astronomy posters, pictures, other handouts, and a link to additional electronic resources. Coffee/Tea will be provided, but teachers are asked to bring their own meal. 
The cost for this training and all materials is only $25. This is due to support from NASA (which is providing the certification training portion for free), and support from the New Jersey Space Grant Consortium. 
Training will take place at the New Jersey Astronomy Center at Raritan Valley Community College Route 28 & Lamington Road, North Branch, NJ 08876 
Phone: 908-526-1200 x 8942 NJ 
Professional Development Provider #273
Click on the link below for more information  


* Do you have an innovative math lesson?
* Have an interesting idea for math game or science activity?
* Want to share your most intriguing science project?


McGraw-Hill Education is celebrating extraordinary STEM teachers like you, with the 2012 STEM Innovative Educator Awards (STEMIE Awards for short). All you have to do is record a 2-minute video demonstrating something innovative you've done in the classroom along with a short essay and lesson plan, and submit it on this site. First place wins $15,000, second place gets $5,000, and third place will win $2,500, plus we'll grant up to $2,500 more in fun awards like Honorable Mentions. You can learn more on the Contest Details page, or if you're ready enter now!

Click on the link below to find out more!

Project Wet Curriculum Guide Workshops
For educators of grades K-12: The Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide is a collection of more than 60 science-based, interdisciplinary activities and lesson plans that are teacher-tested and classroom ready for K-12 students.  Designed with a commitment to meeting educational standards, Project WET activities use the vital importance of water to cover diverse topics and disciplines.  Activities with names such as "The Incredible Journey," "Pass the Jug," "Macro-invertebrate Mayhem," describe lessons that are sure to pique student interest and make learning fun. This guide is only available to educators who participate in a six-hour Project WET Workshop.  The lessons in this guide are correlated to the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards. In addition, workshop participants learn about an amazing array of supplementary educational materials that focus specifically on New Jersey's water resources.
To find out more about Project WET email NJWET State Coordinator, Kevin Kopp at the link below:
 call at (215)321-3930 
or visit the web at the link below:

Field Station: Dinosaurs is a world-class family attraction that combines cutting-edge science with the creative minds of great artists to create a one-of-kind experience that's thrilling, educational and fun. Set against the breathtaking natural backdrop of the New Jersey Meadowlands and nestled at the base of a 150 million year old rock formation, the Field Station is an oasis of natural wonder just nine minutes from New York City. Over thirty life-sized, realistic dinosaurs (including the 90-foot long Argentinosaurus,
the largest animatronic dinosaur ever made) come to life thanks to the brilliant engineering of the world's leading roboticists and the imagination of our artists.


Walk through twenty acres of wild, unpredictable woods, mysterious pathways and trails and participate in games and workshops designed in collaboration with the New Jersey State Museum. Feed the T-Rex at the Feeding Frenzy, grab binoculars and go bird watching, dig for fossils, sing with the dinosaur troubadour.


Field Station: Dinosaurs opens to school groups on May 14 and to the general public
on May 26.
Click on the link below for more information:

Lesson Share 
NJSTA is all about sharing.  this month we'd like to share a NASA resource with you.  This booklet has helped my students make Hot Air Balloons, Sled Kites, Right Gliders, Delta Wing Gliders, and Rotocopters using meat trays, straws, string and plastic grocery bags.  At the same time they learned about the history of flight.
click on the link below to get the teacher's guide for free!
 Have a lesson to share?  We'd love to feature it in our newsletter!
Click on the link below to share your lesson plan.
STEM Forum & Expo
May 17-19, 2012 
Atlantic City, New Jersey
We are especially excited to announce that the A-5 Waiver requested for the STEM Forum & Expo has been granted by the New Jersey Department of Education's (Acting) Commissioner, Christopher D. Cerf. New Jersey educators should be aware that the overnight travel prohibition has been lifted for this event. 
The Steering Committee has been working with NSTA since spring of 2011
in an effort to design a STEM Forum that will be engaging, innovative, fun,
enlightening, and as useful as possible for the development of STEM education in
this country. We think we have scored a win here.
First, the venue-Atlantic City, New Jersey, in the spring. Can't wait to check
out the boardwalk of "America's Favorite Playground."
The strand sessions are organized by grade levels-PreK-2, Grades 3-5,
Grades 6-9, Community/After-School/ Outreach Programs, and Administrators.
We hope you will easily find exactly which sessions will meet your needs.
Exciting keynote speakers, including:
* Kenneth Wesson, a world-renowned educational consultant in neuroscience,
will share how STEM should be delivered in learning contexts in which disciplinary
interdependence is highlighted for young learners.
* Mary Ellen Weber, two-time Space Shuttle astronaut, engineer, scientist, and
pilot, will speak on encouraging students "To Boldly Go: The Unbounded Opportunities
in Science and Math." 
Family STEM Night will be staged on Friday evening. Join us and see how much
fun families can have discovering the excitement of STEM teaching and learning.
Wonderful pockets of STEM expertise are developing all around our country.
Here are some of the outstanding sessions scheduled:
* Fairy Tales-Assembly Required
* Trebuchets: An Interdisciplinary STEM Unit
* The Freshman Robot Project
* How to Succeed in Robotics Without Really Trying
* STEM Education: Preparing for and Opening a STEM Academy
We hope to bring all this STEM experience and knowledge together in the same
place-Atlantic City, New Jersey-at the same time, May 17-19, 2012, with an
Exhibits Preview on Wednesday evening, May 16.
Come join us to partake in all of the STEM education knowledge you care to
gather. We look foward to seeing you in Atlantic City!
Click on the link below for more information:


Merck State Science Day 2012



 For more information call 201-787-0108 or email   

The 62nd  Annual Merck State Science Day will take place on Tuesday, May 22, 2012.  All high school science students are invited to participate in this FREE competition to identify the elite high school science students in the state of New Jersey.  High school students may compete as school teams or as individuals in the subjects of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, or in an Advanced Integrated exam (for students enrolled in any second year courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Science) or an Integrated Science exam (for students enrolled in first year courses in Earth System Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics only) will be given again this year, along with the exams for second year Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.  (Any student currently enrolled in an AP science course is considered a second year science student for that subject whether they have taken a previous year of that particular science or not.)


Funding for Merck State Science Day is made available through a generous grant from the Merck Institute for Science Education, and therefore participation is free. 

You must pre-register your school online at: 


Students will take the exams at individual schools on Tuesday May 22, 2012, and the exam proctor must mail the answer sheets back on the day of the exam.  If there is a conflict with this date, contact the Merck State Science Day Chair people for a possible alternative.  All communication including registration and award announcements will be done via email, and therefore it is imperative that the person registering a school have a working email address.  


Participating schools that are near each other are encouraged to participate together at a mutual location.  The top 4 students in the state in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Integrated Science, and Advanced Integrated Science will be awarded a Merck Index, and be known as Merck Scholars.  These students will be invited to a special ceremony held Friday June 8, 2012 at Merck and Co., Inc. in Rahway, NJ.  Other awards include engraved plaques, certificates, and will be awarded to winning teams in the state and each county. 


Merck State Science Day is a great opportunity for your top students to compete for great awards and recognition for their hard work.  For additional information, email or call 201-787-0108.

Don't Miss the 
American Association of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting 
The AAPT 2012 Summer Meeting will take place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, home of the first great American experimental physicist,
Ben Franklin. Physics is an experimental science. Encouraging and empowering the next generation to embrace the art of experimentation that lies at the core of physics, will ensure that our field remains vibrant and alive.
The meeting will be held at the University of Pennsylvania with registration, exhibits, and posters in Houston Hall.  The theme for the conference is Physics: The Experimental Core.  It will be held in Philadelphia from July 28th- August 3rd.  Registration begins early April.
click on the link below to register
For more information click on the link below 


Barbara DeSantis

Samsel Upper Elementary School


Newsletter Editor

Linda Smith

Paulsboro Public Schools


Membership Chair

Robert Phillips


Mailling Address


Box A

Cranbury, NJ 08512