Newsletter for our families and friends
February 12, 2015
Help us celebrate the 25-year lease all year long.  Send us your "2039" photos, like this one
created with LOVE.

No School

Please note there will be no school next week, February 16 to February 20, for Conference Week.

We can take a few more Happy Campers...
Do You Need Childcare for February Break?
Sports Camp for Grades 1-6
Fitness, Fun & Friends

It is tradition for the 11th Grade to host a week of fun and movement for students in Grades 1-6.  It is both a service to the community of families looking for reliable, wholesome care for their child in a safe environment, as well as a fundraiser for their upcoming 12th Grade Trip.

Campers will play sports and games with the 11th grade.  They'll have a healthy snack, a lot of fun, and make some new friends!

Monday - Friday
February 16-20
8:30 am - 1:00 pm
The cost is $250 for the week
Daily Rate = $55 per day

It's not too late to sign-up in the front office tomorrow.  If you decide over the weekend, feel free to contact Denise Ogawa via email.


Budget Preview Meeting


Our first annual Budget Preview Meeting this past Monday at 6:00pm was a wonderful open dialogue with parents, board members and college members in attendance.


For those of you that were unable to attend here are the Power Point Presentation and the minutes of the meeting.


Upcoming Events and
Class Parent Meetings
Japanese Study Hall: 
Every Mon.
3 - 4 pm Grades  5 - 8
Meets in Grade 5 classroom

Japanese Club: 
Every Tues.
3:15 - 4:30 Grades 9 - 12
Meets in Grade 6 classroom

Middle School Basketball
Mon. Wed. & Fri.
3:00 - 4:00 pm Grades 6 - 8

High School Basketball
Mondays 2:00 - 4:30pm
Fridays 3:00 - 5:00pm
Grades 9 - 12

High School Volleyball
Mondays 2:00 - 3:30pm
Grades 9 - 12


Thursday, February 12

Move-a-Thon Envelopes Due Today


Thursday, February 12

Boy's High School Basketball Game

Location:  WSOC

3:00 pm


Friday, February 13

Move-a-Thon - Grades 1-12

During school day


Monday, February 16 - Friday, February 20

No School:  Conference Week


Monday, February 16 - Friday, February 20

Sports Camp:  Grades 1-6

8:30 am - 1:00 pm

(See attached flyer)


Tuesday, February 24

Future of the WSOC Central Yard & Playground - 

All Community Parent Meeting (Gr K-12)

Eurythmy Hall

7:00 pm


Tuesday, February 24

Girl's High School Volleyball Game

Location: TBD

3:00 pm

Wednesday, February 25

Grade 10 Parent Evening

7:00 pm


Thursday, February 26 - Friday, February 27

Grade 4 Field Trip:  Before the Mast


Friday, February 27

All High School Snow Day


Saturday, February 28 & Sunday, March 1

AWSNA Delegates Meeting


Tuesday, March 3

Room Rep Meeting

Handwork Classroom

8:45 am


Tuesday, March 3

Grade 3 Parent Evening

7:00 pm


Wednesday, March 4

Walk Through the Grades (Gr 2, 4, 8 & HS)

Reservations Required


Thursday, March 5

Boy's High School Basketball Game

Location:  Away

4:00 pm


Saturday, March 7

High School Monologues

Eurythmy Hall

Ticket required for entry


Sunday, March 8 - Wednesday, March 11

Grade 5 Sequoia Field Trip


Monday, March 9 - Friday, March 13



Monday, March 9

High School Take Out Dinner Fundraiser


Monday, March 9

Board Meeting


Tuesday, March 10

Girl's High School Volleyball Game

Location: TBD

3:00 pm


Wednesday, March 11

Grade 6 Play: The Sacred Flame

All Are Welcome

Eurythmy Hall

7:00 pm


Thursday, March 12

Grade 6 Play: The Sacred Flame

School Performance - Students Only

Eurythmy Hall

11:00 am


Thursday, March 12

Boy's High School Basketball Game

Location:  Away

3:00 pm


Tuesday, March 17

Girl's High School Volleyball Game

Location: TBD

3:00 pm


Thursday, March 19

Boy's High School Basketball Game

Location:  Away

4:00 pm


Thursday, March 19 & Friday, March 20

High School Senior Play: Cat's Cradle

Meadows Hall

7:00 pm nightly

Ticket required for entry


Friday, March 20 - Sunday, March 22

Grade 4: Family Camping Trip to Caspers Park


Saturday, March 21 - Wednesday, April 1

Grade 12: Class Trip

Costa Rica


Sunday, March 22 - Wednesday, March 25

Grade 6: Death Valley Field Trip


Sunday, March 22 - Friday, March 27

Grade 10: Mexico Trip


Monday, March 23 - Friday, March 27

Grade 11: Practicum Week


Tuesday, March 24

Girl's High School Volleyball Game

Location: TBD

3:00 pm


Wednesday, March 25

Parent Education Lecture:

Patti Connolly

Meadows Hall

7:00 pm

Monday, March 30 - Friday, April 10

No School: Spring Break 

College of Teachers
Catherine Averett
Chris Bennett
Christiane Bohr
Eden Boric
Jenell Carlson
Barbara Cubanski
Kurt Faerber
Brad Holm
Andrea Hubert (Co-Chair)
Masami Inoue
Lisa Masterson (Co-Chair)
Angie Meier
Kimberley Telfer-Radzat
Robin Thiess
Brooke Trudeau
Deborah Waring
Board of Trustees
Russ Bermejo
David Burnett (Chair)
Chris DeRosa
Joe DeMichele
Lisa Masterson
Colin Severn
Jaime Stahl
Carol Sudbeck
David Tabone
Robin Theiss
Abril Turner
Wende Zomnir

Administrative Rotation:
Gina Illes
Denise Ogawa
Kim Sava
Linda Timmons

Parent Association Leadership Chairs
Rachel Hulan
Volunteer Leadership Co-Chair

Kristen Krofina
Volunteer Leadership Co-Chair

Victoria Imsirovic
Parent Education Chair

Jamie Stahl
BOT Representative

Brooke Tomblin
Outreach Chair

Move-a-Thon Tommorrow
Grades 1 - 8 Students will be off and running.... a myriad of fit and fun activities planned by the 12th Grade and executed by the entire team of High School Students.  

The pledge packets were due today, but of course we will take them tomorrow.   
Packets in by 9:00 A.M. Friday can still make the count for 100% class participation and the $150 raffle for a chance to win some cool movement-related prizes.  The on-line donations have been streaming in.  The students have done a super job reaching out to their out-of-town friends and family for support.  Every $1 makes a difference.

If you still want to try to generated pledges:

  • Students should wear clothing fit for athletic movement, including athletic shoes.
  • Students are to bring a water bottle with their name on it, or that can be easily identified by them.
  • It's due to be warm.  Sunscreen and a hat recommended.
  • Lunch will occur at 12:00, including hot lunch.
  • Students will receive their commemorative team t-shirt on Friday, then it's theirs to keep.
  • 2:50 pick-up for Grades 1 - 12 students.  

Annual Giving - 98%

Our community came forward in a brilliant and unprecedented way this year.  We reached 98% participation community-wide!  The faculty, staff, College of Teachers, and Board of Trustees cannot thank you enough for this incredible show of support.  

The total amount raised is a whopping $84,830.11.

Those funds go to the school's operating budget to bridge the gap between the actual cost of educating each student and the amount raised through tuition and fees.  In a nutshell, tuition alone does not cover the cost of this amazing education. 

Tomorrow's Move-a-Thon contributes to the operating budget, as does the Gala upcoming on May 30.  Support for these three events collectively all work to cover that gap.  Your participation matters!!!

Gratitude abounds!

The New WSOC Central Yard & Playground 
A Transformation Whose Time Has Come

You Are Invited ~ Community Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 24.  7 PM


The news is so excellent, we really want to share it with you now.  As in, we are jumping up and down about it.  But some things have to be delivered live, and this is one of them. Come on Feb. 24 to celebrate and find out how you can help to make this beautiful dream a reality.  Our talented landscape architect, Richard Ramsey, will present the designs allowing you to envision the school's most remarkable physical transformation yet, from the blacktops to the fences.  Coming Summer 2016!
The brilliant news of our 25-year lease is a game-changer on many levels, including having a positive impact on the long-term benefits of renovations made to our grounds.  What was five years ago stated on the campus renovation plan as "coming someday" has finally arrived. Someday is today!  We couldn't be happier.  See you on Feb. 24.


Happening in the High Wildcats Paw Logo

This Thursday - Boy's Basketball Home Game!
Please come and cheer on the high school boy's basketball team
this afternoon for their first home game of the season!  
Wildcats Logo

Save the Date!
  • February 24 - Girl's Volleyball Game, 3pm - WSOC vs Gateway
  • February 27 - All High School Snow Day - The entire high school student body and faculty will be off campus enjoying a day in the snow.
  • March 5 - Boy's Basketball Game, 4pm - WSOC vs Harvest 


Scrip News

  • We are halfway through the Scrip Sales year = it's time to check your balance.  How close are you to reaching the $275 profit mark?  Remember, it's not how much Scrip have you purchased.  It's how much profit has been generated.
  • If you're not where you want to be, the Scrip Store is here to help.  Pam is great at coaching people into achieving greater earnings from shopping they already do. 
  • Presto Pay = Success!  Unplanned shopping trips or eating outings happen.  Print a certificate or reload right before you walk out the door.  Increased flexibility = reduction in the number of times you leave money on the table.
  • Want to sign up for Presto Pay? Come on in!   All you need is your checking account information.  It will be handy for next week when we're on break.
  • Scrip is an important component of our school's operating budget.  The more of us who reach the $275 mark, the better.  For the whole school and your children's individual classes.
  • Go Scrip


The Company of Angels


Remember to visit the Company of Angels for your Valentine's gifts...delightful treats still remain.  New items are hitting the shelves very soon as well as your old favorites from Sarah's Silks, Weir Dolls and Crafts and Just Jump It such as...jump ropes, silk skirts and wings, colored roving for your Easter creations and how could we forget - 150 glass animals are on their way!

Here is information for our new parents - We have a wish list book in the store available
for you to write in those special items your child may desire.  This book has been a huge success for Birthdays. Also available right prior to your child's Birthday is a basket where you can create their birthday wishes.
On its way to the store...Weleda, Dr. Hauschka and Doterra.  
Happy February break! 

If you are interested in learning more about The Introduction to Bach Flower Essences on Friday, March 13, please see the attached flyer.

Gala - Saturday May 30, 2015

"If you want to go fast, go alone.  
If you want to go far, go together."
--African Proverb

Help the Gala Team to make this our most successful event yet! 



How you can help:

  • Plan to attend!
  • Think of inviting friends, family, and colleagues to the event
  • Plan to encourage friends, family and colleagues to shop the on-line silent auction
  • Brainstorm the donation you will procure (each family is encouraged to generate at least one donation)
  • If you already know what your item is, or have it, bring it in!  In kindness to our volunteers, the deadline is April 17

Building on the success of the past two years, it is feasible for the success of the silent auction to reach new heights.  But that can only happen with the help of YOU, the community.  We're bringing it to you early in hopes you will accept our invitation to help. 

These documents were sent via email two week ago, but are here and in the office for your convenience: 

1)  Support the WSOC Gala:  This is the letter to take while asking for donations (or to send to someone you know).
2)  WSOC Auction Donation Form:  Turn this in with your donation.

3)  Ideas for Successful Auction Items:  In case you need to spark an idea, but please do not feel limited by what's on this list.  Classes or groups are welcome to pool their resources for group items and more FUN.
4)  Event Sponsorship Opportunities:  This is for our overachievers!  Do you know someone who would consider being an event sponsor, such as your employer?  Or do you know of a business who would like to reach our audience by advertising in the program? 

Have questions or want to get involved?  Contact


Forms for March - March aftercare forms are due February 28.  

For Big Aftercare Form click here!

For Little Aftercare Form click here!

Lost and Found Gnome

Lost and Found

A table with lost and found items will be set out in front of the school this Thursday, February 12.  Any items left after pick-up on Friday will be taken to the Goodwill.
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