Exalting His Glory

Enjoying His Fellowship

Proclaiming His Name






August 2014 Newsletter

In this issue
Concert in the Park
300th Anniversary News
Beach Night
Baptism Service
Family Promise
August Events
Children's Ministry
Marriage & Family Ministry
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Student Ministry

Dear Church Family,

Words are inadequate to express our deep appreciation for how you have expressed your heartfelt love for our entire church in recent days. We have felt the presence of God and seen Him at work through your prayers and love. Surely the words of Paul have been our present experience and are a certain guide for the days ahead? To that end, please take some time in the days ahead to reflect on Romans 12:9-21.
As you do so may the Lord grant you grace, strength and joy in His Spirit!

Many blessings to you all,

Pastor Dori


Dorington Little 

Senior Pastor   


This Sunday - Concert in the Park & Free BBQ 

Come enjoy a free BBQ and see talented musicians from our church family this Sunday at 5:00 p.m.!  


Musicians from FCCH will be "Celebrating 300 years of sacred, classical and popular music" as a part of Hamilton's Sundays in Patton Park Concert Series. Invite friends and neighbors! Please e-mail Pastor Kevin today if you are interested in helping with the BBQ, kbaird@fcchamilton.org.  




We are Still Here: A Day in the Life of Our Church

Check your calendars! Set aside September 7 for a day of history at the church. Not only will we be selling the new church history book, but starting in the afternoon at 4:00 p.m, the entire congregation and guests are invited to walk through the history of our parish via a three-act moving play entitled, We are Still Here: A Day in the Life of Our Church (With Chowder and Pie). The production will conclude in Heritage Hall with chowder and pie. We invite you to bring a homemade pie. If your pie is good enough, maybe you will make your own history!




Wednesday Beach Night 

Come out and join us for the final three Beach Nights on Wednesdays August 6, 13, 20 at 6:00 p.m. Just look for the rainbow umbrella at Singing Beach in Manchester by the Sea.





Baptism Service Rescheduled
The baptism that was scheduled for July has been rescheduled for the fall. Please contact us if you are interested in making a public profession of your faith by identifying with the Lord in baptism.
Pastor Dori, Pastor Kevin
978-468-1940,  info@fcchamilton.org
Family Promise This Week

This is our final week helping Family Promise this summer: August 3-August 10. There is still a need for overnight volunteers at Christ Church in Hamilton. Volunteers must have completed a training session to stay overnight. You can sign up online at the church website at www.fcchamilton.org.  


Important Dates in August



Sunday, August 3

Concert in the Park,  

Patton Park,  

Hamilton, 5:00 p.m.


August 3-10

Family Promise Week


Tuesdays August 5, 12, & 19

Women's Summer Something,

9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.,



Wednesdays, August 6, 13, 20

All Church Beach Night, 6:00 p.m.

Singing Beach, Manchester 


Thursday, August 7  

Playground Playdate,
Beverly Cove, Lothrop Street
  9:45 a.m.


Saturday, August 9 & 23

Ladies Creative Fellowship,

1:00 p.m., Caf�


Tuesday, August 12

Children's Ministry  

Teacher Training & Dinner,  

6:30 p.m., Caf



Thursday, August 14 

Playground Playdate,  

Patton Park,

Hamilton, 9:45 a.m. 


Sunday, August 24  

Newcomers Coffee,
10:30 a.m. 

Children's Ministry

August 12 Volunteer Orientation & Dinner Meeting

Save the Date:Tuesday, August 12 for our children's volunteer staff dinner and orientation for fall ministries. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. in the Caf�, and the Orientation meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. This meeting will include class rosters, calendar, teacher's curriculum and resources, as well as a review of policies and procedures. All teachers work on teams. If you're uncertain where you'd like to serve in the fall, come to this meeting and be introduced to how we work together. You are invited to attend! Kindly R.S.V.P to Christine, chendrickson@fcchamilton.org. 


Fall Ministries in Need of Volunteers!

Children's Ministries fills a large and vital place in the life of our church. 55 teachers serve 200 children weekly. To date, 17 have committed to teach-lead next year. We are looking for 38 more volunteers to serve in the fall: vacancies exist from Toddlers through Grade 5 Sunday school., LPC, God's House, and aides for students with special needs. These roles are vital to serving children and families. You are invited to make a difference! 



Teachers-Leaders Needed
Committed for Fall Ministries
Number of Children Served

Christine Hendrickson

Children's Ministry Coordinator


Marriage & Family Ministry
Family Worship Night
Mark you calendars for Marriage & Family Ministry's first ever Family Worship Night on Sunday September 21 at 6:00 p.m. This will be a great time of music and prayer. The event is open to the whole congregation. More details to come in September. Don't miss it! Any questions please contact Heather Beville, hjbeville@gmail.com or Kristen Broughton, kristen.boston@gmail.com.
Men's Ministry   
ng a New Ministry: Helping Hands
Helping Hands is a new ministry at First Congregational Church to provide a "helping hand" to members and friends of FCCH who find themselves in need of general assistance for minor jobs and repairs. Helping Hands consists of a group of men and women volunteers serving our church community in this very tangible way.  It is not meant to replace existing services that are available for hire, but rather to help those whose tasks are simple in nature, not an emergency, and able to be taken care of by our volunteer team. Do you have boxes in the attic that need to be moved?  Does your air conditioner need to be brought up from the basement? Are you having trouble putting up your window screens? If you find yourself needing this type of assistance, Helping Hands is there for you.

To request assistance e-mail helpinghands@fcchamilton.org
and include your name, address, phone number and nature of the need.  If you don't have e-mail available you can call the church office (978-468-1940) and provide them with the information. A central coordinator will work with the volunteer team to find the right person for the task who will call to schedule the most appropriate time.
The Helping Hands team looks forward to serving you.

David Rox
Men's Ministry Coordinator

Women's Ministry

Summer Something
Come join the discussion as we continue viewing the video series based on Francis Chan's book, Crazy Love. We have three more weeks of two sessions each Tuesday: 9:30-11:30 a.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m. We meet in the Chapel in the church building. This series is drop-in friendly, so come whenever you can! If you would like to read Crazy Love while we go through the videos, please purchase the book and follow along. Contact me for more information!

Krisie Brown

Ladies Creative Fellowship
Beat the heat on Saturdays August 9 and 23 and join us in the Caf� from 1:00-4:00 p.m. for an afternoon of fellowship and creativity. Don't have a current project you're working on? Bring your mending, ironing or any half-completed projects you might have lying around the house and enjoy some company and refreshments while you work! We'll even have a few sewing machines set up for projects that might be a bit more involved. Or just drop by to cool off, join in the fellowship and see what others are making! Hope to see you there!

Alice Fraser

Margot Rox
Director of Women's Ministry


Student Ministry

Summer Beach Nights are every Wednesday at Singing Beach, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.  Come hang out and enjoy the summer with us! 


Chris Dunaway 

Interim Director of Student Ministries 



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This FCCH Newsletter is e-mailed on a monthly basis. If you would like to submit information for inclusion in the next edition, please e-mail Cece Gough at cmgough@fcchamilton.org.

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