March 2015                                             HOME | ABOUT USCONTACT
Egg Research Cracks Sustainability Insights
The Coalition for Sustainable Egg Supply's final research results are now public.This first-of-its-kind, commercial-scale, systems-based research is a holistic evaluation of three laying hen housing systems and their potential impacts on a sustainable system

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Consumers Skeptical about U.S. Animal Care
Most people have no problem consuming food from animals but they want to know those animals are being treated right. CFI's 2014 consumer trust research, "Cracking the Code on Food Issues: Insights from Moms, Millennials and Foodies," illustrates this gap and provides help for closing it.  

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Transparency: The New Sustainability Conversation
The Center for Food Integrity (CFI) has embarked on a year-long project. The National Food Transparency Project will allow us to better define what consumers truly mean when they share that they desire greater transparency within the food system, thereby enabling us to develop a set of best practices that can help the food system meet consumers' expectations. 

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Collaboration Corner
While many of The Center for Food Integrity's (CFI) programs and services are consumer-facing, we welcome the opportunity to collaborate with industry partners to reach both consumers and food system thought leaders. The 2015 Commodity Classic trade show provided one such opportunity, when CFI partnered with The Council for Biotechnology (BIO) to share information about GMO Answers, the go-to resource for consumers who have questions about GMOs. 

Several of the resources on the GMO Answers website use content from CFI's Best Food Facts website, and together, Best Food Facts and GMO Answers are meeting consumers' desire for greater information about the food system. 
Engage Helps Connect with Skeptical Consumers
Today's consumer simply wants to know that the people producing their food are doing what's right. CFI's Engage training helps equip those in food and agriculture with the tools to effectively communicate with skeptical consumers.  

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Save the Date for the 2015 CFI Annual Meeting
CFI's 2015 Annual Meeting will be a separate meeting held in conjunction with the 2015 North American Strategy Conference on Animal Agriculture. 

CFI 2015 Annual Meeting
May 13, 2015
7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. CST
Hamburger University, McDonald's Campus, Oak Brook, Illinois

If you wish to also attend the 2015 North American Strategy Conference on Animal Agriculture, you must register for the conference.  

For more information, email Allyson Perry or call 816-556-3126.                                                  

Food Fight Poll!
BFF Transparent Background
Who should decide how healthy a food is? Registered dietitians? Consumers? Government? 

The Food Journal and Food, Nutrition & Science

Catch up on the latest food news from CFI and The Lempert Report:

Upcoming Events

North American Strategy Conference on Animal Agriculture

May 12-13