Friday, July 15, 2016 ~ 9 Tammuz 5776
Candle Lighting 8:08pm

Join Hazzan Gloth for Sing Out Shabbat, 6:30pm, Wiener Lounge
Congregational Singing ~ Upbeat Melodies ~ Lots of ruach
Note: This is the only service this evening.
(no registration, no dinner)
In this issue...use these quick links to visit areas of interest to you.
Saturday Morning, July 16

Main Sanctuary 9:00am
Parashat Chukkat, Numbers 16:1-18:32, pp. 860-875?
Haftarah: Elise Richman, Judges 11:1-33

9:30am     Shabbat SPACE, in the Kasakove
10:15am   Pre-Service Oneg, Board Room
10:45am   Family Kehillah Service, Goldberger Chapel
10:45am   Torah for Tots, Levenson Chapel
1:00pm     Daf Shevui, Library
8:15pm     Mincha/Maariv

This week's Kiddush luncheon is being sponsored by Beth El Synagogue Center.

The following people are assisting this Shabbat:
Steven Young, President's Chair; Barbara Horowitz, Vice President's Chair; Debbie Young, Usher; Mark Silver, Greeter; Avi Einzig, Gabbai. 

A Word of Torah
In our Torah portion this week, Parashat Chukkat, we read about the passing of Miriam and Aaron, two Biblical heroes who were important leaders in the ancient Israelite community. Miriam was a prophetess who inspired the Israelites with her song and dance. According to the Talmud, it was through her merits that they had water in the desert. But according to the Talmud, when she passed away, the water went away as well. The Israelites were left thirsty in the middle of the desert, which is why they complained to Moses, who was instructed to get water from a rock.

Aaron went with Moses before Pharaoh to ask for the Israelites' freedom from Egypt. He was also appointed to be the high priest. According to the same passage in the Talmud, the cloud of Glory which accompanied the Israelites, protected the Israelites, and protected them is the desert, was due to his merit. When he passed away, the cloud disappeared as well. But when Aaron passed away, the Israelites did not cry out and complain that they missed the cloud, and some of the rabbinical commentators wondered why. According to a Midrash, while the Israelites mourned Aaron's passing, what made him such an exceptional and inspirational leader was that he empowered the Israelites to guide themselves and stand up for themselves in his absence. Unlike Miriam, Aaron left the Israelites in a position to take care of themselves and carry out his legacy on their own.

Two week's ago, the we lost another great leader. Nobel laureate, Holocaust survivor, gifted educator, and passionate advocate Elie Wiesel passed away. On his passing, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Nitanyahu said: "He gave expression to the victory of the human spirit over cruelty and evil, through his extraordinary personality and his fascinating books." Wiesel made it his life's work not just to educate an entire generation on the atrocities of the Holocaust, but he did so in hopes of empowering the next generation to continue telling his story, to stand up for themselves, preventing these atrocities from ever happening again.

His passing is a tremendous loss, but like Aaron, he has empowered the next generation to tell his story and to stand up for ourselves. That way, we will ensure that these atrocities will never happen again. For that, we will always be grateful.

My hope and prayer for all of this Shabbat and for every Shabbat to come, is that we carry out his legacy. May his memory be for a blessing, and let us say Amen.

Shabbat Shalom,
Josh Dorsch, Rabbi
Mazal Tov to:

Dr. Stan and Cindy Arkow on the birth of their grandson Joshua Abraham Pievsky, son of Michelle and Daniel Pievsky and grandson of Lena and Arkady Pievsky.

Janet Yoskowitz on the birth of a granddaughter Sofia Lillian Klein, daughter of Rebecca and Nathan Klein.

Those marking a simcha or observing the loss of a loved one have been delighted/comforted that their lifecycle event has inspired your generosity. If you would like to make a donation to Beth El in honor or in memory, please click here.
Beth El Synagogue Center Announcements

EVENING MINYAN NOTE: Evening services, Saturday through Thursday, have been changed to 8:15pm. Friday evening minyan remains at 7:00pm.

REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 2016-2017 IS OPEN! Click here to sign up. Read about our new initiatives for the coming year. Questions? Contact Jen Vegh at 914-235-2700, ext. 247, or, or Bekkah Gold at ext. 221, or

MUSEUM HAS EXHIBIT OF NEW PAINTINGS by Ellen Hollander and Dr. Manfred Simon, as well as some returning favorites from their exhibit several years ago. 

LIBRARY At the present time, Beth El does not have a librarian. If you remove something from a shelf to have a look, or if you borrow a book (on the honor system), kindly return it to its correct location on the shelf. Note, reference books can never be borrowed. 

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help clean up after Kiddush each Shabbat. Contact to let us know we can count on you.

SISTERHOOD BAUM JUDAICA GIFT SHOP For an appointment, contact Carole Graham at or 914-576-6617; or Ellen Hollander at or 914-632-4658.

RENT A SUKKAH WITH BETH EL If you don't own a Sukkah and always wanted to have one, this program is for you! Watch for details coming in August. Beth El will rent you a sukkah and build it for you on October 16. And, we will take it down for you after Sukkot. Questions? Contact Rabbi Dorsch at, or 914-235-2700, ext. 260.

Upcoming Events 

NURSERY SCHOOL PLAYGROUND PLAYDATE, Sunday, July 17, 10:00am-11:30am. Outside, weather permitting (if not, in the Kasakove).

WALKING CLUB, Monday mornings, 9:30am. Meet outside the front doors of Beth El. Questions? Contact Arlene Salman at 914-235-2485, or

SUMMER ISRAELI FILM SERIES continues on Thursday, July 26, 7:30pm, with the film Wedding Doll. Nominated for 9 Israeli Academy Film Awards and 2015 winner for Best Actress and Best Costume Design. Hagit is in love with love and fantasizes while making wedding dresses. Our final film is on Monday, August 1, Ma'aleh Film School Short Films. Register at

SISTERHOOD BAGELS & BOOKS, Monday, July 18, 9:30am, we will discuss The Arrogant Years, by Lucette Lagnado. Questions? Contact Arlene Salman at 914-235-2485, or  Finished the book? Our next book is Museum of Extraordinary, by Alice Hoffman,which will be discussed on August 29. 

SISTERHOOD EVENING BOOK CLUB, Thursday, July 28, 7:30pm. We will discuss The Septembers of Shiraz, by Dalia Sofer. Questions? Contact Erica Epstein at 914-391-6662, or Cynthia Glickman at 914-582-6297.

SING OUT SHABBAT AND DINNER, Friday, August 5, 6:30pm. Congregational singing, upbeat melodies, lots of ruach. We will welcome Rabbi Zach and Lisa Sitkin. 6:30pm service, followed by dinner. $10/ adult, $5/child. Register by Monday, August 1 at (Note: This is the only service this evening, and will be held in the Wiener Lounge.) All are welcome.

SUMMER-FEST for adults 60 and over, Tuesday, August 16; Wednesday, August 17; Thursday, August 18. Mark your calendar now! Fun, Exercise, Swim, Talks by Scholars! 9:30am - 4:00pm, rain or shine. $12/day until August 1; $18/day after. Sign up for one, two, or three days of summer fun! For information, contact Julie Rockowitz at, or 914-235-2700, ext. 256.

Saturday, September 17, 6:00pm-8:00pm, Havdalah followed by wine and appetizers for adults, programming, babysitting, and dinner for the kids. Catch up with friends or join a facilitated introspection around High Holy Day themes with Rabbi Schuck. No charge, all are welcome! Bring your friends!
Sunday, September 18, Installation of Rabbi David Schuck, beginning at 10:00am.
Limmud Adult Learning Opportunities

SHABBATUNES, Saturday, August 6, 12:45pm, with Hazzan Gloth. Sing some old favorites as well as some new tunes.

TALMUD STUDY SESSION, every Shabbat, 1:00pm, in the Library. Download the weekly study portion, Daf Shevui. New participants welcome. We'll discuss a page (daf) of the Talmud. Sign up at

All classes are at Beth El unless otherwise indicated. For information, contact Rabbi Dorsch at, or 914-235-2700, ext. 260. 
Youth Community

Have a great summer. As you make new friends, tell them about our Youth Community and Religious School. 

Have you filled out our summer survey so we can keep in touch over the summer? Click here to complete it

Questions? Contact Bekkah Gold at 914-235-2700, ext. 221, or
Community Events and Announcements

HOPE COMMUNITY SERVICES BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE Donations are needed for children of HOPE in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Items sought include Backpacks, Crayons, Notebooks, Pens, Pencils, Highlighters, Binders, Composition Books, Folders, Loose Leaf, Markers, or just make a donation of cash or check (made out to HOPE Community Services) and HOPE will do the shopping for you. Purchased items can be dropped off at Beth El. Questions? Contact the HOPE office at 914-636-4010, or visit for our Amazon Wishlist.

APPLY FOR THE WORLD MACCABIAH GAMES JULY 2017 IN ISRAEL To apply to be a member of Team USA, please click here

WJCS CONNECT-TO-CARE WORKSHOPS  Registration required. R.S.V.P. to in advance. Unless otherwise noted, all workshops take place at WJCS, 845 North Broadway, North White Plains, NY 10603.
BENEFITING FROM PUBLIC BENEFITS, Tuesday, July 19, 1:00pm-2:45pm. Includes overview of Social Security programs, food stamps, and unemployment insurance. Presenter: Sarah Rosenthal.

SAVE THE DATE, SUNDAY AUGUST 21, 12:00pm-6:00pm, for the 42nd Annual Westchester Jewish Music & Arts Festival, at Kensico Dam Plaza, Valhalla, New York. Free and open to the public, rain or shine. There will again be a vendor/exhibitor area, musical performances, Israeli dancing, and family entertainment. Food will be available for purchase. Co-sponsored by The Westchester Jewish Council and the Westchester County Parks Department. Questions? Want to be a vendor? Contact Pam Goldstein at, or 914-328-7001.

HOME FOR RENT IN WALKING DISTANCE TO BETH EL Four bedrooms, four bathrooms, kosher double-sided kitchen, living room , dinning room, family room. If interested, contact Rachelle Shapiro at 914-819-3024.
Minyan Times

Sunday    8:00am Shacharit; 8:15pm Mincha/Maariv
Monday   6:55am Shacharit; 8:15pm Mincha/Maariv
Tuesday  7:00am Shacharit; 8:15pm Mincha/Maariv
Wednesday 7:00am Shacharit; 8:15pm Mincha/Maariv
Thursday  6:55am Shacharit; 8:15pm Mincha/Maariv
Friday      7:00am Shacharit; 7:00pm Mincha/Maariv

Social Media Highlight of the Week

Beth El Day Camp's Astros and Stars having a blast learning to garden from Jack Renick in our brand new Beth El Herb Garden. Thank you, Jack!
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