ARZA Canada Newsletter
January 21, 2016
Upcoming Events

The Landscape in Israel Today: Cataclysmic Shift or More of the Same

Yossi Beilin
Holy Blossom Temple
January 30, 2016

Youth Chapel


Upcoming Events Israel
Riding4Reform 2016

Hop on for the ride! 
February 28th
March  3rd
 Join us as we sojourn from the flourishing Western Negev at the height of its bloom to the Jerusalem hills.  

Come meet fellow progressive Israelis, visit Reform communities and enjoy the beautiful scenery that Israel has to offer.

Coming to the CCAR conference? There's a special option just for you!

For more information and to register, go to the
See you in February!


ARZA Canada Delegation 37th World Zionist Congress

ARZA Canada  

As the new year of 2016 begins, we wish for a year of health and peace. With the arrival of another new year,  
Tu B'Shvat, we are reminded that our work is not done, and that we must continue to plant seeds and nurture our environment. In today's Israel, we must work harder than ever to plant and replant the seeds of democracy, as it is being challenged by current trends both in and outside of the government. These are difficult times in Israel with threats of safety and security in an unstable Middle East and local attacks on citizens. Our partners in Israel need our friendship and support more than ever.
Here in Canada, we are planting seeds to grow ARZA Canada to serve our movement, our congregations and our members. We can help you strengthen your congregation's Israel connections through partnerships with Israel Reform congregations and supporting your congregation's Israel advocacy, education, celebration and travel.
We congratulate our two scholarship recipients. The ARZA Canada Stroh scholarship is another way we support our members, especially our younger members. 
Tu B'Shvat Sameach

ARZA Canada, President  
The ARZA Canada Stroh Scholarship Fund
michael stroh

ARZA Canada is pleased to announce two recipients of the ARZA Canada Stroh Scholarship for 2016 - Sonja Botnick and Veronica Botnick, members of Solel Congregation in Mississauga. Both have been accepted to the NFTY High School in Israel - Eisendrath International Exchange (EIE). We congratulate them and are confident that they are worthy of our support.
The ARZA Canada Stroh Scholarship was established to encourage young Reform Jews to spend an extended period of time in Israel under Reform auspices. A maximum of $1,000.00 per year per individual is awarded to worthy candidates who agree to work on behalf of Israel and Reform Zionism on their return, in their home congregation if possible. The scholarship was established in 1984 in honour of Rabbi Michael S. Stroh, Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Har Zion in Thornhill, Ontario, the first president of KADIMA (the former name of ARZA Canada) and of the International Federation of Reform Zionists, ARZENU. See Education in Israel at 
Are Israeli NGOs really the enemy?
anat hoffman   
A strong democracy such as Israel does not need to harass internal critics.  You can remind Prime Minister Netanyahu by sending an email here.
Israel's Justice Minister is proposing a law to ostracize NGOs who criticize government policy, by giving the incorrect impression that the Israeli NGOs are actually foreign. 

Israeli government to strengthen progressive Judaism  
Good news.  For the first time Israel's government will invest in Israel's Reform movement.  The Prime Minister regularly sends warm messages to liberal Jews outside of Israel.  Now he has committed to financial support for Reform and Conservative communities in Israel.  It's tiny compared to the massive subsidies given to the ultra-Orthodox, but it's a start.
Rivlin and Reform  
As a member of the Knesset, Reuven Rivlin was considered a hawk (who also dismissed Reform Judaism).  But now as President, Rivlin praises the Reform movement and, more importantly, is demonstrating leadership in promoting progressive values such as equality of Jews and Arabs.  For this he's drawing heavy criticism from the far right.       


Women's voices to be heard on Haredi radio 
The Reform movement's Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC) has scored another victory against discrimination.  A radio station (Kol BaRama) that refused to hire female broadcasters, or even allow women to speak in call-in programs, lost an appeal and must drop this offensive practice
Coexistence groups continue through difficult time
While a series of terrorist attacks again raises the tension between Jews and Arabs, some co-existence groups have not broken off communication, or given up on the vision of eventually living together peacefully.

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This innovative agency promotes engagement through tourism.

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Visiting is a strong show of support
Tourism continued strong in 2015.  It's a great way to support our Israeli mishpachah.  Here are 10 excellent activities in Tel Aviv, and 9 hidden Israeli jewels for those who have been to the popular sites.

This video will make you hungry.  It shows Sarona - a new indoor market in Tel Aviv.

Tikkun Olam - this video will make you proud 

Did you know that Israeli doctors are rescuing Arab refugees arriving in Greece?  There's no better example of Tikkun Olam than the work of these young Israelis.  

The Island of Tears
The Island of Tears

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