Dear Holy Blossom Member,

One of Israel's great leaders passed away on January 11.  Ariel Sharon's biography parallels the history of the State of Israel.  As a General and then political leader, he played a leading role in most major events of the state.  

He was known for his courage and his ability to out-strategize his opponents in both military and political battles. He was a great leader, turning defeat into victory in the Yom Kippur war, and also loved by his soldiers, who sang to him "Arik Melech Yisrael".  Yet there were mistakes and failures also in his long and full career.

Perhaps the most intriguing and insightful perspective on Ariel Sharon in recent weeks was written by Jonathan Kay in the National Post.  We're happy to welcome Jonathan Kay and Consul General DJ Schneeweiss to Holy Blossom Temple for an evening to remember Ariel Sharon and reflect on his impact and legacy in shaping Israel as it is today.

You're welcome to join us on the evening of Wed. Feb. 19 at 7:30 PM.

We are pleased to be co-sponsoring this event with ARZA Canada.


Jeff Denaburg
Co-Chair of the Israel Committee
Holy Blossom Temple



Holy Blossom Temple

NEW DATE: Wednesday, February 19, 2014

7:30 p.m.

On Wednesday, February 19th we'll remember Former Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel (Arik) Sharon z"l, whose illustrious military and political career included prominent roles in all of Israel's major wars and a courageous attempt to promote peace with the Palestinians.

The evening will include both a memorial to this great yet controversial leader, and reflections on his career and its impact on the history and events in the modern State of Israel.

The program includes a lively panel discussion, featuring Jonathan Kay, Managing Editor for Comment at the National Post and Consul General DJ Schneeweiss.

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