To: ARZA Canada Members at Temple Sinai
Arza Canada together with the Temple Sinai Israel Committee is pleased to present Rabbi Kinneret Shiryon from YOZMA Congregation in Modi'in.

New Realities, New Opportunities - The Cultural Revolution in Israel Today   
Rabbi  Shiryon brings us first hand insights of Israel  which is in the middle of a cultural revolution. As secular Israelis begin to take ownership of their religious identity, changes in perceptions and new assumptions take root. Come and hear Rabbi Shiryon describe the many different examples of how the revolution is unfolding-from the growth of Reform Jewish communities to Women of the Wall. 
Date Monday December 2, 2013                                                
Time 7:30 pm   
Place Temple Sinai
Wine and cheese Chanukkah celebration following presentation
To reserve, please contact Marcie at 416.487.3281 or  
Rabbi Shiryon was the first woman to serve as the rabbi of a congregation in Israel. A native New Yorker, Rabbi Shiryon has lived in Israel for over 30 years. She is the spiritual leader of Kehillat YOZMA, Modi'in's Reform congregation, which she helped establish in 1997. Kehillat YOZMA is the first Reform congregation in Israel to receive state funding for its synagogue building. She also served as chairwoman of the Council of Progressive Rabbis in Israel (MARAM) and is  a long time friend of Temple Sinai. 
Les Rothschild
President ARZA Canada 

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