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 Yom HaAtzma'ut 
Israel's 65th Birthday!
5 Iyar 5773
April 15, 2013
Dear ARZA Canada Member, 

We can be so proud of what the State of Israel has accomplished in only 65 years. Development of a modern country and the creation of a home for millions of Jews are two achievements that stand out, though the list is truly endless.


There are challenges as well. As Reform Jews, one of our concerns is religious pluralism. We feel it's vital that all religious practices be accepted in Israel and that the State recognize what Diaspora Jews know - there's more than one way to be Jewish.


When Rabbi Rick Jacobs, President of the Union for Reform Judaism, said this week "This has been a good week for the Jewish people", he was referring to events that have furthered the cause of religious pluralism in Israel
Good News for Reform Jews and the Western Wall
Natan Sharansky
Natan Sharansky

Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Jewish Agency, submitted a report, commissioned by Prime Minister Netanyahu, entitled "One Wall for the Jewish People."


Sharansky is proposing a compromise solution that will significantly strengthen the rights of non-Orthodox Jews at the Kotel. There are still many details to be worked out but as Anat Hoffman, Chair of Women of the Wall said, "It is more than we expected."


Click here for a more complete description of the proposed solution and its challenges.

Judicial support for Women of the Wall 



women of the wall arrest
Women of the Wall

Five Women of the Wall were arrested at the Kotel on Rosh Chodesh Iyar, but the judge released them ruling that they did nothing illegal.


President Shimon Peres took a public stand as well and urged the Chief Rabbi of the Western Wall to moderate his actions regarding the handling of the Kotel and attempts by women to pray there.

Celebrate on-line with Israelis


yom haatzmaut1

On Monday April 15th the IMPJ will hold a special live transmission of the "Havdalah" ceremony to mark the end of Israel's Memorial Day (for fallen soldiers and victims of terror) and to begin Yom HaAtzma'ut celebrations.


The ceremony will be led by Rabbi Kinneret Shiryon and Rabbi Nir Barkin of Kehillat Yozma, in both Hebrew and English.


Time is 6:30 pm, Israel time - 11:30 am Toronto, 8:30 am Vancouver

Link to the transmission

After the live feed, a copy of the videoed ceremony will be available on the IMPJ website.

Listen to Anat Hoffman and Gilad Kariv
anat hoffman
Anat Hoffman
For more on events surrounding access to the Kotel, you're welcome to join a special Reform Movement conference call with:
  • Anat Hoffman, Director of the Israel Religious Action Center and Chairwoman of Women of the Wall
  • Gilad Kariv, Executive Director of the Israeli Movement for Progressive Judaism
Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 12 PM - 1 PM EDT

Phone number for Canada: (416) 800-8947
Conference Room: 3518108#
Yom HaAtzma'ut Greeting from Rabbi Gilad Kariv


Rabbi Gilad Kariv is Executive Director of the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism.
So this Yom Ha'atzmaut, there is a great deal of hope that the rights of non-Orthodox Jews will be better recognized. I believe we truly have something to celebrate. There appears to be a mood shift in Israel, not only on the issue of the Kotel but on the broader issue of religious pluralism.  


Chag Atzma'ut Sameach, 


Les Rothschild
President, ARZA Canada
The Zionist Voice of Reform Judaism in Canada 




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