January 2013
Week 1

Cookie Orders due in SNAP on Jan. 10     

Get ready for the 2013 Cookie Program!


Remember that with the new Cookies Now format, troops must place their initial cookie order (in SNAP) by January 10th, so that the girls will have cookies on hand when the sale begins in February.  You should have received all the  details and directions at your troop cookie training, but don't hesitate to contact a Product Sales staff member with any questions.  Your Service Unit Product Sales Organizers are also there to support you!  Thanks for helping ensure a quality cookie program for girls to earn money and learn valuable skills!


Southwest KS Leadership Conference    

You don't want to miss this!  


All volunteers are invited to the second annual Southwest Kansas Leadership Conference, scheduled for January 19 in Garden City!  Participate in sessions to reflect on your own leadership abilities, as well as learning how to prepare girls to lead! Network with other volunteers, prepare for the cookie sale, and attend workshops just for YOU!  There is no cost, and lunch will be provided.  Check out the details and register online!



Seeking Nominations  

Salute someone for their volunteer service     



Volunteer award nominations for volunteer service during the 2011-12 Girl Scout year are due on February 1, 2013!  Any girl, troop, parent, or volunteer can submit a nomination. Award recipients will be honored at an appreciation event in the spring. Check out the information and online nomination form here!

To watch a tutorial on how to use the online forms, click here.  



Volunteer Toolkit: Ways to Help

Ask for help to manage your troop or group!


Each month in your volunteer toolkit we will focus on a different Girl Scout resource to help you better understand GSKH policies and guidelines.


Are you a Troop Volunteer looking for ways to get more adults involved in your troop?  Have you utilized the Ways to Help Form?  This form is a great way to encourage adults to become involved with a troop in an area that matches their interests.  Opportunities included in the form range from becoming a Troop Leader or Assistant Leader, to working with girls on a particular skill, such as Financial Literacy.  As a Troop Volunteer, remember to utilize your web of support!  Encouraging other adults to volunteer with your troop helps bring a diverse array of experience and knowledge to the girls in your troop.


If you are interested in getting more involved with a troop, complete the Ways to Help Form for a troop today!  Let the Troop Leader know the areas that meet your interests and skill set.  Helping with the duties involved in troop leadership can create a more meaningful Girl Scout experience for everyone involved. 


Remember that when an adult works with girls or with troop/group finances, he or she must complete a Volunteer Application and register with GSUSA and pay $12 dues before volunteer appointment.  


From the Council Shop 

A limited time offer    






Upcoming For 



January 26

Cookie College




January 26

Cookie College




January 26

Cookie College




January 26

Cosmosphere Overnight




See more on the Activities Calendar!



Upcoming For Volunteers

January 19

SWKS Leadership Conference

Garden City



January 26

NCKS Leadership Conference








Your Connect eNews will arrive in your inbox weekly, with important information on training, resources, girl programs, shop specials and tips from seasoned volunteers. Have a suggestion for items you'd like to see in Connect? Let us know!
Contact Information
Jennifer Amrein
Volunteer Services Specialist
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