Camp Trailblazers 2014
by Emily Rivers

2014 marked Camp Trailblazers' 10th Anniversary, and we could not have asked for a more successful year! This year, we had some exciting improvements to our program which we are very proud of, and had a record breaking total of 100 campers!

We started off with our first ever West Coast Family Camp which took place May 2-4 at Camp Fircom on Gambier Island in B.C. Over the weekend, 18 people aged 5-70 which included families and affected individuals, had the wonderful opportunity to connect with other families, participate in some empowering sessions and of course enjoy some time in the great outdoors. 

A Summary of Research on the Mother-Daughter Relationship & the Influence of Facial Difference 
by Victoria Pileggi

Two years ago, I began my Master's Degree at the University of Guelph in Family Relations & Human Development, with the intention of shedding new light on facial differences; a community of individuals and families with whom I had worked closely throughout my high school and university years. In the end, I decided to research what the mother-daughter relationship looked like when the daughter was living with a facial difference. Over the last ten months, I interviewed ten adolescent girls and their mothers to understand the relational processes that take place between the two, how both daughters and mothers experience their relationship, and the influence of facial difference on their lives and families. Now, having gone through the steps of planning, recruiting, interviewing and analyzing, I wanted to share a summary of my findings not only with the mothers and daughters who made it possible, but also with the wider community of people that inspired the idea in the first place. While the paper presented here is a shortened version of the entire project, full PDF copies of the complete thesis are available by emailing

Helping Children Tell Peers About Their Facial Difference
by Alice Pope, Ph.D


With the start of school, many parents who have a child with a facial difference are worried about how their child is going to deal with all of the questions, stares and bullies that sometimes are inevitable. Here are some very helpful tips on how to help your child tell his/her peers about their difference.

Sharing My Gift
By Dawn Shaw 


I believe that we all have something to offer the world; a gift that is unique to us, that we are able to present in a way that no one else can duplicate.

I have acknowledged my facial difference as a gift, because I not only accept it, but I embrace it. I use it to my advantage whenever possible- not for sympathy or special treatment, but rather I combine it with a dynamic and outgoing personality to make myself memorable.

I discovered my life's purpose while writing my memoir 'Facing Up to It'. It took me seven years to complete this project. Why? Because recreating my own story was emotionally complex, difficult and grueling. Yet I always knew I would finish this book, and the process of sharing my story changed my life.

Programs and Services
Adult Workshop Call

October 14, November 11, 2014 / 8:00 pm EST

This workshop conference call series is designed specifically for adults with facial differences. The calls with take place the second Tuesday of the month. The purpose of these calls is to:

  • Provide an opportunity to connect with other adults who can relate to your experiences and feelings
  • Provide useful information, strategies and ideas
  • Provide a safe and trusting place to share and learn
  • Share life experiences
Fundraisers and Events
Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon
Oct. 19, 2014  

Let's walk/run together for AboutFace and show the world we're about making a difference, not having a difference! The Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon lets you walk/run (5km), do a Half-Marathon (21km) or a full Marathon (42km). Together, we can help raise awareness about facial differences and the positive impact we have in our community!

Let us be part of your next party.
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Do you or someone you know have an inspirational story you would like to share with others? Share it with AboutFace and it could be published in our eNewsletter or AboutFace Magazine! Send your story to or share it on our website