April 2013- Vol. 9, ISS. 2     


Spring is finally here! And with Spring, comes National Volunteer Week here in Canada which is April 21-27. To celebrate, we thought we would showcase some of the fabulous people who make a difference in the lives of others by volunteering for AboutFace, including our new Constituency Committee.


Make sure you check out our Events section to see what is coming up in 2013!! The 6th Annual Leap of Faith Event is coming up in July so make sure you SIGN UP TO JUMP or DONATE to help AboutFace youth programs like Camp Trailblazers! 

In this issue...  



Feature Volunteer:

Louise Kells
louise camp

Louise Kells has been a dedicated AboutFace volunteer ever since she attended Camp Trailblazers as a volunteer in 2011. She describes her first experience as a camp volunteer as "holding a special place in her heart" as it was the first time that she got to witness the young members of AboutFace stepping out of their comfort zones and pushing their limits.

Louise first came across the idea of volunteering with AboutFace from reading about Camp Trailblazers in the newsletter a few years ago. It really more>> 
"Drop Your Dimes"
What do you do with your water bottle once you are done with it? Throw it out? Recycle it? Now there is another use for empty water bottles - fill them up with DIMES!

Did you know that one 500ml bottle filled with dimes is worth around $100?
Start collecting dimes today at home and at work to help raise money for AboutFace! We even made it easy for you by creating an AboutFace label for your bottle. To print the label and start collecting today, CLICK HERE.
Featured Sponsor
A special thank you to Henry Schein who generously donated a total of $5310 to AboutFace! $2655 was raised by their staff at their National Sales Meeting in B.C. and the corporate office matched it! Thank you to everyone who donated!

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Introducing the AboutFace Constituency Committee!
AboutFace Logo In the fall of 2012, AboutFace put together a Constituency Committee to help us improve our programs, and how to better serve our constituents. The committee is made up of 13 individuals ranging in age and location who volunteer their time for a conference call every couple of months to share their input and ideas with the AboutFace more>> 
Why I Am Taking A "Leap of Faith"
by Samantha Loucks
AboutFace volunteer Sam will be jumping out of an airplane this July in support of Camp Trailblazers. This will be her second time participating in the Leap of Faith event, and over the past few years she has volunteered her time at other AboutFace events, as well as hosting her own fundraising bake sale. Read what Sam says encouraged her to participate in Leap of Faith and what AboutFace means to her. Read more>> 
Typical Day for a Camp Trailblazer Volunteer
by Colleen Wheatley - Manager, Programs and Services

camp ON 2012
Each of our camp's are unique in their location, programming and of course our amazing campers, this is an example of what a day as a Camp Trailblazer Volunteer could be like. The following is a fictional account, based on some true stories. In the days building up to camp there is more>> 
A Peek Inside the AboutFace Adult Retreat
by Adele Liu
Imagine spending a glorious relaxing weekend lakeside chatting, swimming, drumming, dancing, creating, dining on exceptional food, or just simply having time to explore nature and rejuvenate your inner being. All of this comes as part of my participating in the AboutFace Adult Retreat at Pow Wow Point Lodge; but more>> 
Apply for the AboutFace Scholarship now!!

The AboutFace Scholarship Program was created to recognize the personal and academic achievements of AboutFace youth embarking on post-secondary education. This national award celebrates the accomplishments of AboutFace youth with facial differences and the significant contribution they are making to our organization and their communities. 
The scholarship will be open to all AboutFace youth affiliates within Canada, who are in their final year of high school or CEGEP and will be attending a post-secondary institution in the 2013/14 school year. Two recipients will be selected who best exemplify the qualities of personal achievement and community spirit. We will be recognizing students who have demonstrated both a record of progressive academic success as well as involvement in AboutFace and their greater community. For the 2013/14 school year, 2 grants of $2,000 will be awarded.
Do you have a facial difference and wish to share your story?
by Stephanie Chatland, Masters Candidate in Social Work

Stephanie Chatland is a student at McMaster University and has been connected with AboutFace International for several years. Stephanie has connected with us regarding her research interests, and has asked us to pass on information about her study. This research is part of her Master of Social Work program at McMaster University. Stephanie is inviting you to take part in a two-day group discussion of people 18-30 years old (with the group made up of 6-8 individuals) from the greater Toronto area. This research will take place on a weekend, at a central location for most participants. She will work out the details with you as the recruitment process unfolds. Read more>>

We hope you have enjoyed this E-newsletter! If you have a story to share or would like us to cover a topic or issue of interest, send us an email.
Thank you for your ongoing support and interest in AboutFace.
Anna Pileggi
Executive Director