April 2013 IssueVol 4, Issue 11


I Did Not Know 

What To Say  


Dear (Contact First Name),

WELCOME EVERYONE! We would like to express our deep gratitude to you for being a part of the I Did Not Know What to Say Community. We hope that our newsletter and website have provided you with useful information throughout the year.  


As we look to celebrate Mother's Day in a few weeks, we are reminded that Mother's Day can be a difficult time for those that have lost a child, have had a miscarriage, have lost their mother or have lost their grandmother. For those grieving a loss this Mother's Day, our wish for you is that your family and friends surround you with love and support during this difficult time.


Featured Article:  Mother's Day can be a very difficult holiday for women that have had a miscarriage.  Am I a Mother - Tips for Handling Mother's Day After Miscarriage by Lisa Church of HopeXchange, explores how to ease the pain of the loss of a pregnancy and how to find hope and healing.  For friends and family, Lisa's article is a great resource on how to offer your support on Mother's Day.

We will be featuring special articles and resources for Mother's Day over the next few weeks on our Facebook page.  Be sure to join us on Facebook and Twitter for additional resources and on-going discussions on ways to assist a loved one that is grieving.    


Virtual Book Tour...Be sure to check out our Virtual Book Tour which features interviews with authors that have written inspirational books on grief and the healing process.


Do you have an inspirational story you would like to shareWe invite you to submit your inspirational stories, letters that have reached your heart, a favorite quote or poem, an unforgettable outing, or a book that touched your life. We would love to hear from you. 


With Love and Gratitude,    





All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.   

Abraham Lincoln

In This Issue
Featured Article
Thoughtful Sympathy Gifts
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articleFeatured Article
Am I a Mother -  
Tips for Handling Mother's Day After Miscarriage
 By Lisa Church


Are you spending this Mother's Day wondering if you are, in fact, a mother? 900,000-1 million women in the U.S. alone face this question every year after suffering pregnancy loss. "For women who experience a miscarriage during their first pregnancy, the question of motherhood is an even greater one," says Lisa Church of HopeXchange, a company dedicated to the support of women and their families facing pregnancy loss.

Mother's Day is the most difficult holiday a woman must face after pregnancy loss. A time that was supposed to be a celebration of a new life and a new motherhood becomes a time of sadness and grief. Church's book, Hope is Like the Sun: Finding Hope and Healing After Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or Infant Death, encourages women to use the holiday to remember their babies, rather than making it a dreaded event to endure each year. "Nothing will lesson the pain of Mother's Day, but with some planning you can make sure the day has meaning for you," says Church. Here are some tips from the book that can help:

- You Are a Mother.

The best gift you can give yourself on Mother's Day is the acknowledgement that you are a mother. You may not have a baby to hold in your arms, but you do have one in your heart.

- Let Your Family Know What You Need.

If you feel uncomfortable being recognized as a mother at a banquet or other function, substitute an activity you would feel good about. If you would rather not receive or wear a flower, then wear an item that helps you to connect with your baby, such as a piece of jewelry that includes the baby's birthstone.

- Remember Your Baby.

Mother's Day can be a great time for a husband and wife to talk about their baby and what the baby meant to them. Take a walk, have a quiet dinner, or just set aside some time to remember your baby together.

- Decide Ahead of Time.

The way you chose to spend Mother's Day should be your decision- and one you make ahead of time. Setting time aside to remember and talk about your baby will make you "feel" more like a mom on the very day designed to do that. Church also reminds women that their spouses may experience similar feelings on Father's Day, "so be sure to ask how he would like to spend the day."


About Lisa Church

Hope is Like the Sun: Finding Hope and Healing After Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or Infant Death is available online at http://www.HopeXchange.com, Amazon.com and Barnes&Noble.com or by calling HopeXchange Publishing at 757-826-2162.

Lisa Church is author of "Hope is Like the Sun: Finding Hope and Healing After Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Infant Death and founder of HopeXchange, a company dedicated to helping women and their families facing miscarriage.

To find miscarriage support and sign up for her FREE, monthly newsletter visit http://www.HopeXchange.com


Thoughtful Sympathy Gift Ideas

 giftsSympathy Gifts 

mother's keepsakeMother's Keepsake Music Box
With three keepsake styles available (Mother, Father and Memories), these nostalgic look music boxes hold photos and more.
Each softly plays "Amazing Grace."

We would like to thank our Sponsor Flowerpetal.com for their continued support!  We encourage you to think of www.flowerpetal.com when order flower for Mother's Day or for the next time your are sending flowers for a loved one.

 Visit our website for more
Mother's Day Remembrance Gift Ideas!


Visit our Thoughtful Sympathy Gifts page for a wide variety of sympathy gift ideas for your loved ones. We hope the thoughtful gifts listed on our website inspire you to give warmth and joy to your friends and family in their time of need.
About I Did Not Know What To Say.com & Lori Pederson
LoriLori Pederson created I Did Not Know What To Say in April 2009 as a platform to inspire and provide resources to people that wanted to help their friends and family through the grieving process. 
Lori's expertise comes from those experiences that only life can provide.  Over the past twenty years, Lori has lost many family members, including her mother to ovarian cancer, as well as many friends, colleagues and pets.  She is no stranger to loss and the grieving process.
Throughout her life she has been blessed with many friends and relatives that were there for her as she experienced these great losses. She understands that although people want to help, they often don't know where to start.  I Did Not Know What To Say.com was created out of Lori's desire to assist people find the words when they don't know what to say or do.
You can learn more about Lori and her organization by visiting www.ididnotknowwhattosay.com, reading her personal Blog or contacting her at:
Lori Pederson

Each week we will be adding new inspirational stories and resources to our website and Blog.  Help us reach our goal of providing inspiration and insight to the world by sharing your story or resource with our online community.  We would love to hear from you! 
Share Your Story. Please email us your inspirational stories, letters/cards that have reached your heart, a favorite quote, an unforgettable adventure, a thoughtful gift idea, a book that touched your life, or a suggestion for our website or newsletter to

If you are an author or expert in the field of grief recovery, we would love to interview you for our Blog and/or one of our upcoming newsletters.

If you have a website, Blog or newsletter, we ask that you consider including our information on your site.  Here is the link:   

I Did Not Know What To Say
IDidNotKnowWhatToSay.com is a website created to inspire and provide you with tools to assist a love one through the grieving process.

With Love & Gratitude,


Founder, I Did Not Know What To Say

Copyright 2013' I Did Not Know What To Say(TM) Newsletter.  All Rights Reserved.