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April 25, 2014  

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Don't Forget: AOTB 5K Tomorrow
Volunteers Needed!
Newport and Chestnut Avenue Project Areas
Arundel on the Bay continuous bio-retention, wetland reconstruction, and living shoreline projects

Planting Day - Volunteers Needed
Thursday, May 8
10 a.m. - noon

The final touches for the newly installed swales on Newport and Chestnut Avenues, the rehabilitated wetland and living shorelines will be completed on May 8. Then it will be time spring planting of several hundred plus plants, from 10 a.m. to noon. Volunteers are needed!


In June there will be a ribbon-cutting, site tour, and celebration of the completion of the project. 


The South River Federation, who partnered with Arundel on the Bay and served as the project manager, has arranged for employees from the Keller-Williams company, who will be doing a company wide community service project, to volunteer to help with the planting.   

Arundel on the Bay has benefited greatly by being the beneficiary of $500,000 in Maryland state grant dollars, which paid for the design and construction, and countless volunteer hours from the South River Federation, who provided Kirk Matay to serve as the tireless and very competent project manager and Jennifer Carr to coordinate the spring and final project stage of planting.

Now it is time for AOTB to step up and help with the planting effort on May 8! Many hands make light work!

Please bring your garden gloves and shovels, and gather near the intersections of Newport and Chestnut Avenues and help with the planting.  


Project partners include:

  • Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works
  • Arundel on the Bay
  • Critical Areas Commission
  • South River Federation

Project funding provided by: 

  • The Chesapeake Bay Trust
  • The Maryland Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund

Special THANKS to those who have partnered, worked with, and supported Arundel on the Bay for the duration this project:

  • South River Federation
  • Anne Arundel County: Watershed Stewards Academy, Department of Public Works, and Inspections and Permits
  • Chesapeake Bay Trust
  • Maryland Critical Areas Commission
  • Maryland Department of Natural Resources
  • Keller-Williams corporate volunteers

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For more information contact Julie Winters,, 202-997-4240.