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April 17, 2013 

In This Issue
County Dumpsters Coming in June
General Meeting April 20 to Nominate for Board & Officers
Boat Slip Application & Procecures Info
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The Pier
County Dumpsters Coming June 5-7
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Arundel on the Bay Property Owners Association
General Meeting 
Saturday, April 20

10 a.m., Annapolis Neck/Hillsmere Library

The specific purpose of this meeting is to garner nominations for open elective offices namely four Board of Director positions, a president, vice-president and secretary.

The Nominations and Elections Committee has been working diligently on procuring a slate to fill each of the said positions. In addition to the slate they will share on Saturday they will ask for nominations from the floor. Nominees who agree to the nomination will be added to the slate.

The Biographies of those nominated will appear in the next issue of The Pier. The Committee will then prepare a ballot (which will include space for write-ins) and send it to members of the Property Owners Association. At the General Meeting on June 22 the votes will be tallied and the results announced.  
  • President - 2-year term
  • Vice-President - 1-year term
  • Secretary - 1-year term
  • Board Members (4 positions) - 2-year terms

Any property owner in Arundel on the Bay is eligible for nomination. Candidates must be full members of the community when nominated, at the time of the election on June 22, and for the entire period of service. Descriptions and responsibilities of all positions can be found in the Constitution and Bylaws of the AOTB-POA, by clicking here.  


You may also submit names for inclusion on the ballot by contacting any member of the Elections and Nominations Committee: .

Ballots will be mailed to the membership after the April 20 General Meeting. These votes will be included in the final count to be conducted during the June 22 General Meeting. Service in office begins on July 1, 2013.
If you are a returning slip holder and have not changed vessels you do not need to complete the Boat Slip Application.

Complete the document(s) and send to Pier & Boat Slip Chairman Mike Morrison (3523 Rockway) with your check(s) for the slip rental and damage deposit (for new slip holders).

The fees remain the same: $500 for deep water slips ($250 damage deposit) and $250 for shallow water slips ($200 damage deposit).