Packets and Pauses
 The Yin and Yang of Communication     

Today's Six-Sentence Leadership Tip
For Busy Professionals Who Want to Work Smarter 
Alex B. Ramsey


LodeStar Universal
Best Leadership Strategies   

    Invited not once, but three times to ring the opening bell at NASDAQ, Alex helps successful leaders improve strategies, personal communication, and dicey people issues. Her techniques accelerate business success.
   From economic issues to goal setting, her topics are full of high performance content, mind-boggling new ideas, and immediate application!
    "As leaders grow in wisdom, insight, and integrity, companies grow," according to Alex.
   Alex and her uncommon, common sense make it easier for others in companies such as ExxonMobil, BHP Billiton, or CompuCom to shine - and win business. 
     .... Liberty Mutual added $80MM to their bottom line. ATT (formerly SBC) won the largest telecom implementation contract in the company's history.  Venture-funded clients raised an impressive $300MM. The list goes on....
Adjunct Faculty Entrepreneurship the Cox School of Business at SMU

Past-President National Speakers Association Of North Texas     

John Green's Speed Speak


        My last post reminded us all, we need to know how even less-than-admirable personas such as Russia's Putin, for example, use communication to achieve their objectives.   


        Shifting gears, I encourage you to observe an entirely different kind of personality in the attached youtube video of New York Times best-selling author John Green, a poster child for geeky intelligence as he puts the history of the Ukraine in perspective during a whirlwind history lesson: 


     With a manic style, John Green crams a massive amount of material into a brief amount of time. Completely authentic, he is hypnotic and unique.  


     I'll be keeping an eye on the style of his relentless pace, because even though geared to a younger audience today, it may portend what we'll all being in the future.  

Alex B. Ramsey                                    March 27, 2014

Vol. 6 Iss.7




P.S.  If so inspired, please pass this along to others. You never know how it might make a difference to someone!  

For more ideas from Alex Ramsey, read her blog at


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