Winter 2016/2017 Update
"Making Democracy Work in My Community":  

High School Video Contest Kicks off on February 1
Calling all Massachusetts high school students...
Is there someone in your community who is fighting injustice, organizing action, fostering dialogue, encouraging civic participation or educating about important issues?

Create a two-minute video showing us how someone is Making Democracy Work where you live! 

We want to see how people in your city or town are taking action, using their voices, and actively participating in the democratic process!

The contest will kick off Feb. 1 and run through March 31.  

The first-place award is $500; second-place, $250; and third-place, $100. 

All winners will be invited to attend an award ceremony at the Massachusetts State House, and winning videos will be publicized throughout the state.  

For more details and to enter your video, click here.
MOVE 2016 Educated and Engaged Voters 
During this deeply polarizing election season, LWVMA enabled Massachusetts citizens to cut through the divisive rhetoric and misleading clutter by providing unbiased, easy-to-use election information and engaging voters on the issues that matter.

We are especially proud that our MOVE 2016 voter education and engagement campaign successfully:
  • Provided 40,000 voters across the Commonwealth with in-depth, nonpartisan information about candidates and issues through our VOTE411 voters' guide;
  • Encouraged robust early voting through the Early Voting Challenge;
  • Ensured that elections in our state would be fair, free, and accessible through our Election Protection poll watchers and hotline volunteers;
  • Educated citizens about key changes to our state election laws through our online and print educational materials;
  • Engaged young adults in the electoral process through our YOUth Should Vote! statewide video contest; and
  • Expanded civic education to our youngest citizens through our League Choice Books program.
And we are encouraged by the election turnout:  3.4 million people (75 percent of registered voters) voted in the Commonwealth, and early voting, championed by the League as part of the Election Modernization Coalition, accounted for 22 percent of votes cast.
 Ready to Take Action In New Legislative Session
Massachusetts State House
In the coming months, the League of Women Voters of Massachusetts will be working hard to address critical issues here in the Commonwealth, regardless of what happens in Washington.

We affirm our principles...
  • Ensuring that elections are free, fair, and accessible
  • Monitoring government and holding elected officials accountable
  • Protecting the environment and addressing climate change
  • Rejecting intolerance and defending individual rights
We are taking action NOW...
  • Pushing Beacon Hill to expand voting rights by enacting automatic voter registration and Election Day registration, changing the registration deadline, and extending early voting
  • Advocating for campaign finance reform, including limits on ballot question contributions
  • Pressuring elected officials to take action to address climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution, and through an accelerated transition to clean, renewable energy
  • Lobbying for strong reforms of the criminal justice system, including eliminating mandatory minimum sentences and increasing felony larceny thresholds
  • Blocking any efforts to weaken Massachusetts' health insurance system or threaten women's reproductive rights
  • Supporting efforts to reduce gun violence
Join us
Since its founding in 1920, LWVMA has been a respected and trusted voice for citizen participation in our democracy.  As a nonpartisan, grassroots organization, the League does not support or oppose candidates or parties. However, the League does take positions on important issues of public policy and has been at the forefront of efforts to empower and educate Massachusetts voters and effect change on a wide range of issues. Please help advance our important work by joining the League.
Like us on FacebookFollow us on Twitter133 Portland Street, Boston, MA 02114

League of Women Voters of Massachusetts | 133 Portland St | Boston | MA | 02114