Unity Village Chapel
Shining the Light that is Unity Village Chapel

December, 2012

Can't make it on Sunday?
Join us via LIVESTREAM
at 10:30 am CST.

Unity Village Chapel Sunday Services commence at 10:30 a.m. in the Activities Center at Unity Village, followed by fellowship and light refreshments
in our Community Center.  You can find us at 1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village (at the intersection of MO Rte 350 and Colbern Rd).
Join us as Rev. Erin welcomes....
Rev Kevin Ross to speak at our Sunday Service, December 9.

Remember this is Family Sunday at Unity Village Chapel...spiritual nourishment for all ages!

 Evening Festivities:  DRUMMING & DANCE
Friday, December 21, 7:00 p.m.
 Chapel Community Center
Saturday, December 22
11:00 a.m. ~ 2:00 p.m.
Unity Village Activities Center

A global celebration of a new era and the creation of a world that works for all.  A day of inspiration, connection, healing, creativity and play.

Hour 1:  HUMANITY ASCENDING...film starts at 11:05!
Hour 2:  ONE VIBRATION...the Living Mandala: Sacred drumming, dancing, chanting, art and expression circle
Hour 3:  BUILDING THE RESONANT FIELD ...Toning, Oneness Blessing, Planetary Meditation & Visual Vibration

Free entry...all are welcome! Gather at Unity Village with local innovative leaders and network with local projects building a positive future. International webcast at noon!
Barbara Marx Hubbard speaks about Birth 2012...
Birth 2012 - Let's Co-Create a Global Birth Day
Birth 2012 - Let's Co-Create a Global Birth Day
We are grateful...

This month we acknowledge our Board of Trustees, the men and women of our congregation who have stepped up and made a commitment to provide vision, direction and stewardship for Unity Village Chapel.   


"We love you, we bless you, we appreciate you, and we behold the Christ in you." 

Access Unity Village Chapel online
Unity Village Chapel Information
Other Unity links
Unity Village Chapel Membership Census 
As provided by Unity Village Chapel bylaws, the Board of Trustees are recertifying   our congregations membership.  This will establish a credible, up-to-date list of registered members and provide an opportunity for members to make their membership more meaningful to themselves and to the spiritual community.
Download the document and you can either print it and return the completed form to Sunday Service or to the Chapel Office or email it to chapelboard@gmail.com.
*For a word document file go to the Chapel website home page on the upper right and click on 2013 Membership Census Form. 

   It's that most wonderful time of the year! This month, Unity Village Chapel is filled with experiences that will support your spiritual journey into the New Year.

   Amazingly another year has rolled by and we are here in December already.  If you wrote an intention letter in Sunday service at the end of 2011, it is likely you have already received your letter back in the mail. Now is the time to take a deep breath, release the year behind us and start singing Let Go, Let God!  We are at a global and collective birth point.  It is the time to slow down, center, expand our meditation practice and all forms of spiritual nutrition as we prepare for the birth. 

    I hope to see you at our very own Unity Birth 2012 celebration where we join the collective energy inspired by visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard. This day, December 22, 2012, will signify a collective rite of passage that marks our entry into a new era in which we consciously evolve together and create a world that is healthy, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous for ALL.   


"Imagine 100 million people uniting around the world to celebrate the birth of a new era for humanity with great love and fanfare - an historic day of global unity.  We'll link across the world in moments of song, prayer, meditation, dance and cultural expression. We'll share laughter, perform acts of generosity and commit to global cooperation.  Our goal is to reach a critical mass of people - 1% of the world - committing to a positive future together." ...www.birth.com 


    Know that our staff is busy in Santa's workshop planning a plethora of programs, experiences, and activities to support your spiritual growth and inspire abundant living in 2013 and beyond.On our website you will find details and more information about upcoming activities.   Join us for an abundance of sacred holiday experiences including our beloved Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Service at 7 pm in the Activities Center.

    I would like to personally thank each of you who consider Unity Village Chapel in your year-end giving.  Your tithes source this ministry and makes it available as a gift to all...a mighty work and a spiritual practice of the highest order.  We are a community created and supported by the prosperity consciousness of our membership and all of those who hold UNITY dear.

    Think of giving someone the gift of Unity this season and pass on the word that our services LiveStream each Sunday at 10:30 CT. 


Namaste & Reindeer Play,

Rev. Erin



Saturday, December 8 ~ Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast...9:00 a.m. in the Chapel Community Center.  Reservations required. If you haven't already signed up and want to attend, contact Rev. Kathleen Marie.

Monday, December 24 ~ Christmas Eve Candlelight Ceremony...7:00 p.m., Unity Village Activities Center.  This beautiful Unity tradition is sure to enrich your soul, uplift your spirit and fill your heart with love and peace.

Monday, December 31~ New Year's Eve Burning Bowl and Meditation ...5:00 p.m. to 7:00, Unity Village Fillmore Chapel.  Let go and allow in this sacred space as we provide the traditional burning bowl experience at 5:00 p.m. and a serene meditative experience at 6:00 p.m. Come and go as you will during this time.


The Chapel Board of Trustees Nominating Committee is activated and will soon begin the process of generating a slate of candidates for the March, 2013 election.

A new Welcome Packet and Sunday Bulletin will be rolled out in January.  Both have been revamped and will be newly formatted and in color.

Look forward to the White Stone Ceremony on Sunday, January 6.  More to follow. 
Youth Education Report
Karen DeLong
from Karen Delong, Unity Village Chapel Youth Ed.Director

Acknowledgements, Sacred Service Opportunities, Curriculum 

Sacred Service 
Kathleen Marie 

Our Sunday Sacred Service Coordinator provides FAQ's to provide what you need to do to answer your call to Sacred Service.

Click Here
Marianne Jones



a message from Rev. Marianne Jones, Pastoral Services Minister



Unity Village Chapel activities support spiritual growth and abundant living by providing opportunities for prayer and meditation, study, fellowship, health and well-being, and self-expression.