In This Issue

Randy Photo
Randy Nicklaus, President

Welcome back from vacation everyone!

This is an exciting time of year - school begins, college orientations, football season and much more!  It's also a time to help our community through nonprofit fundraising events and the annual United Way of the Big Bend fundraising campaign.  Please support these events and designate your United Way dollars to local charities and/or our local community fund.  Your contributions go a long way to make our community a great place to live!

We are also recruiting volunteers to help us answer hotline calls, provide outreach and assist us with all of our programs.  Volunteering can be a great experience.  Consider volunteering with 2-1-1 Big Bend this year.  Thanks.

Randy Nicklaus
Volunteer Corner 


Become a Volunteer Hotline

Crisis Counselor

Free Training & No Experience Necessary!!

Fall Class Starts in September


Please attend ONE Information and Interview Session

  • Tuesday August 27th @ 6:00 PM - Leon county Public Library; 200 W. Park Ave  Program Room A
  • Thursday August 29th @ 6:00 PM - BL Perry Library; 2817 S. Adams St. Meeting Room
  • Tuesday September 3rd @ 1:00 PM - TCC Student Union; 2nd Floor Student Support Services/Career Center
  • Tuesdy September 3rd @ 7:00 PM - FSU Psychology Bldg; 1107 W. Call Street Rm 204A

For more information contact: Coordinator of Volunteers


National Suicide Prevention Week
September 8-14


Please join 2-1-1 Big Bend in supporting suicide prevention. Together we can reduce the number of lives shaken by a needless and tragic death.



ASIST Training Coming This Fall!

ASIST logo 

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) September 27th & 28th

Build a Suicide-Safer Community

2-1-1 Big Bend is proud to offer an Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) on suicide first aid. Created by LivingWorks, ASIST is a 2-day highly interactive, practical, and practice-oriented workshop for caregivers who want to feel more comfortable, confident and competent in helping to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. The workshop will discuss methods and provide tools necessary to encourage the continuation of life - no matter what challenges are faced. Learn how you can prevent the immediate risk of suicide by joining the over one million caregivers who have participated in ASIST!



Board Member Spotlight

2-1-1 Big Bend Welcomes New Board Member


Casey Smith

      Krispy Kreme.451

     Business Partner


I grew up in Tallahassee and was exposed to the needs of the community as a young child. My mother is a clinical social worker, so her passion to help others was pertinent to my youth. I spend my time, outside of my work as a business partner with my husband at Krispy Kreme and raising my beautiful children, giving back to the community whenever I can. The ability to promote awareness about 2-1-1 seemed like a great way to do that!    

2-1-1 Big Bend is for anyone. When needing support, help, or direction, 2-1-1 will be able to help. It is not for one type of demographic, it is for everyone in the community that at some point needs to know who to call or where to begin.

As a board member, I hope that I can help promote 2-1-1 Big Bend so that everyone knows how helpful this agency is for our community and that our community knows that this resource is available to help them. I think this is going to be a great year for 2-1-1 Big Bend.


Call 2-1-1 for your human service resource needs!



Staff Spotlight


Jason Zauder

Outreach & Education Coordinator

 I have been lucky enough to work for 2-1-1 Big Bend since December 2005. My position as Outreach and Education Coordinator entails training all of our Hotline Counselors and promoting our agency through community events and trainings. I also answer the hotlines and serve as an Off-Site Supervisor, helping counselors through challenging high-risk hotline calls.


The most rewarding part is the critical role we play in suicide prevention. Suicide is a serious public health problem, but it is preventable. Knowing that I am part of a team that can help people at their darkest moments keeps me going.


I would like people to know that there is no problem out there that's too big or too small to call us about. We never sleep, and there is always well-trained counselors here to listen and to help you.


Because life is 24/7, so are we!

Call 2-1-1



Community News



Brewfest! Tallahassee
November 9, 2013

Proceeds support local charities!


2-1-1 Big Bend iPhone App

Helpline 2-1-1 Stats


July Snapshot Report

Helpline 2-1-1 counselors assisted 1,883 callers and offered 2,675 referrals.


Click here to review the July Snapshot




Help support our future needs!


2-1-1 Big Bend has an endowment fund at

the Community Foundation of North Florida.

Please contact us to learn how you can make

an immediate or deferred contribution to our

endowment fund. Additional information is

available from the Community Foundation

at 222-2899 ext. 104 or

  The 2-1-1 Big Bend app provides an immediate connection to

1,200 programs in the Tallahassee, Florida area including, Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor, and Wakulla Counties. Users can find information about housing asistance, mental health issues, substance abuse, domestic violence, parenting skills, employment, foodbanks, disaster services and more.

Quick Links

About Us

2-1-1 Big Bend provides Helpline 2-1-1, a 24/7

free, community hotline service offering confidential counseling and human service information. Other specialized hotlines are also operated by the agency.

A United Way Agency

2-1-1 Big Bend
P.O. Box 10950
Tallahassee, FL 32302

Copyright � 2010 All Rights Reserved.