


Mayor's State of the City
Business License Renewals
Time Change
Public Meeting
Canoe, Kayak and Paddleboard Day
Lake Forrest Reopens
Upcoming Events
Swim Program
Georgia Rides to the Capitol
Bulky Trash Day
Capital Improvement Projects Link
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Citizen Response Center 
Answering calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week 


Welcome to the March 2014 edition of the Sandy Springs E-Newsletter, a publication that highlights news and events happening within the City. More information from City Hall can be found online at sandyspringsga.gov. You can also telephone our Call Center 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 770-730-5600.



Collaboration was a theme marking Mayor Rusty Paul's first State of the City, delivered Feb 26, 2014 before the Sandy Springs/Perimeter Chamber of Commerce.


"As we start to figure out all the nuances of this model we now have, we have to figure out how we not only take care of our own, but how we work together to make things happen across the region and make it good for all of us," said Mayor Paul.  


Using Lego blocks to symbolize delivery of services, Mayor Paul called on the City and its neighbors to work together, attaching blocks as needed to foster growth for all. He cited the fire department's mutual aid agreements and the ChatComm 9-1-1 service as examples where collaboration has worked well. In the area of Economic Development, Mayor Paul added working collectively to bring business to the area brings benefits beyond specific boundaries.


Mayor Paul told the group of 200 business leaders that the development of the City Center remains a top priority, including revitalization along the Roswell Road corridor. "We are looking at a long-term vision and planning something that will be a legacy this community can be proud of."



 Someone filling out a survey 

Are you a business owner in Sandy Springs or want to start a new business? Businesses located in Sandy Springs are required to obtain a Business Occupational Tax Certificate. Often referred to as a Business License, the Certificate is valid for a calendar year and must be renewed annually. The deadline for renewal is fast approaching, so be sure to mark your calendar and file your renewal application with us by close of business on March 31, 2014.  For more information click here.


The Sandy Springs Fire Department wants to remind residents to change the batteries in their smoke detectors when they change their clocks for Daylight Savings on Sunday, March 9, 2014.
The City of Sandy Springs will host a public information meeting as part of the development process for a Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trail Plan. The third public meeting of the series will offer participants the opportunity to review the preliminary suggested implementation plan and project list. The meeting will include a brief presentation followed by an open house forum for questions.  


The Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trail Plan forums will be used to help develop a set of recommendations for creating a safe and efficient transportation system enabling connectivity both within the city and to the larger regional network. The primary components of the study include an existing conditions evaluation and system appraisal, bicycle and network recommendations and plan to implement.


WHEN:    Wednesday, March 19, 2014
                6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


WHERE: Sandy Springs City Hall Council Chambers 
                7840 Roswell Road, Building 500




Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy a day on the water at
Morgan Falls Overlook Park Saturday, March 29 


Sandy Springs Recreation and Parks is teaming up with the National Parks Service (NPS), High Country Outfitters (HCO) , Georgia Tech Kayak Club (GTK) and Classic Cadillac Subaru and Georgia Paddling Association to host Canoe, Kayak & Paddleboard Demonstration Day. This event is designed to give the community an opportunity to "test the waters" with a combination of canoes, kayaks and paddleboards. The all-ages event will also feature a variety of informative and fun presentations including Paddling Safety, Basics of Paddling, Differences between Paddles, Paddle Strokes, Loading a Kayak, Kayak Fishing, and Kayak Camping.   


Saturday, 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., March 29, 2014

Location: Morgan Falls Overlook Park, 200 Morgan Falls Road, Sandy Springs. 

Cost: Free. 




Help us keep you informed! Please complete this online Home Owners Association/Neighborhood Contact Form so we can keep you updated on city related projects and activities. 


Lake Forrest Drive opened Friday February 21, 2014, one week ahead of schedule. A geotechnical analysis conducted last summer indicated long-term deterioration of the soil environment along the slope. Since 2009, the City received 13 work order requests related to mud/rock slides and trees down along Lake Forrest Drive with eight of those work orders occurring in 2013. The slope stabilization project included installation of a structural catch system and vertical wall. The cost of the project was $750,000.


Spring Break Camps


Spring break is right around the corner. Click here for more information about our spring break camps.   


Turtle Tours: Feeding our Feathery Friends

Saturday, March 8, 2014, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m

Heritage Sandy Springs Museum, 6075 Sandy Springs Circle, Sandy Springs, GA 30328


Young "turtlers" (ages 2 - 5) will learn about the beautiful birds surrounding them in nature through stories, songs, and hands-on activities guided by Museum mascot "Sandy" the chipmunk and "Spring" the turtle. Turtle Tours are FREE for children ages 2 - 5 and accompanying adults. Donations are welcome.

(Free Parking available on lot off of Sandy Springs Place)



Gardening by the Springs: Lawn Care for Spring and Summer

Thursday, March 13, 2014, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Community Room, Heritage Sandy Springs, 6110 Bluestone Road, Sandy Springs




The Sandy Springs Recreation and Parks Department is interested in renting neighborhood pools for the youth and adult swim lesson program this summer. The City is also interested in renting pools for our swim team and day camps.

Proposed Schedule:
Monday, June 2-Thursday, July 31. Classes would be offered on Monday/Wednesday for two-45 minute sessions, and Tuesday/Thursday for two-45 minute sessions for a total of 3 hours per week. Each session would run for 3 weeks for a total of 6 lessons per session. We would also like to offer adult classes during the evening.

Day campers would use the pool twice during the week.

If your neighborhood is interested in learning more about the program and partnering with the City, please contact Sharon Griswold at sgriswold@sandyspringsga.gov or 678-371-9629.


Cycling Challenge   
On Tuesday, March 18,
the Metro Atlanta Mayors Association (MAMA), Georgia Bikes!, and event sponsors
will host more than 1,000 cyclists from the metro Atlanta region to raise support for improved conditions for cycling, including the development of regional systems of both on-road bicycling facilities and multi-use-trails. Police-escorted rides will depart from Decatur and Roswell. Roswell Road in Sandy Springs will be impacted that morning from approximately 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. Residents, local business owners, their employees and customers should plan accordingly.




Take Part in the Great American Cleanup - Presented by Keep Sandy Springs Beautiful

Mark your calendars for Bulky Trash Day - Saturday April 5, 2014

Time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Where: Sandy Springs Recycling Center

470 Morgan Falls Road, Sandy Springs 


Click here for more information including a list of acceptable items