New 802 Notes Logo Rev.

802 NOTES: the electronic newsletter of Local 802


This edition: Feb. 11, 2014 

Send us comments by clicking here.

Ticket prices start $25; click here* to buy your ticket now!
(*Or click here on your mobile device) 
Local 802 is pleased to announce that nine-time Grammy winner Placido Domingo will be participating in the benefit concert on Friday, Feb. 21 at City Center.

Domingo made his New York City debut at the New York City Opera in "Madama Butterfly" in the role of B. F. Pinkerton in 1965.  His performance as the title role in the U.S. premiere of Ginastera's "Don Rodrigo" inaugurated City Opera's new home at Lincoln Center in 1966.  Domingo has since gone on to perform 144 roles and currently serves as the general director of the Los Angeles Opera.

Domingo has a long history of making opera accessible to the people through his participation in numerous benefit concerts, including most notably in "The Three Tenors" performances, as well as promoting opera with the youth.  It is a fitting tribute to this anniversary celebration that he will be a part of the evening's festivities. 
"I am thrilled to be performing," said Placido Domingo. "City Opera is a meaningful part of my personal history. The company has done extraordinary work for these many decades, and has played an indispensable role in the cultural life of New York City. This concert is a reminder of the enduring passion of the City Opera family for the living art form of opera-and of the artistic vitality of the musicians and performers who carry on the People's Opera's ambitious populist tradition."

The evening will feature some of City Opera's most acclaimed recent performers, including Amy Burton, Lauren Flanigan, Jo�lle Harvey, Tonna Miller, Jennifer Rivera, Heather Johnson, Ryan MacPherson and Sidney Outlaw, as well as the full 60-piece New York City Opera Orchestra, conducted by music director George Manahan, and the New York City Opera Chorus under chorus master Bruce Stasyna. Naomi Lewin, weekday host of WQXR, will serve as master of ceremonies.


The performance will include selections from "The Ballad of Baby Doe," "Il barbiere di Siviglia," "Candide," "Carmen," "L'etoile," "Giulio Cesare," "Macbeth," "Madama Butterfly," "Malcolm X," "Martha," "Le nozze di Figaro," "Street Scene," "Susannah" and "Die tote Stadt." Placido Domingo will sing "Nemico della Patria" from Umberto Giordano's "Andrea Chenier."

  New York City Opera Musicians and Stars Celebrate 70 Years
of the People's Opera

will take place on Friday, Feb. 21 at 7:30 p.m.,
at New York City Center, 131 West 55th Street

Ticket pricing from $25 to $250

To purchase tickets online, click here*.

(*Or click here on your mobile device.)

To purchase tickets by phone, call (212) 581-1212.

To purchase tickets in person, visit the box office at 131 West 55th Street.





Recently Local 802 re-acquired a plaque, originally commissioned in 1947, honoring the 41 members of the union who died in World War II. See photo above. Any member who may have information about them is asked to contact Bill Rohdin at (917) 405-5381 or by clicking here.  

The 41 names listed on the plaque are: Philip Arkuss, Leslie Bartal, Donald Bernstein, Leon Breslaw, Nelson W. Bryan, Abraham Cohen, Anthony D'Amato, Nicholas de Pascale, William Ehrenkrantz, Marvin H. Frish, Vic Fuchsel, James Galvano, Jason Goldwater, Richard Gonzales, Al Gordon, Benjamin Hausman, Edward Hausner, Joseph L. Huelster, Bill Kliesrath, Stanley Krejci, Paul LeMay, Rudolf Lopez, William M. McCormick, Morris Medoff, E. Glenn Miller, Charles Murray, Otto W. Myslik, Roy W. Newman, John Nieto, George Nordgaard, Norman J. Pearl, Norman H. Peisner, Maurice Sadagursky, Regino Sierra, Herman Simon, Lewis J. Smith, Larry Sochovit, Raymond B. Townsley, John Varriano, Max W. Wannowsky and Drew Widener.



Do you see your photo and bio on our new web site...?


The Local 802 Theatre Committee announces a beautiful new web site to let the public know more about the outstanding talents of Broadway musicians. But not all Broadway shows are represented yet -- simply because we're missing some of your info! To get your show represented on our new site, please click here to read the story, as printed in the January 2014 issue of our union magazine Allegro.

Picture of a bag of money by DNY59 via                          







Local 802's Coordinating Advisory Committee is a unique union body because it places a cash fund -- called the Special Projects and Services Fund -- of approximately $30,000 per year in the hands of union members to disburse according to specific guidelines, including creating new work opportunities for members. Click here for more details on the CAC and how to apply for funding.


This is a picture of the copyright (c) symbol GIVE ME MY COPYRIGHT BACK!   


Under a little known provision of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, recording artists have the right to reclaim ownership of sound recordings they licensed to record labels or others. This may provide substantial leverage to recording artists who want to renegotiate recording contracts they signed 35 years ago. In fact, such artists could stand to profit tremendously.


Many in the recording industry claim that this is a potential game changer, since record companies stand to lose huge amounts of revenue. On the other hand, skeptics say that only a few recording artists will be able to take advantage of this law, since many recording contracts grant the record label the right to use the recording in perpetuity.


Read the full story here, as written by Local 802's lawyer Harvey Mars and published in the April 2013 issue of our union magazine Allegro.





This is a photo of an older musicianARE YOU READY FOR MEDICARE?   


There is one advantage to reaching the age of 65: free health care! But how free is Medicare? Do you know how Medicare works? Do you know how to apply for it? What happens to your Medicare coverage if you're already on the Local 802 health plan? How does prescription coverage work under Medicare?


You don't want to miss our comprehensive story on Medicare and musicians that was published in the February 2013 issue of our union magazine Allegro. The story was written and extensively researched by Local 802 member Martha Hyde, who is a multi-woodwind player, Broadway musician and trustee of the Local 802 Health Benefits Fund.


Click here to read the story now.


Do you know any friends who are close to age 65? They need to know about Medicare too.

Click this box to share the story with your friends and musical colleagues:  





don aibel 2014       






Click the ad above for more details. Tell them you saw their ad in the Local 802 electronic newsletter! To advertise, click here.

Hearing services for musicians: 

Worried about your ears? We can help...!   


Click the ad above for more details. Tell them you saw their ad in the Local 802 electronic newsletter! To advertise, click here.


Affordable space available! Click here for more information!       

Click the ad above for more details. Tell them you saw their ad in the Local 802 electronic newsletter! To advertise, click here.

Dentistry for musicians at 

Click the ad above for more details. Tell them you saw their ad in the Local 802 electronic newsletter! To advertise, click here.


Ames Violins and Bows....check it out: 

Click the ad above for more details. Tell them you saw their ad in the Local 802 electronic newsletter! To advertise, click here.


Musicians: do you have a legal concern? Click the link below to reach Local 802's lawyer Harvey S. Mars: 


Click the ad above for more details. Tell them you saw their ad in the Local 802 electronic newsletter! To advertise, click here.


Protect your money in a credit union just for entertainers... 


Click the ad above for more details. Tell them you saw their ad in the Local 802 electronic newsletter! To advertise, click here.


For the curious...  


Click the ad above for more details. Tell them you saw their ad in the Local 802 electronic newsletter! To advertise, click here.


Click here if you want to help keep the union strong!      

To respond to this newsletter directly or to give any comments, click here
To reach Local 802 by phone, call (212) 245-4802. For more information on our services and departments, see
Paid ads in 802 NOTES support your union and keep your costs down. You can advertise here and reach thousands of your peers. E-mail for more information.

Local 802 AFM

322 West 48th St
New York, NY 10036
(212) 245-4802


Mikael Elsila is the editor of Allegro magazine and the 802 NOTES electronic newsletter. He can be reached at:

Action Alert
Disney/ABC has fired the 28-piece orchestra of DANCING WITH THE STARS -- plus singers, arrangers and copyists. Take action now! Click here for the details.

GOOD NEWS FROM MINNESOTA: First, a new contract for the orchestra. Now, a Grammy! Click here for the latest news from the Minnesota Orchestra. Union musicians stick together!

Photo of Pete Seeger by Clare Houston for Allegro/LOCAL 802
Local 802 celebrates the life of Pete Seeger (1919-2014), a member of Local 802 since 1942, who died on Jan. 27 at the age of 94. Over the years, we featured Pete many times in our union magazine Allegro (see here and here), and we'll publish a full tribute in the upcoming March issue: stay tuned. Pete, we'll miss you!

Don't miss our exclusive interview with Rufus Reid! Click HERE.
(Photo by Jimmy Katz)


This free workshop is geared towards the musician or independent contractor. Participants will learn about the basics of filing taxes -- including how to maximize deductions. Everyone is welcome, from first-time tax filers to those with lots of experience.  A question and answer session will follow.


Wednesday, Feb. 12 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Location will be given out once you register (which is required).  Call (212) 245-7840 during normal business hours. Sponsored by MusicCares.


Click here to read it now.
LS-1 contracts for health benefits are due no later than Feb. 15, 2014 for engagements performed from last July 1, 2013 to Dec. 31, 2013. Anyone submitting an LS-1 must contact Bettina Covo at Local 802 before the due date to be sure your submission is complete. Call (212) 245-4802, ext. 152 or click here to send an e-mail.

IMPORTANT: If you have not used an LS-1 in the past 12 months, there may be changes that you are not aware of that could affect whether or not the LS-1 is appropriate for certain situations. Please note: There are no changes if you teach or perform as a self contained act (i.e. a pianist, harpist, guitarist, organist performing alone).

The current AFM UNFAIR LIST can be found here.  AFM musicians are prohibited from working for these employers.
Picture of a bag of money by DNY59 via       
Are you a member of Local 802 who is planning a free public concert? Have you budgeted all the costs for this concert but could use the help of a grant? The Music Performance Trust Fund is here to help. Currently the MPTF is offering 30 percent of total costs to musicians performing single engagement concerts under the public service scales and rules of the MPTF. The application process has been simplified and funds are available to members of Local 802. MPTF rules apply and all applications must be completed and submitted 45 days in advance of a concert date. Applications are subject to approval. For more information and to apply, please contact Roy Blum by clicking here, or call (212) 245-4802, ext. 150. 
This is a graphic of the Facebook logoHave you visited the Local 802 FACEBOOK PAGE yet?
If not, you've missed out on exclusive stories and announcements.
Get special tips, and network with other musicians on our Facebook page. Click here to get started.
It has come to the attention of the Theatre Department that some Broadway musicians and substitute musicians are being asked to audition for theatrical productions on Broadway. Auditions are not allowed for Broadway shows without the full cooperation and notification of the Local 802 Executive Board. If you are asked to audition for any position on a Broadway show, contact the union immediately. Auditions have only been allowed in the past under very special circumstances after approval of the Local 802 Executive Board and only if the appropriate wages, including pension and health benefit contributions, are made to the musicians involved. Please let us know immediately if you are asked to audition on Broadway. Your anonymity and confidence will always be respected and ensured. Call (212) 245-4802 and ask for the president's office or the Theatre Department.


Do you want to see the BEST DEALS on used instruments and other services for musicians? Click here to check out the Allegro classifieds. To purchase a classified, click here.
Did you know that there's a housing project for musicians where the rent is only $635 a month? Click here to learn more!
Can musicians get unemployment benefits? Yes! See below... 
If you are a Broadway musician and your show closes, can you apply for unemployment? Yes. While you are collectingunemployment, can you sub on other Broadway shows, teach lessons, and play other freelance gigs? Yes, but your unemployment check may be reduced.

What if you're a club date musician and your leader or office hasn't booked you on a wedding gig in months? Can you apply for unemployment in that case?

For the answer to that question and more information on musicians and unemployment benefits, click here to read a story written by Local 802's counsel Harvey Mars with the Workers Defense Fund.

Become an intern at Local 802!   

Interns at Local 802 make a tremendous impact on the lives of musicians while gaining valuable experience and connections. You or someone you know can help us make a big difference. The union is now accepting applications for interns. Spread the word and click here for more information! 



The Emergency Relief Fund helps musicians in need. Financial assistance is provided in the form of a directed grant to the musician's creditors; for example, to a landlord, physician, etc. The eligibility requirements are:

  • A minimum of two years' membership in the union;
  • Union membership in good standing, with all dues paid;
  • "Dire need" as defined by the fund's trustees. This can include: threat of gas, electric or telephone cutoff; eviction; medical debts; costs incurred due to the theft of instruments; auto repairs vital to continued employment; and other emergencies.

To apply, contact the union's social worker Siena Shundi by clicking here or calling  (212) 245-4802, ext. 180. Cindy can also help you apply for other financial help from sources like the Actors' Fund and other relief organizations.

  Say goodbye to performance pain! 

Click the ad above for info.


There is a jazz jam on most Mondays at Local 802 (322 West 48th Street), from 7 to 9:30 p.m. For more information, call Joe Petrucelli at the Jazz Foundation of America at (212) 245-3999, ext. 10, or click here.

Somtimes the union may have a check in your name, but no way to get it to you because your address is outdated. To see if there's money waiting for you, click here.
Paid ads in 802 NOTES support your union and keep your costs down. You can advertise here and reach thousands of your peers.  For more information, click here.
  This is an ad for Jody Jazz

Click the ad above for info.

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